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Short story:

Hypnotic love

“In a very clear and plain language, I want to tell you, I am not interested in you at all. I dont love you either, or anybody else. I even hate the young fellows who get interested in me. I have made up my mind never to love or marry. For God’s sake, hereafter, don’t even drop a single word about love between us. That will be the greatest help you can do to me. Mind my words, I am telling you this with all seriousness.”

Manel was in a fit of wild anger that trembled her visibly and her tone of voice was harsh and venomous. Her overwhelming agitation brought a distinct tremour into her belligerent voice. The strong words gushed out of her mouth like a hail of bullets issuing from a machine gun. She spat out tirade of threatening words against one of the male teachers on her staff of the school where she also taught.

Manel was a very impulsive young woman whose tongue was as sharp as a double edged kris-knife. The young male teacher whom the shower of offensive words were thrown at, was stunned as if he had received a thundering blow, in spite of being a thick-skinned brawny youth. He was the most junior pedagogue on the staff of her school. Fortunately, nobody had seen or heard the embarrassing scene.

The first day he saw the young teacher, he had taken a fancy to her as she was young, goodlooking and outgoing. In various ways, he indicated to her that he was interested in her. To his utter disappointment, she did not respond at all.

His overtures intended to initiate a romantic relationship with the young woman were ignored and shunned by her relentlessly. But, he did not give up his pursuit of winning her heart although it was a real challenge that excited him and kindled his interest more. He determined to win her at whatever cost!

At the end of the day, Manel forgot what happened in the morning and talked with the young man in a friendlier way.

“I am extremely sorry about what happened in the morning..... I apologize for my harsh words.” Her talk and friendly attitude banished his disappointment and he felt happy and elated .

“Women are peculiar type of creatures; you can’t understand them. What they mean is quite the opposite of what they utter!” he mused.

Manel and Upali travelled together from Veyangoda to Gampaha by train and from there to school by bus. The short distance of about half a mile from bus-stop to school, they walked. Spending long hours in the company of each other, waiting for train and always travelling together, they became very intimate and pally. Upali thought the young teacher was a very fine girl though she lost her temper the other day when he declared his love for her.

As time trickled away slowly and unnoticed, his love for her remained dormant in a dark corner of his heart. He thought of conveying his feelings to her again in a very subtle way. On the previous occasion, he was very blatant in his wooing. He plucked a red rose from the bush that grew in his garden and carried it covered with a white tissue paper. The young suitor wanted to offer the rose to her before they reached school.

Manel saw her companion carrying something wrapped in a piece of paper in his hand. She became inquisitive about the small pack which he tried to conceal from her.

“What are you keeping in your hand?”

All at once, Upali tore open the tissue cover and offered the flower to his inamorata. Without thinking, she received the red rose. The eternal symbol of love! She glanced at it. The serene look on her countenance turned into a furious frown making it repulsively ugly; her eyes sparkled with savage wrath. She crushed the flower in her hand and threw it back hard at his face which he ducked and the missile flew past the target. Her angry mouth quivered before she snarled.

“By giving me a rose, you say in sign language that you love me. You troublesome oaf! Can’t you understand I have told you once there is no love between us whatsoever and I asked you not to harass me. What exists between you and me is just friendship; nothing else. Please stop your nonsense and don’t make yourself a nuisance to me.”

She flounced away from him in indignation and walked fast towards school swinging out her hands as if she were trying to take wing. The inhuman, furious look on her face frightened the young man. He thought that the horse he had been trying to break was a very stubborn and difficult creature. Throughout the day, she did not speak a single word with him; she even did not look at him. Manel continued her silent protest against her tormentor for a whole week.

On the first day of the following week, she spoke to him as if nothing had happened. Both of them were cautious not to drop a word about the incident. Within a matter of few days, the status quo was restored without any effort on the part of each party. In spite of their bickerings, tiffs and squabbles, the camaraderie between them remained intact. Days accumulated into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, in this way time passed by.

One afternoon, the pair was returning home by train which was not crowded as usual and they were gaily engaged in a spicy tittle-tattle in a corner of the train compartment while the train chugged on rocking the occupants and lulling them into a state between sleep and wakefulness. Manel was sweating heavily and perspiration trickled down her neck which she wiped on her handkerchief from time to time. All at once, Upali snatched the hanky from her and said:

“I can keep this as a keepsake from you”.

At this, she got extremely wild with anger and kept on looking at her torturer steadily. Instantly, all hell broke loose.

“How can you say it is a keepsake from me? You grabbed it from me. Give it back.”

“No, I won’t give the hanky back. I want to keep it with me. I take it wherever I go and keep it under my pillow when I go to bed.”

Biting her lower lip, Manel pounced upon the young man like a tigress after her prey. She grabbed his hand that gripped the handkerchief and tried with all her might in a desperate attempt to retrieve the piece of cloth, but she was not equal to the task. Very easily, Upali shook her away. Getting more and more angry and furious, at her failure, Manel got hold of her handbag and hurled it at him. It struck him heavily on the shoulder and bounced out of the train through the open window.

“My identity card, money and railway season ticket are all gone. All this happened because you played an idiotic prank on me.”

She exploded trembling with great agitation and frenzy.

“It was all your fault. Why did you make a big fuss for no reason? Don’t worry; we have almost reached the station. Let’s walk back when the train stops and pick it up.”

After recovering the handbag with its contents, Upali suggested they should have cool-drinks as it was very warm in the airless afternoon and they were thirsty. Manel agreed without a word of protest which surprised the young man.

They went into a cafe and sat at a small, circular table and ordered two cool-drinks. They were in close proximity to each other so much so that Upali felt her warm breath on his face. Her arms lay stretched towards him with the delicate fingers spread out like long petals of a flower touching the table-top. She had very shapely hands that forked into long slender fingers whose tips ornamented with pinkish nails. Upali looked into her long eyes. They were beautiful too; but vacant and looked weary. Both of them were silent while they waited for the refreshments to arrive.

“Very often I wonder we must have been husband and wife in our previous births. That’s why we always fight and keep on getting friendly again and again!”

To his great surprise, she kept mum about what he had said.

Usually, they would wait daily for a long time at the railway station for their train to arrive. In this particular afternoon, they waited for the train, seated on a bench.

A young couple walked towards them from the far end of the platform. The young female was at an advanced stage of pregnancy and she waddled slowly with some difficulty.

“Can you make out of this couple? They used to sit on the bench at the very end of the platform talking and continuously holding the hands of each other.”

“Heavens! Now I can remember them. The girl was very thin like a pencil those days. She has put on lot of flesh.”

“Because she is very happy after marriage.”

“She may be very happy. But.... what I can clearly see is, she cant even walk prop erly with her heavy burden of happiness!”

Having said that, she laughed aloud at her own repartee.

“By the way, I have almost forgotten to tell you about a dream I have had recently.”

“What’s it?”

“I dreamed you and I were walking abreast somewhere close to a beautiful lake. It was a brightly moonlit night. You were in a pure white saree with the hair falling down your back, like silver threads. How charming you looked! An angel from heaven!

“So, what else?”

Laughing lightheartedly and nonchalantly she asked. Encouraged by her unusual interest in the dream, he continued.

“Never shall I forget that fantastic dream. You looked extremely attractive. I don’t know how to describe.....”

“What happened next?”

“After walking a little distance along the waterside, I took your hand. The moment I touched you, you disappeared, in a flash.”

“You are off your head..... I suppose!”

She broke into mirths of laughter which she would do very rarely.

After the vacation, on the re-opening day of the school, Manel waited impatiently in the staff room to meet Upali. All the other members of the staff had already left the room after tea, but Upali had not turned up. She thought he must be taking a few minutes longer to finish a lesson. Manel felt very uneasy and nervous when at last she saw Upali through the open window, walking hurriedly towards the staff room.

All of a sudden, she had grown physically and mentally weak. Her heart started beating in a violent flutter. With a broad smile on his face, he burst into the room. She felt like running away from him. Instead, she poured tea into a cup, with tremulous hands and offered it to him which she did for the first time.

In her hands, the cup and the saucer clattered noisily. This surprise made Upali look full into the countenance and saw tenderness and yielding in her eyes that gazed caressingly at him from under her eye lashes.

Upali experienced great satisfaction as a hypnotist does, who has succeeded at last, by bringing an adamant subject under a trance, after many lengthy sessions of hypnotic suggestions. However, the young woman reconciled herself with the primeval instincts of life by shedding her childhood inhibitions and yielding to the demand of nature and in the end, found contentment and solace in harmony with her soul.


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