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Government Gazette

Patriotism or terrorism or otherwise:

Public will decide

Defence Secretary tells BASL:

Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has responded to the concerns underscored by the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) on an article published on the www.defence.lk.

Defence Secretary
Gotabhaya Rajapaksa

The BASL has condemned the news article titled “Traitors in Black Coats Flocked Together?” that appeared on July 10, 2009, and also called it an attempt to prevent lawyers appearing for clients and/or clients having the service of lawyers.

In a letter addressed to the President of the Bar Association, the Defence Secretary highlights that the defence media is equally free to comment on certain publicly known features as the lawyers are free to appear for any cause. He states that it is for the public to decide on the appropriate classification of patriotism or terrorism or otherwise, if that is material or relevant. `

Also, the Defence Secretary points out the selective nature of the Bar Association’s concerns, as it has never appealed on behalf of any of its members who were often labelled as “xenophobic”, “racist”, “extremist” and “chauvinistic” by media whenever such individuals stood up for the country.

The full text of the letter:

22nd July 2009
The President Bar Association of Sri Lanka, Hultsdorf Colombo 12
Dear Sir,

Your letter of 14.7.09 requires a response.

Lawyers have a right and an obligation to appear for any person. More so, a person is always deemed to be innocent unless proved to the contrary. I have sought and received legal advice from your profession which I value greatly.

After 30 years of brutal LTTE terrorism to which some of your illustrious members did succumb at the hands of such terrorists- the desire to protect the interest of your members or profession by addressing the terrorists condemning such operations did not appear to surface with such intensity or was not reflected as strenuously as when peace has now dawned. Of course it is your prerogative and maybe the Association was then under a different leadership or there were other known considerations to which I do not propose to dwell presently.

It must be mentioned that it is a known feature in the public domain (which includes members of the defence and security establishment) that during the 30-year war there are/were members of your profession who are well-known in the public arena to cover causes for and against terrorism with dedication personally and professionally. The public are aware of such categorisation and accordingly media unit of the defence outfits too are free to comment, just as you are free to appear for any cause. The public will decide on the appropriate classification of patriotism or terrorism or otherwise, if that is material or relevant.

The media both State and private have often accused and labelled members of your profession (under different administrations) who stood up for the country as “xenophobic”, “racist”, “extremist” and “chauvinistic” but I am told you have never appealed on their behalf. Possibly as a defence you may say such of your members were not ‘cry babies’ or ‘their nannies’ and did not seek your assistance.

I categorically state there is not a semblance of a sentiment in the article referred to where there is any effort to prevent or deprive or truncate lawyers of their right to appear and defend.

The lawyers historically were respected as fearless and doughty fighters for causes they believed in and for those that they were retained professionally to appear; for which they were/are publicly acclaimed. It appears that a few feint/chicken-hearted members of your profession have reached you to make representation and accordingly the contents are noted with the expression that it is in the greater good of the country which includes members of your Association and their families that terrorism is not permitted to raise its ugly head after having plagued the country for three decades.

Faithfully Yours, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa Secretary Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law and Order.


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