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SPUR tells Australian authorities :

Proscribe Tigers

The Society for Peace Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka (SPUR) has urged Australian authorities to proscribe the LTTE and its front organisations in Australia under the Criminal Code Act of 1995 to prevent them from disrupting ethnic harmony and presenting a threat to the national interest of Australia.

In a memorandum addressed to the Attorney General of Australia Robert Mc Clelland, MP, SPUR said the LTTE facing imminent defeat militarily and politically in Sri Lanka has launched a frenzied and desperate campaign to create tension within the expatriate communities in Australia to tarnish the international image of Sri Lanka.

The memorandum signed by SPUR spokesperson Ranjith Soysa and copied to Australian Foreign Minister and Home Affairs and Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Shadow Attorney General said Tiger supporters travelling in motor vehicles carrying pro Tiger banners and shouting anti-Sri Lanka slogans attacked Sri Lankan Australians attending a peaceful demonstration held on the steps of the Victoria Parliament demanding the release of civilians held by the LTTE.

One of the vehicles confronted the dispersing Sri Lankan community after the rally leading to an ugly scuffle which was reported in the Australian media. Videos of the incident was soon published through the LTTE propaganda network immediately which suggested that it was set up by the LTTE and its allies to discredit the Sri Lankan community.

Some Sri Lankans who were returning home after the demonstration were physically attacked by LTTE goons within the Melbourne CDB in broad daylight.

One of them bashed with a wheel brace was hospitalised with head injuries. The same night several business establishments in suburban Melbourne operated by Australians of Sri Lankan origin were also vandalised.

There is evidence that LTTE lobbyists are actively promoting the recent downgrading of the Victorian Supreme Court Case on terrorism charges against several Tiger supporters giving an open licence for the LTTE to expand its clandestine operations to the public domain. LTTE activities have risen to a level not previously seen disrupting ethnic harmony and causing a threat to the national interest of Australia.

The memorandum has also urged extreme vigilance by Australian authorities to ensure that Australian Tamil children and youth are not recruited by LTTE operatives by use of emotive propaganda as done in Canada, Britain and US. Permitting LTTE activities would encourage Australian supporters of other international terror groups as well and lead to ethnic divisions in the country.


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