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A prelude to peace

The heroic Armed Forces who are at present, engaged in combat operations against the ruthless LTTE terrorist organisation in the Northern part of our country for the first time, have been able to confine them to a small area, from where they are left to languish and lick their wounds. Thus the annihilation of the LTTE terrorist outfit, no longer remains an illusion but, a stark reality, attainable within a short period of time.

This phenomenon that is defeating the megalomaniac LTTE terrorist outfit completely, should be rejoiced by all the peace loving people throughout the world without any distinctions. In this connection, the importance of condemning terrorism in whatever form, or in whichever country it occurs cannot be under-estimated, for the apparatus of terrorist groups more often, than not work in connivance and in unison.

Therefore it is of paramount importance that economically powerful Western countries vocalise their unequivocal stand against any kind of terrorist activities by stating clearly their stand of zero tolerance against such barbaric and inhumane atrocities.

It is ironic that the LTTE propaganda machine, operating from abroad, at present is having a field day, spreading disinformation and canards to the extent that some powerful personnel in august bodies such as the United Nations have not been immune to such tirades of disinformation.

It is apparent, specially in the Western countries, which boast of a credible track record of democracy, in which the safeguarding of the human rights and press freedom as fourth estate, are given highest priority, find it difficult to come to terms with the ground reality of our country.

So without endorsing any blatant violations of the human rights and curbs on press-freedom such as killing or maiming of journalists under any circumstances, which indeed should be stopped immediately. The LTTE too should be condemned in no uncertain terms for proscribing child soldiers day by day, diminishing ranks and also keeping their remaining populace as a human shield.

The atrocities they have committed against hapless civilians who tried to flee from their clutches, amply, proves that in reality they remain a bunch of battle hardened criminals, who do not possess and iota of compassion towards their own community.

It is heartening to note how our soldiers, in contrast, treat the civilians who escape from the barbaric LTTE control, though some miscreants misconstrue such noble actions with ridicule, comparing the hurriedly constructed welfare camps by the Sri Lankan Government to ill famous concentration camps.

In this connection, it is clearly evident that some powerful officials of NGOs and INGOs in the not so distant past has had the opportunity of establishing ‘a tender relationship’ with the hierarchy of the LTTE.

Therefore, it is not surprising at all when these ‘enlightened souls’ equation of Sri Lankan Government with the brutal LTTE terrorist outfit. However miraculously so called ‘lofty ideals’ have been discarded as irrelevant, due to the innumerable, sacrifices made by our gallant soldiers, who ensured that the unitary state of our country is non-negotiable.

It must be admitted without any bias, that Tamil community who are a minority, has been to a certain extent, discriminated in the past who deserves mutual understanding as they can undoubtedly contribute their Mite to the rapid development of our country. Furthermore, the sharing of thoughts specially between Sinhalese and Tamils have unlimited scope to harbinger a fruitful relationship.

Thus ushering of peace instead of blood-letting and indiscriminate violence, will have mutual benefits to both the Sinhala and Tamil communities.

Understandably, the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamil populace who proclaim as Buddhists and Hindus eschew any kind of violence. This practice of killing human beings is abhorred by other religions such as Christianity and Islam. Therefore, the followers of these religions too do not subscribe to flaring-up of violence, as a means of achieving their purported goals.

Just like in the Eastern Province in which provincial elections were held sometime ago giving political clout to Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese, Burghers etc. the majority populace in these areas are given a mandate to rule this province, thus, fulfilling their political ambitions.

However the Central Government of the country should play a supervisory role as without any checking, representatives of these Provincial Councils may entertain, political ambitions, seeking succession from the Central Government. In this manner, the golden rule of sovereignty of the country, which after all is non-negotiable will be preserved, while other minority ethnic groups are given political power to develop their provinces to the best of their abilities.

In lighter vein, all our noble kings in the ancient past, who were undoubtedly paragons of good taste and harmony always selected and brought fairy like attractive queens as their counterparts from their close ally India.

So the sky remains the limit in cultivating longlasting and fruitful relationships, which have been established as normal or noble, bestowing them nuptial bliss, from the annals of our ancient history.

LTTE and Malaysia

It had been reported in (The Hindu) that the Propaganda Secretary of the MDMK in Tamil Nadu, Nanchil Sampathan, had been detained under the National Security Act (NSA) and is to be lodged in prison for a year for making derogatory remarks against the Indian Congress President and calling for a separate nationhood for Tamil Nadu. A few others had also been detained under the NSA for making provocative speeches supporting the LTTE, which is banned in India.

Thus in India, a person cannot support or even speak on behalf of a terrorist organisation.

We can visualise how LTTE sympathisers, International Media, NGO’s etc., would have reacted if Sri Lanka had passed an Act in Parliament like the NSA. Compared to the reaction in India, some countries, Peace Agencies and Human Rights Authorities hold the view that Sri Lanka should allow safe passage to the terrorists who are waging war on a legitimate government.

In contrast to the Indian approach to terrorism and the LTTE, there have been reports of Malaysia becoming a breeding ground for the LTTE. The main ethnic groups in Malaysia are Malay (50.4 percent), Chinese (23.7 percent), Indigenous (11 percent) and Indian (8.1 percent).

The common spoken languages are Bhasa Malay, Chinese and Tamil. Thus among the 8.1 percent Tamil speaking Indians, there is no doubt there are LTTE sympathisers.

According to current movements of the LTTE and its supporters, there is a strong suspicion that the LTTE is already having a foothold in Malaysia. An English daily on March 16, reported of a LTTE build up in Malaysia and it had become a gathering point for the LTTE operatives.

According to this, the base had been set up by a LTTE leader named K. Pathmanathan who had been involved in procuring arms for the LTTE and smuggling them to Sri Lanka.

So while India and some countries are tightening the screws on the Tigers, it appears that Malaysia is opening the doors to the LTTE, banned in several countries.

With the Tigers sandwiched between the Security Forces and the coast line and India being out of bounds for the LTTE there is every possibility that the Tigers are casting their net over new territory for clandestine operations.

The news about the LTTE perched in Malaysia is worrying because Malaysia could become the escape route for Prabakaran and the LTTE leaders now taking cover behind the old and the feeble civilians as the young had been made to combat the war.

The beleagured Tigers are now not sparing even the UN workers as some have already been forcibly conscripted to fight for the Tigers. The irony is that with all this brutal terror brought to civilians, the Human Rights Custodians, Peace Activists and the International media paint the Tigers as ‘angels’ and depend on the Tamil Web for information and for writing reports.

Sigiriya wasps

Your editorial of March 27 quite rightly points out that no adequate steps have been taken to protect visitors from wasp attacks. Wasps are a type of ‘big bee’ - Apis Dorsata is its technical name. They almost never attack without a reason. It can be the wind, the noise or even a leaf falling on its comb. Honey bees too behave in the same manner.

These combs have been there for ages, as such it could be a cruel act to wipe them out, painting areas with wood preservative could control the wasp nests multiplying. A cheap hat with strong plastic veil shielding the face and neck could protect people from wasp attacks, gloves and long trousers also could protect the body. Never wear minis or shorts here.

Pensioners’ rights usurped

The decision to deduct Rs. 50 from the pensioners in February by the Director General of Pensions has been taken with the concurrence of 11 of the Pensioners’ Associations. Now the Vishramikainge Ekabadda Jatika Sanvidanaya (Pensioners’Joint National Front) and The Public Pensioners’ Trust Fund have disowned this statement. (Vide ‘Sahana’ 2009 March issue).

However, this decision would be interpreted to show that it’s for a good cause and the benefits would be for the entire pensioners.

Why do you want to clamour for mere Rs. 50. No doubt? But, how many of the pensioners have the time to spend in Holiday Homes or do they have the essential requisites for their expenses when they have to spend fair amount of the pension for doctors and medical tests.

What has happened to the Pensioners’ Home at Wedamulla built on Government expence? It’s a 4 acre building site which is entirely Government owned and I wonder it is being used only by the pensioners.

Had this proposal to construct a Holiday Home for the present day public employees it would have been more sensible. This would have been the ultimate motive as suggested by several writers. The gallivanting trips around the island including Holiday resorts can be expected of from them only.

When a person is employed as a public employee, he is bestowed the right of pension at the recruitment itself.

When he retires it’s his legal right. Some may try to interpret it as a Dole to make deductions as and when it is required. As only a fair number of pensioners are members of Pensioners’ Associations, is it reasonable to take decisions in consultation with some of them.

“The purpose seems good. The means to that end is bad”. Every pensioner would endorse this sentiment expressed by another writer.

The deduction has created precedence by the Director General. In a future date, if he deducts Rs. 500 giving the reason that the amount so deducted would be utilized for the construction of a large reservoir like Victoria or Moragahakanda and such a scheme would be more beneficial to the entire citizenry in the island. Where would we stand then?

This deduction is unreasonable and unjustifiable. We earnestly requests the Director General to refund this amount as we have tendered our requests to the relevant AGAs.

New era

Whilst we see the war ending, thanks to our Forces who now are capable, experienced and determined, let’s plan what happens after victory?

We as a nation, and not as people of various ethnic and religious backgrounds, should work together for peace and harmony to achieve prosperity.

Let all leaders lead by example, be honest and keep the country at heart.

Let all religious leaders see to the spiritual aspects of their flocks and leave the running of the country to the political leaders elected by the people.

There is a generation of young Sri Lankans, who know nothing but war and hatred. They will have to have Counselling and experience a gentle immersion of the various cultures on the island.

I am excited for the new era is dawning, in my lifetime.

Animal slaughter

So at last a motley group of citizens from Kandy is to discuss matters relating to the cruel slaughter of cattle. This group includes the Kandy Humanitarian Organisation, some animal lovers and a number of butchers.

The irony of all this is how these animal lovers, butchers and a Buddhist monk too have got together. They point out some of the acts of cruelty faced by the cattle with no comfort for their safety.

Surely don’t these people understand that slaughtering of cattle is the highest form of cruelty and that there can be no ‘Comfortable’ or ‘Humane’ slaughter? To advocate ‘Comfortable’ or ‘Humane’ slaughter is a big joke.

Slaughter is straight forward killing and there can be no ‘Comfortable’ killing.Why not go the whole way and try to stop the slaughtering of cattle?


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