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DateLine Monday, 16 February 2009

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


“Let us praise these great men”

Greatly appreciated and approved of, the statement made by the Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksha, to the effect that, in this country there are only two groups i.e.: those who are terrorists and those who are fighting terrorists, we applaud his clarification, that he agreed with President Bush that, we are either for terrorists or against terrorism.

We feel that, in the present circumstances of fighting in the North, where terrorist Prabhakaran is making use of civilians, that the overwhelming majority of people in this country wholeheartedly agree with the patriotic sentiments expressed by our distinguished Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.

We are further of the view, that the secretary of the Ministry of Defence together with the skilled and sufficient heads of the Armed Forces are capable of overcoming the terrorist resistance without any foreign assistance or interference. Representatives of the senior patriotic group consisting of the following;

R.S. Wanasundara - Retired senior pusine judge.

C.A.M.N Silva - Retired Army General.

G.D.C. Weerasinghe - Barrister-at-law and Advocate.

V.R.K. de Silva - Chartered Accountant.

W.K. Wickramaarachi - Company Director.

S.Ellegedera - Attorney-at-law.

J.C Boange - Attorney-at-law.

Y. Rajakaruna - Director - Youth affairs.

National hero award

In the near future when terrorism is wiped out there will be a long chain of ceremonies to felicitate and grant awards for gallantry etc. in battle fields. This is a must, no doubt.

Apart from the awards given to service personnel there are others whose services have to be recognized with awards. It may interest the reader to know that Colonel Henry Steele Olcott was named a National Hero of Ceylon only in 1967, which in 60 years since his death in 1907. It is strange that it takes time to recognize the greatness of a person and his services to the nation.

Colonel Olcott was instrumental in persuading the British rulers in 1885 to grant Vesak Poya Day a holiday to the citizens of Ceylon. Similarly a few years ago Lakshman Kadiragamar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs then, diplomatically persuaded UNESCO to announce Vesak Poya Day an International holiday.

This is a magnificent achievement by an individual who was not a born Buddhist as much as Colonel Olcott.

It is hoped that the authorities who are busy listing award winners, will name Kadiragamar a National Hero of Sri Lanka for the silent service to the Buddhists in the whole world.

The Republic Day of May 22

The adoption of the Republican Constitution on May 22, 1972 was an epoch-making event that changed the monarchial system of Government (absolute and subsequently constitutional) that existed for over two thousand years in this country.

With the declaration of the Republic, the British sovereign who had been installed by acceptance, over the Sinhala kingdom, by virtue of the Kandyan Convention of 1815, ceased to be queen hereof. Consequently, the Privy Council ceased to be the final Court of Appeal and all references to the British Sovereign, in State documents and transactions together with all vestiges of colonial rule became matters of history.

Thus, the significance and the importance of Republic Day should be given its due place in the annual events of the country and should be celebrated with all pomp and grandeur as India celebrates its Republic Day.

After all, there was full independence for our land till 1815 and it was only during a brief spell of 133 years, out of a period of 2,492 years of existence that, freedom was partially eclipsed; and that also due to internal strife and problems, which resulted in the cession of our kingdom by virtue of the convention of 1815, and not by conquest. Clause 4 states;

The dominion of the Kandyan Provinces is vested in the sovereign of the British Empire, and to be exercised through the Governors or Lieut-Governors of Ceylon for the time being and their accredited agents, saving to the Adigars, Dessaves, Mohottals, Corals, Vidhaana and all other chiefs and subordinate native headmen, lawfully appointed by authority of the British Government, the rights, privileges and powers of their respective office and to all classes of the people the safety of their persons and property, with their civil rights and immunities, of according to the laws, institutions and customs established and in force amongst them.

Clause 8 states;

Subject to these conditions, the administration of Civil and Criminal Justice and Police over the Kandyan inhabitants of the said provinces is to be exercised according to established forms and by the ordinary authorities, saving always the inherent Right of Government to redress grievances and reform abuses in all instances whatever, whether particular or general, where such interposition shall become necessary.

The uprising of 1818 was due mainly to failure of the British officials to honour the provisions of the Convention. Nevertheless, the treaty continued in force, forming a part of legislative enactments of 1956, till the Republican Constitution of 1972 relegated it to a historical document.

In the circumstances, the significance of the 1972 Constitution cannot be overestimated, and due recognition should be given to it as a National Day with due pomp and ceremony, as where a system of Government which had existed for 2500 years, went through a radical change and the last vestiges of colonial rule relegated into the dustbin of history.

Mahela and captaincy

I have been listening to Mahela, when ever he was interviewed after matches and the very admirable tone in which he spoke needs appreciation.

As a good leader he never tried to give excuses for failures but took the responsibility with courage and in good spirits. He never put the blame on other parties or criticized them. It should be a good example for our political leaders or for that matter any leader.

Now also he has done the honourable thing. He has given the country first place and not his place as Captain. A perfect cricket playing gentleman. I wish him well in batting for many more years like our hero Sanath.

TV news presenters should avoid linguistic errors

I’m a regular news-viewer of the State electronic media and I do not fail to watch the English and Sinhala News.

What I’m very much worried about, is the carelessness or the ignorance of Sinhala grammar of the news-presenters. I can point out so many examples and witnesses for what I complain.

Most often the TV news presents Sinhala utterances or the expressions are grammatically incorrect and are of linguistic errors. I don’t know whether the news directors or any such responsible officer look into the correctness and the language features of the news items, before the broadcast.

Therefor I would like to suggest that all the journalists of the State electronic media to learn Sinhala grammar without destroying the Sinhala language and its noble features, any more.

Leopard meets its death

Animal lovers are immensely perturbed about the shooting down of a leopard that infiltrated into the village of Kolegala in Ratnapura on January 27th morning.

It is a well grown sturdy animal in full stature. It may be that this animal haphazardously crashed into this habitable village whilst roaming in the jungle.

The question is as to whether there was no other means of controlling or incarcerating this animal and save its life.

At a time when rare species of animals are facing extinction this type of animal destruction has to be viewed with regret.

A method of temporarily controlling this animal was to have shot it with a tranquilliser gun and thereafter immediately tether it with a nylon rope until the Wildlife Department officials appear on the scene.

The animal could thereafter be transported to the Dehiwala zoo or release it to a jungle congenial to it. The leopard is a protected animal and is the fauna wealth of this country.

The reason for the shooting is attributed as for the security of the life of the community. In such instances all possibilities to safeguard the lives of rare animals have to be probed into before shooting as an inevitable step.

Hence I suggest that the Wildlife Department formulate some procedure in this regard to familiarise the law enforcing personnel stationed in borders of jungle areas to use tranquilliser guns and temporarily arrest such harmful and dangerous animals before shooting them down as a final resort.

Trials and tribulations of obtaining W & O Pension

I am compelled to write this letter to highlight the indifference of the Pensions Department and the consequent trials and tribulations of my sister. My sister was married to a Sri Lanka Air Force Officer. Her husband died in 2007 in the U.S.A.

While it is nearly one and a half years since the demise of her husband and she has submitted all the required documents to the Pensions Department through the Sri Lanka Air Force, the matter of the pension has not yet been regularized.

Initially, after the submission of the relevant documents, the Account and Divisional Secretariat Negombo, the officer concerned wanted my sister to appear in person before him to authorize the payment of the pension. As she was a resident in the U.S.A. and not in a fit state of health to travel, she obtained a certificate from the Sri Lanka High Commission in New York confirming.

A. The death of husband’s date and place

B. That she is the legal wife

C. That she is presently resident in the USA

While she submitted the letter issued by the High Commission and also requesting that the pension paid to her Bank Account at Bank of Ceylon Negombo, the payment of the pension has not yet been regularized.

The long and unprecedented delay in approving the grant of pension is not understood. My sister did not wish the pension to be remitted to the U.S.A. but paid to her Bank Account at the Bank of Ceylon.

Weekly devotions, belief and faith

Reference Sunitha Sahayam’s letter (22.01.09) wherein she says “The Word of God says Faith is being certain of what we do not see.” This is quite contrary to what late Pope John Paul II said as reported by Joe Jenkins in The Telegraph, London Group 1998 of 17.10.98 in his Encyclica Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of Truth.”

This wise understanding of ‘Faith’ by late Pope John Paul II is in keeping with the advancement of science, avoiding conflicts between the Church and Science and to believe in such findings rather than have blind faith.

It is due to blind faith that late Pope John Paul II at the commencement of this millennium sought pardon from God for sins committed by the Church in the name of God and cited the case of Galileo who was persecuted.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas
LANKAPUVATH - National News Agency of Sri Lanka
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