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DateLine Wednesday, 17 December 2008

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Who are the traitors of Mother Sri Lanka?

These days, we hear much talk on the victories of our war-heroes. They have done great sacrifices to liberate our Motherland from the brutal LTTE murderers.

During the past three decades, thousands of soldiers, army officers, were killed by the LTTE terrorists.

These brutal terrorists killed an Executive President of Sri Lanka, several Cabinet Ministers, parliamentarians, leaders of political parties, Buddhist monks and hundreds of innocent Tamil, Sinhala and Muslim civilians.

But we see many parliamentarians of today who belong to opposition parties have no need to condemn these LTTE killers. Those selfish or ungrateful opposition parliamentarians always criticise the Government and patriotic People’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

While all peace-loving common citizens of Sri Lanka including Tamils are felicitating the patriotic war heroes, those ungrateful MPs belittle the victories of our brave soldiers. It is because those MPs are jealous of the President.

These jealous MPs always talk in favour of the LTTE killers as they are adequately given money and other benefits by terrorist organisations that are active all over the world.

These selfish MPs don’t like to see our country to be free from terrorists. However, cunning politicians who pretend to be patriots will be rejected by the people during the next general elections. As ordinary citizens, we, being Sri Lankans, should admire good things that our rulers do for the welfare of our country and its people.

We should criticise rulers if they do the wrong or unwholesome activities. People should not think of the work of a Government in terms of colours of political parties. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Army Chief Sarath Fonseka had to suffer due to attacks of the LTTE suicide bombers.

Many great leaders sacrificed their lives in the attempts of liberating our country from the LTTE terrorists. Under these circumstances, I would like to point out that those who assist the LTTE terrorists are real traitors of this noble island of Sri Lanka.

The law of nature is always reasonable and this is high time for misguided opposition leaders to come to their sense after realising their shortcomings and lapses.

An indigenous solution to the power crisis

I write with reference to the above Op-Ed article appearing in the Daily News of December 9.

As I read the caption, I was curious to know the indigenous solution to the power crisis. What I had in mind is a ground-breaking finding, which was totally Sri Lanka in origin.

But on the contrary, what I read is that equipment was imported and local talent used to build a power plant that uses fuel. No doubt it is a cost effective solution, but there is a cost involved in continuing this venture. The fuel stocks have to be imported (using foreign exchange), which takes three months (dependence different variables).

Why is Sri Lanka not looking at alternate energy sources, which cost nothing? The only cost would be to set up such a plant. Creation of energy would be absolutely free.

1. Biomass - refers to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production. This could be a blessing in disguise for our solid waste issue as well.

2. Solar energy - is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that influences Earth. Earth’s climate and weather and sustains life.

We have sunlight for 365 days of the year, so this would be the easiest resource to harness, although the start up expenditure is high.

3. Wind energy - this is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines.

As Sri Lanka is an island, there is plenty of wind power all around us that we could harness.

4. Ocean energy - which includes marine current power, ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal power and wave power.

Why doesn’t the Sri Lankan Government, harness the talent within Sri Lanka, look at the pool of young inventors and break away from its slavery to the conventional energy sources, that are depleting. And most importantly, we could prevent harmful emissions to the atmosphere and retard the process of global warming, if we move towards alternative energy sources.

No forests - no oxygen

Throughout the world forests are being cut down at an alarming rate and no one is bothered.

Over the last 50 years, the oxygen content of air has reduced by 30 per cent. Forests absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

In Brazil, an area of forest equivalent to a small American State is cut down for timber every year. In most other countries there is a very little forest left.

In 50 years time, most of the forests would die out affecting human beings and animals.

The United Nation Organisation should take action by making all countries protect the forests and allow cutting down of forests only for urgent development projects.

Demoralising Lions encouraging Tigers

Since July 1983 the successive Presidents and their Governments made several attempts to solve the ethnic conflict, but failed due to the poor and inefficient military and political leadership.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is the only Head of State who perceived the ethnic conflict on the correct visual direction and introduced the most suitable solution based on humanitarian framework.

He understood that the only solution to the national problem is the military defeat of the barbaric Tiger terrorism and the offer of a reasonable political solution to the genuine grievances of the minority communities, and also comprehended that the bloodthirsty murderous Tiger leader Prabhakaran cannot be tamed and domesticated.

However, he invited the Tiger leader several times for peace talks to find a political solution through negotiations, but Prabhakaran disregarded the appeal continuing his diabolical armed struggle for a dreamland of separate Tamil Eelam.

The Tiger leader is a murderer who does not realise the value of human life. The deadliest Tigers killed unarmed innocent civilians including little children, priests, eminent military officers, Cabinet Ministers and leading politicians. The peace-loving Tamils are aware that they cannot expect a well bred Tamil society within an insane leadership.

A responsible democratic Government cannot allow the LTTE to terrorise the people living in the North, East and South as well.

The day that the Mavilaru anicut was closed by the so-called Tamil National Leader leaving his own Tamil people to suffer immense hardships without a drop of water, the Government was compelled to launch the humanitarian mission to protect and liberate the Tamils from the iron grip of the LTTE devils.

The valiant soldiers, sailors and airmen fought sacrificing their life to provide water after a week long fierce battle. It clearly proves that the military operations are directed at the LTTE and not against the Tamil community.

Since the reopening of Mavilaru anicut the victorious battalions carried out massive operations successfully maintaining the Zero Civilian Casualty Policy and captured the East completely. Thus the Government was able to hold a free and fair election in the East and allow all communities in the East to live in peace enjoying their democratic rights.

The brave lions are now poised to capture the entire region of the Jaffna peninsula. It is crystal clear that most of the parts in the North are now under control of the Government Forces, and there is a very small area is left to be liberated. The Commander of the Army Lt.Gen. Sarath Fonseka is confident that he can complete the military task of eradicating the LTTE’s terrorism during his tenure.

Even at this crucial and final phase of the humanitarian operation, Prabhakaran does not intend to lay down arms and surrender to the Government Forces with his remaining cadres. He has no other option than surrendering or committing suicide.

The nation should be grateful to the President, Defence Secretary and three Forces’ Commanders for their patriotic leadership and the national war heroes for their heroism and bravery.

The United National Party (UNP) and the Tamil National Alience (TNA) never expect the eradication of Tiger Terrorism during the Rajapaksa regime. They still underestimate the courageous national war heroes and the magnificent victories they gained internationally.

The right thinking people has not forget the way that Ranil Wickremesinghe danced to the tune of the LTTE and attempted to belittle the capture of Thoppigala. When Pooneryn was captured, several UMP MPs raised a mockery question asking reasons for liberating Pooneryn before killinochchie.

They should understand that the war machinery is executed according to a methodical system arranged by the defence advisors and not by the governing politicians like they did during their poor regime.

The general feeling of the country and peace-loving people is that before the end of this year 2008, all Sri Lankans would be able to celebrate the liberation of all uncleared areas.

‘Islamic’ terrorism

It is troublesome to see Jeanne Jayasinghe (DN December 5) falling into the trap of the Western media in calling terrorism committed by Muslims as ‘Islamic’ terrorism.

I am sure she does not intend to mean it. But, the media’s stereotyping of Muslims is so pervasive that their negative views tends to afflict even the most reasonable minded people, as one contributor to your newspaper rightly wondered, “Who is controlling your mind?”

Words often create perceptions, and repeating ‘Islamic’ terrorism gives an impression that Muslims are out to kill anyone who does not subscribe to their belief. We all know that it is not the reality.

There is a world of a difference between ‘Islamic’ terrorism and terrorism committed by criminal elements in the Muslim community. It is no less different than labelling a murder committed by a Christian as a ‘Christian’ murder. We Muslims do not need to be reminded that we have our own fair share of criminals in our midst.

Like any religion, Islam prohibits killing. The Holy Qur’an (5:32) says: “...Whosoever kills a human being other than (in punishment) for manslaughter or causing corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all humanity, whosoever saved the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all humanity.”

Unfortunately, Muslims are treated as collectively responsible as a group for any crime committed by another Muslim or done in the name of Islam.

Being judged as a group, rather than as individuals, also means that the negative experience of one Muslim is considered to be representative of all Muslims and all of Islam. But these negative experiences are not shared by all Muslims - indeed, not by most Muslims.

The burden of collective guilt, the oppressive weight of stereotyping, and the violence of hateful anti-Muslim discourse is difficult to bear. It is even more difficult to see how this affects our youth and encourage anti-Muslim sentiments.



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