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DateLine Wednesday, 1 October 2008

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Imagination mindmapping and visualisation techniques revisited

The article on “imagination, mindmapping and visualisation techniques” which appeared in the Daily News on September 18 has raised interest and enthusiasm among several readers.

“Are professionals practising visualisation techniques?” “Can you quote few examples?” “Vision, mission and goals are for organisations. Can professionals develop vision, mission and goals for themselves?” were some of the issues raised by the readers.

If readers have been reading the “Management Tips”, doubts of this nature may not have arisen. Readers are advised to read the article on “Self-development plan for professional excellence” which appeared in the Daily News on August 26.

How architects visualise

The process of thinking forms impressions in your mind. These impressions in turn become manifested as facts and experiences in your life. Architects visualise the type of building they want. They see it as they desire it to be, when completed. They will draw the plan only after drawing the plan first in their mind.

Their image and thought - processes become a plastic mould from which the building will emerge. It may be beautiful or majestic, a skyscraper or a one story but it begins as a visualisation.

The architect’s mental image is projected as it is drawn on paper. Eventually, the contractor and construction workers gather the essential materials, and the building progresses until it stands complete, conforming perfectly to the mental patterns of the architect.

How surgeons visualise

Achievers in many fields use mental images to serve as a mental rehearsal. We learn of several top surgeons who run a motion picture of the procedure of the operation, the night before a complicated surgery.

They even do a brainstorming session with other specialists to fill in the gap or to re-assure themselves. Mental images thus serves a most critical function in making them calm, collected and more confident to handle the operation successfully.

Professional athletes also follow the same practice to enhance their performance. The visualisation process enables them to “imaging the building blocks and proceed step by step” to the desired purpose.

Like the architects and the surgeons, you can also visualise the successful outcome of your important activities, and at the end, you will be able to complete those tasks successfully.

Bill Gates

Christopher Columbus dreamt of an unknown world, set sail on an unchartered ocean and discovered a new world. Copernicus dreamt of an unseen world, and with the aid of an improvised telescope, revealed it, eliminating much fear and superstition. Elision dream of a lamp that could be lit by electricity, worked on his dream, and despite the fact that he met with 10,000 failures, he gave the world that lamp.

Henry Ford was able to build a global business empire through visualisation.

Today, Bill Gates has built a global business empire through visualisation.

Most of the outstanding business leaders in Sri Lanka are also attributing their success to visualisation.

Many of the most creative scientists in history have realised the true importance of visualisation. Edison, Marconi, Einstein, and many others have used the visualisation techniques to give them the insight and the “know-how” to bring about their great achievements. The ability to bring into action the power of visualisation is one of the most important factors in determining the success of great scientists.

All achievements begin in the form of thought, organised into plans, aims and purpose and expressed in terms of physical action. An action in inspired by one or more of the nine basic motives. Imagination is your most powerful faculty. You are what you imagine yourself to be.

You avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious in the sleepy state. Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again prior to sleep. “Sleep with the plans and wake-up with implementation techniques”.

Think in terms of success

Those who are successful become successful only because they acquire the habit of thinking interns of success. Definiteness of purpose can, and it should, so completely occupy and mind that one has no time or space in the mind for thoughts of failure.

When you visualise over a period of time on a given subject, your subconscious speaks to you in intuitions, impulses, hunches, intimations, urges, and ideas.

It is always telling you to rise, transcend, grow, advance, adventure, and move forward to greater heights. The guidance and the direction comes from the depths of your sub-conscious.

Positive self image

One of the great keys to be an outstanding professional is to change yourself image. Your self-image is determined by the mental pictures you constantly run through. When you create a positive picture of what you really want to achieve in your work, you will achieve them provided you take action on those plans. Your self-image will also improve dramatically. This leads to greater confidence and belief in your personal abilities and power. Goals are then easily achieved and the ordinary becomes the extraordinary.

Any positive outcomes you visualise with a firm believe, can be achieved by you, provided you take persistent action in that direction. Constantly keep your dreams in the front of your mind. Repeat them all day, every day.

Never let go of them. When you concentrate all your mental and physical energy on a single purpose dormant forces that you never knew, will spark into action.

Visualise the happy ending of your problems, issues and challenges and feel the thrill of accomplishment. Most of your problems can be easily solved. Ideas will flash in your mind to solve them successfully.

Personal vision

Finally, your doubts on personal and professional vision, mission and goals.

Following are some of the benefits of a personal vision statement.

* Clarification of the purpose of your profession and its guiding values.

* A vision will offer you a constant source of guidance in times of difficulty or challenge.

* It will keep you motivated and act as a personal lighthouse, pointing you at all times to the principles which you value most.

* It will give you a much better sense of balance and allow you to define your professional priorities.

* It will help you to organise better manage your time much better, placing emphasis on those activities that will yield the greatest results (80% of life’s real accomplishments come from only 20% of your activities. Put first things first)

By constantly visualising about achieving your personal and professional vision, you will be able to achieve them to your fuller satisfaction.


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