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Government Gazette

Condolence messages

He strove to uplift common masses - Minister Susil Premajayantha

Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle rendered a yeoman service to bring permanent peace to the country while dedicating his life to uplift the living standards of the ordinary people, Education Minister Premajayantha states in a condolence message on the death of Minister Fernandopulle.

Issuing his condolence message while participating in the UNESCO Educational Summit in Paris, Minister of Education and Secretory General of United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Susil Premajayantha said he was deeply shocked after hearing the assassination of Minister Fernandopulle.

Minister Fernandopulle was among the best leaders the country had. "The Minister was a `people friendly person' since he used to respect every religion and he had an extraordinary knowledge about all religions. He never misused politics for the sake of his own betterment," the message added.

"Minister Fernandopulle has done a yeoman service to bring permanent peace to the country while dedicating his life to uplift the living standard of ordinary people," Minister Premajayantha pointed out.


A friend of the Muslim community - Governor Alavi Mowlana

Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle's untimely demise is a great loss to the Nation, Western Province Governor Alavi Mowlana said yesterday.

Mowlana said in a condolence message that Fernandopulle worked hard to establish peace in the island and vehemently opposed terrorism.

He was one of the finest Speakers in Parliament and defended the Government with all his might. However, he maintained friendly relations with Members of both sides of the House as Chief Government Whip.

Mowlana said Fernandopulle advocated inter-religious harmony and was a friend of the Muslims. Being fluent in all three languages, he could reach out to every community in the country and point out to them the importance of ethnic amity.

Fernandopulle could not withstand injustice to any community and spoke out against such social injustices. The people loved him as a true leader.

Mowlana said Fernandopulle was 100 per cent committed to fulfil President Mahinda Rajapaksa's vision as enunciated under Mahinda Chinthana. He wanted to see Sri Lanka become a peaceful and prosperous country.


Jeyaraj played a dynamic role in Parliament - Minister Karu Jayasuriya

Public Administration and Home Affairs Minister Karu Jayasuriya in a condolence message said the whole country will remember with gratitude Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle's yeoman service to the Nation.

He entered politics as a youngster and rapidly climbed up the ladder. He was a powerful political figure. He was very loyal to the party and to his leaders. He played a pivotal role in Parliament as the Chief Government Whip.

He excelled in whatever Ministry assigned to him, getting the full cooperation of officials and local level politicians.

He loved to work for the people and mingled with them without considering the advice of security officials. He never hesitated to call a spade a spade. He spoke according to his conscience. A brilliant orator, he backed up his arguments with logical reasoning. He spoke all three languages fluently.

It is a great loss not only for the people of Gampaha but also for all the people in Sri Lanka.


Resurgence in road development under Jeyaraj - Minister S.M. Chandrasena

Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle rendered a yeoman service for road development under the Mahinda Chinthana concept, Nation Building Minister S.M. Chandrasena said in a condolence message.

Chandrasena said Minister Fernandopulle was a brave individual who entered politics during a terror period, undaunted by the multitude of challenges before him. He earned a reputation as one of the best orators in recent Parliamentary history. He always replied lucidly to his opponents' allegations and speeches.

He was like a teacher to the new generation of politicians. His demise at this juncture is a great loss to the President, the SLFP and the ordinary people of Sri Lanka.

He wanted to see the dawn of democracy in the East and in the North, where only a few areas remain to be liberated from the terrorists. It is clear that the Tigers engaged in this cowardly attack as they are unable to directly face our heroic Forces in the Northern battlefield.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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