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DateLine Tuesday, 13 November 2007

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette





Big hala-baloo about CoL

Only the other day that I happened to talk to a doctor, a consultant in the Cancer Hospital, Maharagama. The subject matter discussed was - as usual, politics and CoL. I was lamenting that the State was not taking any positive steps to curb the fast rising CoL and naturally the cost of bread and milk foods highlighted.

The doctor patiently listened to me for a while. After I stopped, she replied - Mr. Dissanayake why should we worry so much about the price of wheat flour and powdered milk? It is indeed bad for us to gulp balls and balls of flour. Although wheat flour is good, we do not get the right stuff. When wheat is milled it gives an off-white pale colour.

Since we believe that flour should be clean-white, they use a chemical to white the flour.

This chemical is really injurious to human health. People hardly realise this stark fact. But, take our rice for instance. They are full of nourishment - complete with vitamins, iron and proteins. There are so many by-products made out of rice flour.

Why don't our people get used to rice and its by-products than clamouring after bread? The next, powdered milk food. They are of no good. There is nothing to beat mothers' milk and the next best is indeed liquid pure cows' milk.

We must stop giving all sorts of imported powdered milk foods to our little ones. We are, unwittingly and unknowingly causing grave health hazards to our children. We must fully discourage our people from consuming powdered milk foods which are made by using various artificial chemicals that may cause harm to our health.

Why can't the Government go all out to expand and develop the dairy industry which will be of dual use.

It will help generate more and more employment opportunities and people will have easy access to fresh cows milk at an affordable price. Cows milk is indeed the best for a healthier and more energised nation.

There has to be concerted educative and awareness programme that should be initiated by the State through all the media and people must be made thoroughly aware of the ill-effects of wheat flour and powdered milk foods.

All encouragement should be given to cultivate more and more paddy, provide rice and by-products at an affordable price and develop the dairy industry to every nook and corner of the island and make the country self-sufficient in pure cows milk.

"There is no other solution as far as I could see," she concluded. She also agreed that the cost of crude oil and its by-products such as LP gas is beyond our control and the sooner we explore our own oil resources the better, because dependence on imported oil will be a heavy burden on our economy now and in the future too.

However much politicians with vested interests shout and make a big ha-hoo, there is nothing that they too can do even if they do come back to power.


SLT's start up fee effective from November 1

AT the weekly Cabinet press briefing on 18.10.2007, the Director-General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka had stated that the SLT has decided to reduce the present residential rental of Rs. 495 to Rs. 345 and business rental from Rs. 1,250 to Rs. 950, but no mention was made about the start up fee of Rs. 1.50 per each successful call as already announced by the SLT effective from November 01, 2007.

It will be observed that as a result of the above fee, if 100 calls are taken from a residential telephone, a consumer has to pay Rs. 150 and if 200 calls from a business telephone Rs. 300 making a total of Rs. 495 and Rs. 1,250 per month respectively.

This levy is an indirect fee to cover up the revenue loss consequent to the reduction in the rentals and even to collect more revenue.

Thus the benefit of the reduced rentals has been nullified by the introduction of a start up fee. I wish to request the TRC to intervene in this matter, so that this unreasonable fee is withdrawn by the SLT and the consumers get the benefit of the reduced rentals.


Sirasa Superstar winner

The comments by Jennifer Van Twest over the Sirasa Superstar selection published in your journal of November 3 is of bad taste.

Two singers were selected/voted in to battle out for the top spot. Both were talented and both were popular. Pradeep Rangana came out winner. There is no doubt that Pradeep was the right choice. Hence, it is wrong and unkind to attempt to belittle his victory.

Some are bad losers. Such supporters, in their frustration try to find fault with the selection. That is a failing in them and they should be sympathised with.

However, Jennifer's twist to drag religion into the issue needs to be condemned and should be treated with contempt that it deserves.

Colombo 4

Private bus garage in Kotte, residential area

The residents of Ananda Balika Mawatha, Pagoda, Kotte, as well as children attending a leading school, are faced with unbearable inconveniences due to the presence of a private bus garage in their midst.

Several large private buses plying on route no. 163 are provided with a garage in this strictly residential area, where a section of the road is only 6 to 7 metres wide. The community consists of more than 350 families. Most of whom own light private vehicles.

Hundreds of vehicles ply on this road transporting thousands of school children, in addition to the pedestrian traffic. It is customary for the residents to experience a nightmare in accomplishing a safe and quick exit to work.

Hence, we earnestly urge the Mayoress of the Sri Jayawardene Pura - Kotte Municipal Council to either cause removal of the private bus garage in question or to widen the narrow section of the road where street lines are being maintained. This, we must stress is the Council's legitimate duty towards its ratepayers.


Fleecing consumers - CEB style

The C.E.B. has since late, started fleecing their consumers in a subtle manner causing much hardship to the already harassed electricity consumers.

Over the years, Meter Readers used to visit households on a particular date of the month or on a date one or two days earlier or later. Thus the consumers had to pay only for electricity consumed during a month or so.

The Meter Readers used to call over at my house on the 8th or 9th of each month. My monthly consumption has been around 90-110 units. Earlier I used to pay Rs. 300 or so monthly but after the recent increase in tariffs I now pay on an average Rs. 900 to Rs. 1,000 which I have no reason to grudge.

Since late, visits by the Meter Readers have become erratic. For example, in August 2007 the Meter Reader came on the 17th of the month and billed me for 156 units resulting in me having to pay an excess of Rs. 500 for that month.

In October 2007, the Meter Reader came on the 15th and billed me for 137 units forcing me to pay Rs. 1,356 for the month. Due to such delayed visits by the Meter Readers, I am getting axed for no fault of mine. My neighbours in the area face the same fate but suffer in silence as there is no one in authority to complain to.

The branch office of the C.E.B. usually give a lame excuse like non-availability of bill books or shortage of Meter Readers which is not our responsibility.

I do not know whether these acts are a ruse of the C.E.B. to rake in more money to cover up their losses or acts of negligence by their employees to bring discredit to the C.E.B. and/or the Government. However, it is the consumers already over-burdened by rising Cost of Living who have to swallow the bitter pill.

I only hope the Minister in charge of the C.E.B. will look into and rectify matters.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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