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DateLine Wednesday, 18 July 2007

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Government Gazette



Last bastion falls

Hats off to the valiant Armed Forces for liberating the last encampment of the LTTE in the Eastern Province. Actually Thoppigala is dense jungle with a thick canopy where even elephants could hide and the area is vast indeed.

It is possible that Thoppigala was the largest base of the LTTE with Col. Karuna in full command. Devastating blows originated from Thoppigala, sending even the mighty Indian Army into disarray. The downfall of the Indian operation could be due to the impenetrable jungle base where Tigers prowled day and night.

It is strange how former national political leaders failed to assess the lethal potential of a conglomerate of bases in the vast jungle hideout, from which the Tigers radiated penetrations far South up to Yala, West up to Maha-oya and East up to the sea coast.

A broad corridor could have existed to the North where the terrorist hierarchy had their headquarters in the Wanni region - once again in a jungle hideout.

Thoppigala was a unique garrison where the fortifications were natural features such as trees, boulders and rock outcrops with a hat shaped hill standing sentinel - an excellent observation point. Added security against intruders would have been provided by venomous snakes, leopards, bears and elephants.

The incessant killings of civilians in Weli-Oya and the area surrounding Thoppigala which include human settlements at Minneriya, Polonnaruwa and the Mahaweli zones and the adjacent Muslim areas of Potuvil, originated from this single base.

Therefore, Thoppigala was a curse and a nuisance to the peaceful villagers of the Eastern Province. The massacres of civilians in threatened areas was a mere training exercise. The astounding fact is that it existed for over two decades and it is doubtful whether the area was ever cleared previously.

The LTTE leader found it extremely difficult to maintain this mega-base ever since Col Karuna bade him good-bye. Col. Karuna would have known the base like the palm of his hand.

To say that Thoppigala is only thick jungle is old hat. It was nothing but another evil innovation of the Tiger leader who successfully held the jungle fortress which had no artificial infrastructure. Anyway his last bastion in the East has fallen.


Inflight service - SriLankan Airlines

AirLanka under the Singaporean management picked up International awards for their exceptional in-flight service because Singaporean slogan, passed on to Sri Lankan staff, was: ‘Smile from the heart and serve passengers with care”. Regrettably with the passage of time, such admirable instructions and in-flight services seem to have flown out of the window.

Colombo-London flight UL 501 on June 30, having delayed by one hour ultimately took off at 1415 hrs.

Usually the first thing after the take off would be to offer passengers with a round of refreshments. In this instance, however, considering the fact that boarding of the plane took place from 12.15 p.m. onwards and the passengers were ‘marooned’ inside an exit lounge parched, getting hungry and the flight took off at 14.15, no refreshments whatsoever was served till 1500 hours. The only service in between was a distribution and collection of hand towels.

At 1500 hrs came a round of refreshments followed by lunch. I must admit that the meal on the menu card on the Colombo-Maldives flight was more appetising than the meal offered on the London flight.

In this particular flight at least a round of wine was offered as opposed to two rounds in the past. On a previous night flight when wine was not served at all with dinner and I made an enquiry, the answer given to me was, “We serve wine now only on request Sir”.

Trying to relax as much as I could on a nearly 11 hour long flight I thought I would relax watching a video or listen to some music. Alas! the stereo earphone - set given to me was defective.

I summoned the purser and sought his assistance. The only thing he did was to open the lid of an unused ashtray on my handrest beneath the ear phone slot and say: “I think a previous user had broken the pin inside - I will try and do something”. That was the only assistance he offered me.

As a result, I could not use the entertainment facility at all during my long haul.

In the meanwhile, the purser was seen walking up and down the aisle, like a cock on a brick wall, with his head up, only choosing to speak to one or two of his favourites who were on the flight.

The man had little realised that he earns his bread and butter out of the passengers who pay and fly SriLankan Airlines and if he, being in charge of the cabin crew as the purser, behaves in such an uncaring manner, what could be expected from his team?

SriLankan Airlines need to realise that they are subjected to heavy competition from other airlines which are cheaper and offer a quality service. It’s high time that the Management of SriLankan Airlines and particularly those who are in charge of cabin crew recruitment take a serious view of the deteriorating in-flight service which once upon a time was renowned.

Skywards Member - UL 501
Seat No. 12D


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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