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DateLine Saturday, 17 March 2007

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News: Ban LTTE front organisations...           Political: Dr. Jayalath Jayawardana’s comments in India ‘betrays Sri Lanka, shields LTTE’  ...           Financial: Safety for foreign ships satisfactory in Colombo Port - Italian ship captain ...           Sports: Lanka off to a flyer in opener....






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

A Peace formula acceptable to all

THE Government is on the threshold of presenting a devolution package to end the three decade old ethnic conflict that has hitherto defied a solution and dragged the nation into turmoil and misery.

According to Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogllagama who is on a visit to the United States Constitutional Reforms paving the way for such a devolution package would be ready as early as April.

If so it would certainly be glad tidings for the majority peace-loving Sinhalese and Tamils on the eve of their New Year.

Certainly the entire nation would be waiting with bated breath in anticipation to see if at last the dark canopy that has been hanging over this nation would be lifted to send in the light of peace and prosperity to this once island paradise where all communities coexisted in amity and mutual harmony.

The Minister told the AFP that he would apprise Washington on the mechanism set in motion by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to bring about a Constitutional change to devolve maximum power.

He dwelt on the All Party Representative Committee deliberations where all views would be synthesised to form core bedrock on the type and extent of devolution to be granted.

When asked, the basis on which power would be devolved the Minister promptly replied that it would be a package that would be acceptable to all communities.

This has been an exercise that had bedeviled all Governments in the past - a solution acceptable to all communities - from the more belligerent rejection of the Bandaranaike-Chelvanakam-and Dudley-Chelvanakam pacts to the less hostile but equally vehement stances at Thimpu some three decades later.

The All Party Conference under President Premadasa was a mere talkshop with no worthwhile decisions reached and all other subsequent attempts ending in stalemate.

The APC was flawed from the outset since it did not have nationalist parties such as the JHU and the JVP included. (The JVP of course has decided to stay away from the current deliberations but has not rejected devolution out of hand and it bone of contention is the so-called majority report).

However, things look different today. President Rajapaksa has succeeded in securing the broadest possible alliance of political parties including a sizable segment of the main opposition extending its support to him which is cause for optimism that at last a political solution to the national question is in the offing.

It is of course difficult to predict how the LTTE presently debilitated by a string of defeats at the hands of the Security Forces would respond to any proposal of the Government.

It is here that the international community who had been harping on a Southern consensus can play a more positive role in getting the LTTE to fall in line.

If not, it risks losing its credibility of on the one hand insisting that a viable political solution is the answer as against a military one and on the other hand not exercising enough muscle to force the LTTE accept this political solution.

‘Conspiracies, treacherous acts for short term gain should stop’

CONSPIRACIES and treacherous acts of propaganda carried out for short term gain should stop as I will never betray my Motherland and will not allow anyone else to do so,” President Mahinda Rajapaksa said.

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Security Forces strive to protect nation’s sovereignty

I wish to brief you on the passage we traversed during the last one and half years. We all know the mandate the President received was to implement the Mahinda Chintanaya programme. From the view point of the Defence Forces, this feature is of utmost importance to establish honourable and lasting peace in the country.

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Destiny had different plans for Tivanka

TIVANKA took to the law following the footsteps of his grandfather and great grandfather, who were both in the legal Profession. He received his legal education in England and was called to the Bar from the Lincolns Inn in 1964 and enrolled as an Advocate of the Supreme Court in February 1966.

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