Quest to eliminate bribery and corruption
Director Investigations of the Commission to
Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, Neville Guruge outlines his
plans to minimise bribery and corruption in the country to Daily
News staffer Rafik Jalaldeen.
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Colombo Diary
Significance of the abortive 1962 military coup
IN the troubled post-independence history of Sri
Lanka, the abortive military coup d' etat of January 27, 1962 may
end up being a footnote, given the fact that no shots were fired, no
troops were moved, and the bid was nipped in the bud thanks to
timely information.
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Between the lines
It's all about profit
POLITICAL parties are utilising parliament like
the holy Ganges to purify their dirt and defrauds. They are framing
laws to cover up their mistakes and, in the process, decreasing the
level of morality in the country.
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A slap in the face
THE decision by the EU to list the LTTE as a
banned terrorist organisation is a diplomatic slap in the face for
the rebels. Although the United States, Britain, Canada and India
have outlawed the LTTE, the EU was reluctant to take harsh measures.
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