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Government Gazette

Govt on target to achieve key goals

Rs.10,800 m allocated for development projects in 2006

COLOMBO: The Mahinda Chinthana programme has been successfully implemented throughout the country during the last six months catering to the urgent needs of the people and resolving their burning problems neglected for a long period without hassle, the Plan Implementation Ministry said yesterday.

A capital expenditure of Rs. 10,800 million has been allocated this year alone for development programmes in electricity, health, education, transport, highways, agriculture, communication and many other sectors, the Ministry added.

These development programmes have been implemented through power, highways, transport education, health, communication and several other sectors by laying the groundwork for longstanding unresolved problems of the public, Plan Implementation Ministry Additional Secretary Upali Dahanayake said, commenting on the progress of the development programmes implemented by the Government on the occasion of the completion of six months by Mahinda Rajapaksa as President.

Dahanayake said 62 ministries took an active part in making the Mahinda Chintana programme a reality and in transferring its benefits to the people.

During the past six months work has been started on the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant, Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Plant, Katunayake-Colombo expressway and the Southern expressway.

While various Ministries worked in watertight compartments earlier the Mahinda Chintana programme has been able to bring about a close coordination among all ministries towards the development effort.

Dahanayake said without stopping at identifying problems and issues arising in the Implementation of the Mahinda Chintana programme, his Ministry had gone a step further by finding solutions to them as well. A significant feature of the Mahinda Chintana program is that it endeavoured to ensure that development brought tangible results to the people.

President Rajapaksa keeps a constant tab on the implementation of the programme by offering the necessary advice and counsel.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Sri Lanka commended the performance of the Government under the Presidency of Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The Government 's economic management is very sound, said

FCCISL Secretary General Samantha Abeywickrema, commenting on the performance of the Government during past six months.

"One has to be fair in one's comment and said that there were both good and bad points," he said.

While commending the courage shown by President Rajapaksa in proceeding with the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant, he said, though the project was late the President's commitment to go ahead with the project created a positive impact on the business community.

"The project was dragging on for many years. The Government under the President Rajapaksa had the courage and capacity to cool down the public cry against the project and come out with an acceptable solution to all parties concerned and move with the project without any further delay," he added.

We are also very positive that the Government would go ahead with the Katunayake Highway project within two months as indicated by the authorities and harbour development and airport expansion projects would take off the ground very soon.

"All these become possible because of the commitment of the President to push through these projects as fast as possible and provide infrastructure facilities contributing to the economic growth," he said.

The Government is expecting to achieve 7 per cent economic growth. It is very challenging in the present scenario the country has been placed.

The Government is trying its best to reach at least 6.5 per cent economic growth and the effort put in this respect is very commendable, he said. Abeywickrama also pointed out that the President was able to break the ice and take the peace process forward and his approach to the issue has been commended by the international community.

"His approach has not been provocative and he demonstrated a diplomatic approach. The international community including the United States of America have commended the President's approach".

Touching on the adverse effects of the rising cost of living, inflation and the price hikes, he said those were rather disturbing. The escalating price oil prices had its impact on the business community. Although hike in oil price was due to external reasons the Government could have introduced measures to bring the situation under control.

He added that oil subsidy should have been given only to those who really deserve it rather than giving it across the board. Speaking to the 'Daily News' National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) President Nirmalee Samaratunga said that things were looking very positive within the first three month of the Government.

"We entered the new year with uncertainties. In that context, the consensus reached at the All Party Conference convened by President Mahinda Rajapaksa sent positive signals to the business community.

"The strategies adopted by the Government via Mahinda Chinthana very encouraging and we see the results. The focus on lifting the rural poor and the rural economy will make it possible to achieve the eight per cent target if things run smoothly.

What is important is to keep up the confidence of the business community and the President has been very pragmatic in his approach to the problem. He manifested well his ability when he decided to go ahead with the Norochcholai Power Plant project," she said. The 300 factory programme in the `Mahinda Chintana' and taking industry to the rural areas would help to develop the rural industries and provide employment opportunities.

It was reported that the BoI had signed 25 new agreements with both local and foreign investors bringing about Rs.8 billion, which is also a positive sign. Steps taken to introduce IT to the rural and the `Gama Neguma' projects would bring about dividends over a period of time. There has been an increase in exports of agricultural base products during that period as well.

The Geneva talks rebuilt investor confidence. The consensus reached by the All Party Conference is very encouraging and helps build up investor confidence.

"We are very optimistic that peace talks will resume soon. It is essential and a fundamental requisite for sound economic growth in the country," she added.



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