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Government Gazette

A sedate, strong leadership

It is six months since President Mahinda Rajapaksa assumed office as Sri Lanka's Head of State and Government and it could be said without reservations that he has taken-up the challenges facing this country in a sedate but bold spirit.

In fact, composure and control have emerged as defining qualities of his administration. When President Rajapaksa came to power dire predictions were voiced in many a quarter. The ethnic conflict would be further aggravated and the country would make a headlong plunge into war, said some. He is a Sinhala hardliner who would pander to the chauvinists of Sri Lanka's South, said others.

The current reality on the ground strongly rebuffs these doomsday prophets. We have not been taken to war, despite a multitude of provocative, bloody acts by the LTTE. In fact, President Rajapaksa has held the country firmly together and strongly pledged to uphold the ceasefire. This steadfastness has successfully foiled the Tigers' dark designs to return Sri Lanka to a state of war. This is a major triumph for the whole of Sri Lanka.

Killings and acts of violence have, no doubt, been numerous in some parts of the country but the President has pledged to have these incidents probed impartially and promised to deliver justice. He has strongly condemned these acts of lawlessness and supported the enthronement of the Rule of Law.

None should expect a present or a future free of challenges and trials, considering the profound problems we have inherited over the years. An idealistic or romantic mindset would only lead to an incorrect assessment of the situation Sri Lanka is in.

Rather than get bogged-down in such wishful thinking, the country would do well to rally-around President Rajapaksa in this our hour of need and unite behind him in his efforts to rejuvenate Sri Lanka on the basis of the Mahinda Chinthana manifesto.

The President has adopted the ideal approach of consulting all relevant sections of political opinion in his efforts to end our conflict. The All Party Conference is proof of this. This has helped in forging a Southern consensus on resolving the problem.

However, the Southern polity should complement the President's endeavours by shunning partisan politics and parochial biases. The country should unite behind the President and the Sri Lankan flag he holds aloft.

On the development front, it could be seen that the President is doing his utmost to launch pro-people growth and advancement. Today it could be said that village-centred development has been launched. 'Gamata Karmante' and the numerous development projects launched at rural level are the proof of this.

While every effort is made to keep the metropolitan-based business sector ticking, village-level entrepreneurship is being encouraged with a view to benefiting the "small men and women" of Sri Lanka.

We certainly have a long way to go. Daunting challenges confront us. We cannot take up these challenges if we continue in our old divisive ways. Let us cooperate with the President to usher national advancement.



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