


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Disaster risk reduction is a national priority - Mahinda Samarasinghe

Speech delivered by Mahinda Samarasinghe, Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights, at the launch of the second volume of the Road Map for Disaster Risk Management, on May 11, 2006.

ADDRESS: It is a great pleasure and privilege to launch the second volume of the Road Map towards a Safer Sri Lanka.

Not long ago, I was privileged to chair an all party Parliamentary Select Committee on Natural Disasters which resulted in an all party consensus on 13 important recommendations in the context of risk management. The Draft National Policy which I have prepared, and the Road Map which we are launching today, are built on this all party consensus towards securing a safer Sri Lanka.

The Disaster Management Act was passed by Parliament in May 2005, and the National Disaster Management Council (NDMC) presided over by The President and the DMC has been put in place.

Both these agencies have been gazetted under the purview of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights, and the Disaster Management Act itself will be administered by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights per the Gazette.

The hazard profile of the country clearly demonstrates that Sri Lanka is vulnerable to natural disaster such as floods, landslides, cyclones, droughts, coastal erosion and occasional seismic events and tsunamis as well as man-made disasters.

We also acknowledge and accept that disaster risk reduction is not an optional extra but central to sustainable development and that investing in risk reduction has to be factored in at every level of social, economic and political activity.

The World Conference on Disaster reduction held in Kobe, Japan in January 2005, and the resulting Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015), adopted a number of strategic priorities that countries have been urged to implement as appropriate, based on their capacities. Sri Lanka has come a long way in accepting and ensuring that disaster risk reduction is a national priority. Our Ministry will be proactive in this respect.

The Road Map is therefore a key part of the overall framework, and contains over 100 proposals that, if implemented effectively, will ensure that risk is identified assessed and monitored; that there is adequate preparedness for coordinate, dependable, reliable and timely responses to disasters at all levels; that a culture of safety and resilience is built through commitment, innovation and education; and underlying risk factors are prevented or mitigated.

The key components of the Road Map include:

- Policy, institutional mandates and institutional development;

- Hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment;

- Tsunami and multi-hazard early warning systems;

- Preparedness and response plans;

- Mitigation and integration of disaster risk reduction into development planning;

- Community-based disaster risk management; and

- Public awareness, education and training.

Each proposal contains a brief situation analysis, objectives, outputs, activities, timeframe for action, tentative budget, and identifies agencies responsible for implementation.

The proposal have been developed in a participatory and consultative manner reflecting needs and gaps as identified by the contributing agencies. I am proposing to Cabinet the declaration of a National Safety Day on December 26. Steps are already being taken by the Ministry to set up a high level inter-ministerial inter-sectoral Committee to plan for this event which will also include civil society and private sector representation.

I wish to place on record my appreciation for the continuing generous support extended by UNDP in helping to compile the Road Map, by making available to us the consultants and other logistical assistance whenever requested. The Secretary, Finance, has from the very outset understood the importance of this exercise and has encouraged us in this endeavour.

Let me also thank everyone who is present here today, which I will take the liberty to interpret as a commitment towards continuing to work with the Government of Sri Lanka in this national priority area. we are indeed encouraged by your presence here today.

I have no doubt that with the goodwill and assistance that the international community is prepared to offer us in this vital area of risk management, and our commitment to work together with the different stakeholders, our vision for a safer Sri Lanka can be achieved and sustained.

Clinton's Address

I want to warmly congratulate the Government of Sri Lanka for its accomplishments of this comprehensive Road Map to reduce disaster risk. It demonstrates a high level of dynamic leadership, strong technical expertise, and the fruits of wide consultation.

Last year the international community agreed on the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 - 2015, as a plan to energetically tackle disasters and their growing impact. The Road Map is right in line with Hyogo Framework, and will be an important contribution to its implementation.

The Road Map is to be strongly supported by donor agencies. Recently at the third international conference on early warning in Bonn, Germany. I joined a special round table on how to accelerate development of tsunami warning systems in the Indian ocean. An initiative was announced there by a consortium of seven major agencies to offer a package of support for countries of the region to help them develop warning and risk reduction systems.

The offer is coordinated by the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. I encourage you to examine it to see how this support package might help you achieve your Road Map objectives. The future generations of Sri Lanka will be safer once this Road Map is put into action. Let me know if I can help you in this important task.




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