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Government Gazette

DUA campaign begins

AMPARA: Leader of the Democratic Unity Alliance (DUA) Nazeer Ahamed toured Ampara in his campaign to promote his party candidates contesting in the forthcoming Local Government elections.

In his address he claimed that the Democratic Unity Alliance was a party that shunned racial or ethnic based politics. Such parties have been the bane of the nation, he stressed.

Outlining the party's strategy he said that the party motto, 'Unity, Peace and Development' may sound anachronistic in the present day context. "But", he added "it was time all Sri Lankans went back to the cherished traditional values like honesty and respectability if the nation is to salvaged from the quagmire it finds itself in".

He added that all the present day problems of the nation were because most politicians sought power for pecuniary gains and not to serve people as was done by leaders of yore. "Present day politicians have betrayed the trust and confidence the people had placed in them," he said. "The DUA is campaigning to restore that faith and trust in leaders".

He vowed that as leader he would ensure that DUA representatives in Local Government authorities would serve the people with dedication.

Later in the day Nazeer Ahamed joined candidates on a house to house campaign claiming that this was more of a heart to heart campaign much to the delight of his many supporters.



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