Budusarana On-line Edition
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Sunday Observer


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Government - Gazette
Tsunami Focus Point - Tsunami information at One PointMihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Quake aid 'not enough' as disease kills survivors

RELIEF officials warned that world aid pledges for Pakistan's quake may be too late to save lives, while doctors said 22 people had already died of tetanus and one of measles. Donors at an emergency United Nations conference Wednesday promised an additional 580 million dollars amid a life or death race to deliver help to tens of thousands of injured or homeless people before winter.

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Storm warning in southern India, thousands evacuated

INDIAN authorities began evacuating thousands of people from the southeastern coast on Friday as a storm with winds of 100 km per hour (62 mph) bore down from the Bay of Bengal.

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AAT qualification, a stepping stone to reach high


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Spice : Mysteries of Sigiriya and its landscape garden


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From the Press Box: Galle, rising like the Phoenix

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