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Seven day pirith ceremony to bless country, tsunami relief program

THE Ministry of Buddha Sasana will hold a seven-day pirith ceremony at Independence Square, to invoke blessings of the Triple Gem on the country and the proposed tsunami relief program.

The ceremony is conducted on the initiative of President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga who will also participate in the pirith, Secretary of Buddha Sasana Ministry, D. W. Abeywickrama told the Daily News. More than 100 members of the Maha Sangha will participate in the pirith chanting from June 22 to 28.

The aim is to obtain the blessings of the Triple Gem to lend strength to the country's forward march, Abeywickrama said.

Heads of other religions, ministers, Members of Parliament will also be present.

Buddha Sasana Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake will participate at the pirith on Wednesday (22) - opening day followed by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse on June 24.

Western Province Governor Alawi Mowlana and Western Province Chief Minister will participate on June 26, while Urban Development and Housing Minister Dinesh Gunawardana will take part on June 27.

An alms giving will be held on June 28 with a dhana offering to more than 100 Buddhist monks at the Independence Square where the ceremony will conclude after a "dorakada asna".



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