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Ninety percent of corruption resorted to by public servants - Deputy Minister Sripathi Sooriyarachchi

"ACCORDING to the informations received 90% of the corruption has been recorded to be resorted to by public servants. The politicians do not interfere in such incidents. But when some lapses occur all the blame come to the politicians" Sports and Youth Affairs Deputy Minister Sripathi Sooriyarachchi made the above observation speaking at a meeting held in Matale.

The Deputy Minister attended the inauguration of the first stage of the new playground prior to the public meeting. Nandimithra Ekanayaka artificial Hockey playground was the venue of the meeting.

Samurdhi and Poverty Alleviation Deputy Minister Rohana Dissanayake, Member of the Central Provincial Council Bandula Yalegama, Opposition Leader of Matale pradeshiya Sabha Nimal Jayawardhane and Matale District Secretary K. Udage also were present on this occation.

Ven. Ruddagoda Chandawimala thera officiated at the function. Speaking further Deputy Minister said. Recently I got the opportunity to attend a seminar in Singapore. I do not believe that every thing is good in that country.

One of the good things I got to know is the policy to remove the public officers who are not working. It is a pity that we do not have that policy in this island.

One of the main objectives of the UPFA Government is to strengthen the public service and to build the national economy. Faster development could be achieved only through the consolidation of the national economy.

The present Government also has given relief to the people in several consumer items such as fuel, electricity, medicine and fertilizer. If a Government does not work for social justice it has no future.

Referring to sports development, the Deputy Minister said: This new sports ground is the fruit of the efforts made by Deputy Minister Rohana Dissanayake.

The Sports Ministry has allocated the funds to the tune of Rs. 3.7 million for this project. A decision has been taken to hold the National Sports Festival in Matale in order to develop the sports in this District.

I was able to exchange views with the relevant people today. One point I noticed was that there was no co-ordination between the responsible institutions and the persons concerned.

I feel sorry to see that the essential updating has not been done to Bernard Aluvihare stadium, the centre of the said national sports event.

The Deputy Minister promised to do the needful to bring about the desired co-ordination between the relevant institutions and the individuals. Refering to the responsibilities of the Matale Municipal Council, he said.

Since a considerable amount of money has been allocated to improve the playground facilities in Matale, steps should be taken to utilize that money to creat something with lasting value.

Deputy Minister Rohana Dissanayake said that two important sports grounds were gifted to the people in Matale District by the past PA Government Rangiri Dambulu International Cricket Ground and Nandimithra International Hockey Ground are the two facilities added. Bernard Aluvihare ground is the only such facility available in the Matale city being made use of on every occasion.

Matale Municipal Council had to face many difficulties when that ground is used for some functions. Construction of the new ground is one solution to overcome such difficulties.



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