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Lanka-China to sign MoUs in August

SEVERAL key MoUs benefiting China and Sri Lanka will be signed between the two governments when President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga visits Beijing, China, Industries, Investment Promotion and Tourism Minister Anura Bandaranaike told the Daily News yesterday.

President Kumaratunga has been invited by the Chinese Government as chief guest of the Women's Beijing Conference in China to be held in August.

Meanwhile, Bandaranaike in China with a tourism promotion campaign, held several discussions with top tourism authorities including the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and the Qingdao Tourism Administration. The Minister has asked for a grant concession from the Chinese Government to promote Sri Lanka tourism in China.

"When the President is here in August, the grant concession will be signed. The grant will be negotiated by both governments. This MoU will also provide several benefits for other tourism related areas such as educational activities at the Ceylon Hotel School Training chefs and interpreters" Bandaranaike told the Daily News.

According to him, the MoU that Sri Lanka tourism entered into with CNTA in 2003, facilitated the tour operators of both countries to transact tourism business. The Hotel School in Sri Lanka has been geared to train Mandarin and Cantonese speaking tour guides to make Chinese travellers more comfortable.

Apart to the MoU on tourism, several other major MoUs between the two countries including the joint participation of the development of phosphate, Kantale Sugar Mill, Colombo-Katunayake based highway, Hambantota harbour and Norochcholai power project will also be signed by the President during her visit.

"There is a steady rise in the number of Chinese travellers to Sri Lanka. It has increased by 25 per cent in 2004 compared to 2003.

Therefore, no doubt the Chinese will be the biggest tourists arrival to Sri Lanka in the next few years," Bandaranaike said.



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