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Dr N M Perera, colossus among national leaders

There are two definitions etched in my mind about leadership and a leader.

“A leader takes people, where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but, where they ought to be.” - Rosalyn Carter

Dr N M Perera

“The secret of greatness is simple – do better work than any other in your field and keep on doing it.” - Wilfred A Peterson

By any standard or any stern measure, Dr N M Perera was a colossus among our national leaders.

Our proud history cannot forget the crucial role played by this charming, charismatic, honest and disciplined politician, erudite economics scholar Dr N M Perera. Undoubtedly he was a born leader, a fine human being, a gentleman par excellence.

June 6, 2013 is this great leader, Dr N M Perera's 107th birth anniversary. He was born on June 6, 1906.

I pen these few lines, in an era, where great honest, gentlemanly, educated politicians are a rare breed.

N M was one of the nicest gentlemanly politicians and a fine sportsman that I have ever met. He was a class by himself.

About three to four decades back, as a Member of Nondescript Cricket Club (NCC), I was fortunate to play tennis with this great leader.

Benjamin Leonidas used to play tennis with N M regularly. On and off, I too get an opportunity to play against him or partner him in doubles. It was a lovely, memorable experience. He was a fine tennis player. His cross-court driving was superb.

N M Perera was born on June 6, 1906. He had his early education at S Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia, under that great classics scholar, Warden Stone. Later, he joined Ananda Vidyalaya, Colombo during the period of P de S Kularatne, the great mathematician and buddhist educationalist. He was a versatile student. He captained Ananda First XI in 1925. He was the Head Prefect at Ananda and showed leadership qualities even as a student.

After a brilliant academic and sports career at Ananda, the crest-jewel of Buddhist education, he entered the University College which was then affiliated to the London University. Even at University he outshone others as a brilliant all-round undergraduate. He not only represented the University College in cricket but also took part in drama.

Smart, handsome N M, played the lead role in a Sinhala play titled “Nagarayen Kethata” written by Dr O H De S Wijesekera and produced by Dr Malalasekera and Dramatic Society of the University College. Even at that time he possessed a charming pleasant personality.

N M obtained an Honours Degree from the University College in Economics, his pet subject. He served as an University College, as a lecturer for a few years. Later, he proceeded to England for his Doctorate. His “Guru” at the University of London was internationally reputed Harold Laski.

He was highly impressed about this brilliant student from Asia. Once, he remarked “If N M was born in England, he may one day would end up as the British Finance Minister or a Prime Minister of a Labour Government. Of course, he served as the Finance Minister of the coalition Government of Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

While in England, this great leader joined hands with some Indian socialist leaders and became a Marxist.

As a true Troyskite, Dr N M Perera after his return to Ceylon, led the people against the imperialists and capitalists with Philip Gunawardene, Dr Colvin R de Silva, Leslie Gunawardena, Edmund Samarakkody and Dr S A Wickramasinghe.

They formed the Lanka Samasamaja Party on 1935, the first political party of Sri Lanka. This party stood for Democratic Socialism and fought against British imperialism.

The LSSP became the party of the educated intelligentsia and most of the University students joined its ranks. They were genuine, honest and fought for a cause.

Suriyamal Movement and Bracegirdle who fought against British imperialism were two highlights of LSSP proud history. These bold revolutionary young leaders – Dr N M Perera, Dr Colvin R De Silva, Philip Gunawardena, Edmund Samrakkody, Leslie Gunawardena, Vivian Gunawardena with the help of Robert Gunawardena, broke jail and some fled to India. In India, Dr N M Perera, served as a bank clerk for a few years. After they returned to the country, they never gave up their socialist struggle.

As Charles Dickens wrote “It was the worst of times” in the opening sentence of Tale of Two cities, people were suffering. Added to the economic depression in Ceylon, the malaria epidemic too raised its ugly head.

The LSSP leadership led by N M Perera, Philip Gunawardena and other comrades did a yeomen service distributing medicine and food items to affected people.

As N M distributed “Parippu” - Dhal to the poor peasants, people in Ruwanwella- Dehiowita, Dereniyagala, Anhettigama, Udabage, Nooriya, Yatiyantota, Karawanella, Ruwanwella, Madawela areas greatest peasants and affectionately called N M Perera as “Parippu Mahattaya”.

In 1936 elections for State Council, Dr N M Perera defeated a noble woman Adline Molamure and entered the State Council. Philip Gunawardena defeated Forrester Obeysekera. The grateful people at that time, voiced “Ruwanwellata Parippuwa”, “Awissawellata Philippuwa”.

Dr N M Perera held sway for nearly four decades in Parliament. The educated class, believed these educated leftists like N M, Philip, Colvin, Dr Wicks (Dr S A Wickramasinghe) Peter should invariably be in Parliament. They were men of principles, who did not earn a red cent from corrupt practices. Reading the autobiographies of these great leaders will definitely help some of the present day politicos to mould their character. These leftists were sincere and men of honesty and integrity.

Recently on TV, I saw a certain so called leftists using some bad words, which showed his quality. The old leftists were brilliant with attack with polished language and they never uttered “Mun Makabavila Palayan – Hena Gahapan” type language.

Dr N M Perera showed his brilliance as the Mayor of Colombo. Even today, educated people say Mayor N M Perera, ushered the Golden Era of Colombo Municipality.

The great leader N M was a fine orator. It was a treat to listen to such great orators of the calibre of Bernard Soysa, Dr Colvin R de Silva, Senators Nadesan and Doric De Souza. Even leaders like Jayawardene, Dudley Senanayake, Chelvanayagam, Sir John Kotalawala, S W R D Bandaranaike, highly respected N M Perera and Bernard Soysa.

The year 1977, J R Jayawardene came to power and it marked the defeats of Samasamaja and Communist Leaders. With the defeat of honest, sincere politicians like Colvin, N M, Dr Wickremasinghe, Peter Keunaman, gentlemanly politics in Sri Lanka ended.

They were revolutionaries but they were never “blood- thirsty”. They were gentlemen of the highest order, which the present day politicians should emulate.

After listening to the election results over the radio in 1977, the greatest shock for me was the defeat of Dr N M Perera at Yatiyantota. On this day in the evening I went to NCC for a game of tennis.

I could not believe my eyes. Dr N M Perera was playing a singles set with Benjamin Leonidas. After the game, we were having ginger beer. I opened my mouth, “Sir, I am sorry and sad about your defeats. I am sure many people will be sadden about your shocking defeats.”

N M replied, “Premasara, we must learn to respect the verdict of the people. They are far above us. We must learn to take victory and defeat with a smile. That's the beauty of Democracy. I learned this in the playing fields of Ananda Vidyalaya.

Do you know that your college Nalanda, defeated us (Ananda), when I captained your captain. A B S Perera was your captain. At Yatiyantota, another Perera – Vincent Perera defeated me. That's how this game of politics goes.”

During 1977/1978 era, Dr N M Perera served as the President of the Board of Control for Cricket.

He had vast experience as a fine cricket administrator as he earlier served as the President of Nondescript Cricket Club NCC. One of the great qualities of N M was that he never mixed his politics with club matters. During his period of Presidency, NCC won the Sara Trophy a couple of times.

I close this envelop by quoting a statement from late R Premadasa, former President of Sri Lanka. This sports loving personality was the first to introduce Flood-lit soccer and cricket to Sri Lanka.

During this time, I was a reporter attached to Lake House Group while a Final student at the University.

After the conclusion of the Flood-lit soccer matches played at the Colombo Oval, the present Saravanamuttu stadium, R Premadasa, a member of the Colombo Municipality practically offered me a lift to Lake House in his famous Morris Minor – EL 1952. We always have a pleasant, interesting chat while he was driving to “Sucharita.”

One day, I asked him a question. “Out of all the politicians in Sri Lanka who is your favourite and who do you follow, admire and respect?”.

Smiling, Premadasa replied.

“Dr N M Perera. He is my idol and I follow him. I always respect and honour him. He is a genuine man of principles, a role model for all of us.”

N M was charm par excellence. His conversation, pleasant smile had an affable charm. He was lovable, courteous, witty, accomplished and warm-hearted. What ever he did, he did with passion.

This great national leader Dr N M Perera, colourful personality, scholar, great economist and man of the people, ended his innings on August 14, 1979.

Lives of great men all remind us;
We can make our lives
And departing leave
behind us;
Footprints on the sands
of time
Henry Wordsworth



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