Daily News Online

Wednesday, 23 June 2010






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Government Gazette

Trust built between North and South:

Change is possible

Power devolution under the 13th Amendments would end the ethnic problem, Traditional Industries, Small Enterprises Minister Douglas Devananda says. Excerpts of the interview:

Q: Your visit to India recently created a political controversy. What were the reasons for that?

A: In my political life from the beginning I had experienced such incidents. Mud slinging and accusations were part of it. This particular incident was also an organized propaganda gimmick to discredit my political image.

 Minister Douglas Devananda

The lawyer who appeared for Nalini, the convict of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case had created the problem. I have been to India for medical treatment and political discussions, met political leaders and for other reasons on several occasions from 1990. But I never had problems. This was only to tarnish my political image.

This incident about the death of a person which happened in 1986 was an accident due to a gun misfiring.

The incident took place on Deepavali day in India. EPRLF comrades Uma Maheshwaran, Suresh Premachandran and myself were in Southern India and it was not our fault. Since it was Deepavali there were no doctors at hospitals. When the injured person was admitted to hospital he died due to bleeding.

During that period disagreements amongst the armed rebel groups ended with an assassination. But I always tried to solve problems amicably. In this instance too I came forward as the EPRLF leader but the LTTE accused me of the crime which I did not commit.

Q: You have worked as an armed rebel group leader. But now you are a Cabinet Minister. How do you feel about the two stages?

A: I wore trousers and carried two weapons on either side of my waist when I was a rebel leader. I wear vetti and shirt and do not carry weapons now. Though my attire is different, my motivation as a rebel leader and as a democratic leader has one thing in common. That is to serve human kind with love and compassion. I always had leftist ideas. I always fought to protect democracy and for the development of mankind.

Q: What are your prospects in power devolution for the North and East as a stepping stone for sustainable peace and development?

A: For a long period we were requesting for the 13th Amendment to be implemented in the North and East. We do not ask for the sun or moon from the Government. We only ask for a reasonable solution within provisions of the Constitution.

The Indian Government had agreed to it and President Mahinda Rajapaksa was also willing to accept that solution. Power devolution under the 13th Amendment would bring the ethnic problem to an end. Devolution is now working only for the South. I believe changes could be effected at this juncture when there is realization and belief among people to transform themselves to better citizens.

Q: Do you think the Tamil Diaspora can topple the Government with the support of some Tamils?

A: They are only dreaming.

Q: What do you have to say about your new Ministry and the plans for the future?

A: Developed countries too had gained from Small and Medium enterprises. Sri Lanka would also use this method to improve the SME standard and we are now studying how to improve SME and to gain foreign investments for such ventures.

For an example Palmyra and Kithul are two options that can be developed to earn foreign exchange. Now we conduct research to improve these and other traditional industries.

Special emphasis would be made on women to improve their income and livelihood and micro enterprises too.



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