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DateLine Wednesday, 1 August 2007

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Government Gazette

Catholic social teaching & its contribution to social change

Continued from............

SOCIAL TEACHING: By nature man is a moral being and has to use his freedom of choice and deliberation in accordance with the rational demands emerging from the law of his human nature. No law can deny the basic structure of the natural law which is basically moral in nature and not merely cosmic or material. No positive law can contravene the dictates of natural law.

The recent Compendium of social doctrine prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and peace in Rome (April 2004) crystallizes the main themes of catholic social doctrine revolving on the dignity of the human person. The human person is at the core of this catholic vision of society and history and all that involves human life in its many vicissitudes.

It is meant to be an instrument for the moral discernment of the complex events that mark our time; as a guide to inspire attitudes and decisions that permit people to preserve a sense of hope and greater trust in the future. It is a contribution of truth to the question of man’s place in nature and in human society, a question faced by civilizations and cultures in which expressions of human wisdom are found.

We find in this social doctrine, the principles for reflection, the criteria to judge and directives for action which form the launching pad for the promotion of an “integral humanism” that can be shared in solidarity by all: the rich and the poor, the Christians and those of other faiths.

It shows that the Church journeys along the paths of history together with all of humanity. It is a beautiful teaching that blends Christian faith and the dictates of reason and takes into consideration all branches of knowledge in a spirit of friendly dialogue. The highest ideal is to reconcile justice and love in the world.

Among the great themes addressed are the principle of common good and how the universal destination of goods are to be seen in the light of the needs and care of the poor.

Further, with the importance of the principle subsidiarity as a basic element for a social philosophy, participation is shown to be flowing from this principle and thus ensuring the spirit of democracy and the bond between people which evokes the principle of solidarity. Social doctrine underlines the crucial values at play: namely truth, freedom and justice.

To crown it all comes a new understanding of “love” in its authentic sense as the highest and universal criterion of the whole of social ethics from which the former values are born. Love of the neighbour is seen as the hall-mark of political charity and in the organizing and structuring society so that no one is left marginalized and poor.

In a fine comprehensive vision of social realities, the new compendium gathers for us the various components that go to build up a viable, healthy and prosperous society. Society must be at the service of the family, which is the basic cell of society.

There is the highest consideration given to human work and the solidarity of workers. Economics, politics and international dimensions of life are solidly based on biblical considerations that elevate these secular features to a profoundly transcendental level.

Finally, environment and peace receive the highest plaudits in the catholic social teaching. Peace is identified as the fruit of justice and war is seen as its tragic failure. The Church’s mission includes the work for peace by being a sign and instrument of peace in the world and for the world.

Her conviction is that true peace is made possible only through forgiveness and reconciliation not however overlooking the fact that justice and truth are concrete requirements for reconciliation.

The social doctrine of the Church is appropriated by the Church as part of her work of serving humanity and its world in a spirit of love and care. In this particular field the Christian laity plays an important role, since they are the agents of social change in the secular sphere that is to be brought about in the light of the Christian vision of man, world and history.

This is nothing else other than aligning ourselves with God’s plan for mankind and so to direct our human and social lives according to the light that comes from the teachings of the Gospel about God’s kingdom.

In this understanding, it is love that holds primacy in our dealings with God’s law and needs of human beings.

In a world where people are increasingly experiencing a new need for meaning, hope has to be instilled in people’s minds and one has to work towards a civilization of love: love that must be given a renewed value, for only love can fully transform human beings. It is the highest norm for all activity.

This love is seen as “social charity” which embraces all and everyone. As is evident, the social doctrine of the Church is not only for the Christians, but it can be inspiration and guidance to people of other religions and all people of goodwill with whom the Church shares the highest vision about the nobility of human beings and their right to be fulfilled and happy in life.

With all of them, the Church wishes to live and work in a spirit of dialogue to ensure the achievement of our common ideals: the complex of all those conditions worthy of man’s dignity and human solidarity.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at - Sri Lanka

Annual Conference: The three-day International Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Conference (Jalsa Salana) concluded successfully on last Sunday in Hadeeqa-tul-Mahdi, Hampshire in United Kingdom.

Over 25,000 representatives from 84 countries of the world attended the annual Islamic conference which was initiated 116 years ago.

On the second day of the convention Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad - Supreme Head (Caliph) of the Community described the progress of Ahmadiyya Jama’at throughout the world. He stated that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat has now been established in 189 countries of the world.

He further said that since the previous Ahmadiyya leader’s migration from Pakistan to England, in 1984 the Community has been established for the first time in 98 countries. He also told the audience that during the year, 299 new mosques had been built.

To fulfil the mission of spreading the message of Islam throughout the world, he told the audience, that by the Grace of God, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has published the translation of the Holy Quran into 64 languages. Moreover its translation into 18 languages is in progress.

The Ahmadiyya Caliph spoke of the work being done under the Nusrat Jehan scheme and said 36 hospitals in 12 African countries are running under the efficient management of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Homeopathic treatment has been very successful.

Commending on the work of the charity organisation Humanity First run by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, he said, aid continued to be delivered to those areas where natural disasters and epidemics had occurred during the last year. In this regard this year 26,000 kg of food has been distributed to those in need.

Furthermore at a cost of Rs. 130 million (50,000 Sterling Pounds) the Charity has built a specialist Unit for treatment of Back ailments. It had also set up 15 computer centres to educate the people in African countries.

A further sign of the progress of the community has been that this year Humanity First has been registered as an official United Nations Organisation (UNC).

A main highlight of the event was the International Bait (Initiation Ceremony) where 260,846 new converts took the oath of allegiance throughout the world. The Bait (Oath of allegiance) was simultaneously translated into a number of languages so that peoples from all parts of the world could take part in their native language, through LIVE transmission from Muslim TV Ahmadiyya (MTA).

In the final session Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahamad spoke of the importance of prayer particularly in the forthcoming year in which the Community will be celebrating its Khilafat (System of Spiritual Succession) Centenary.

He said that this system of spiritual succession is a reward for the Community and thus we must pray for its blessings to always remain with us. The whole proceedings of the Annual Convention were broadcast live around the world on MTA international (a free 24 hour satellite TV channel).

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in a small town called Qadian in Punjab, India. Under Divine guidance Hazrat Ahmad claimed to be the Promised Messiah as awaited by all major religions.

Since Hazrat Ahamd’s passing in 1908 the Jamaat has been led by virtue of the Institution of Khalifat - ‘Spiritual Succession’. The Jamaat is currently led by the Fifth Caliph Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad who resides in South West London.

Talawila feast

annual feast: The annual feast of St. Anne’s Shrine Talawila will be held on August 4 and 5 with his Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw participating as the chief celebrant.

The flag-hoisting ceremony was held on July 29 and the Vespers will be held on Saturday August 4.

The Festive Mass will be concelebrated by the Bishop of Chilaw, Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis at 7.00 am and followed by the procession taking the statue of St. Anne in procession in the church compound. After prayers and supplications to St. Anne, the Bishop will bless the devotees with the Statue of St. Anne.

Chalakudy - an experience par excellence

Retreat: India is a country blessed with a number of pilgrim centres of not one, but of many religions. Among these is the Divine Retreat Centre at Chalakudy, a pilgrim centre visited by Catholics from the world over.

It is an organisation run by the Catholic Priests of the Vicnentian Congregation whose two main aims are: To preach the good news of the Bible and caring for the welfare of the poor and the afflicted.

These are the spiritual traditions bequeathed by their Guru Saint Vincent de Paul. To achieve the above aims the Potta Ashram, as it is called had been established at Chalakudy in the State of Kerala, drawing large crowds, including the sick and the broken-hearted and those seeking solace from vices such as alcoholism and drug addition.

The results produced through the week-long meditative retreats conducted, bringing about a dynamic transformation in the lives of the participants, spread the news to the far corners of the world for a continuous pouring in of pilgrims.

Encouraged by the overwhelming success, new vistas had been opened up with back to back week-long retreats throughout the year in six languages English, Tamil Telugu, Konkani, Kannada and Hindi in addition to Malayalam, the languages of Kerala State. From 1990, over twelve million pilgrims have visited Chalakudy for these residential retreats making it the largest retreat centre in the world today.

The Ashram of the Divine Retreat Centre at Chalakudy is less than an hour’s drive from Cochin International Airport, India.

It is a 24 acre block located peacefully along the lush banks of the Chalakudy River with its tranquillity and panoramic setting providing just the right environment for a pilgrim to follow the words of Jesus said at a time when His followers were tired, and recorded by mark in his Gospel 6:31 “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while”.

The Ashram also has its own TV channel, printing press, electrical sub-station, stand by generator and an uninterrupted supply of water.

A well-equipped medical centre with qualified staff operates round the clock with a number of ambulances at hand for any emergency. Construction work is continuously in progress on buildings that are yet to house the ever increasing pilgrim populace.

Participating retreatants at the centre come under strict discipline. As followers of an enclosed retreat they are virtually “under house arrest” from the Sunday they are enroled up to 2.00 p.m. the coming Friday when the final session is completed. Continued

Simple and invariable profession of Islam

impressive: “It is not the propagation but the permanency of this religion that deserves our wonder the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Mecca and Medina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran.

If the Christian apostles, St. Peter’s or St. Paul could return to the Vatican they might possibly inquire the name of the deity who is worshipped with such mysterious rites in the magnificent temple at Oxford or Geneva, they would experience less surprise, but it might still be in combined on them to peruse catechism of the church and to study the orthodox commentators on their own writings and the words of their master.

But the Turkish of St. Sophia’s with an increase of splendour and size, represents the humble tabernacle erected at Medina by the hands of mahomet.

The Mahometans have uniformly withstood the temptation of reducing the object of their faith and devotion to a level with the senses and imagination of man. “I believe in one God, and Mohamet the apostle of God,” is the simple and invariable profession of Islam.

The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honours of the Prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue, and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and reason and religion”. (Quoted from the book titled “Decline and fall of the Roman Empire - Chapt - L, PP. 282-283)


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Mount View Residencies
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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