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The burgeoning Indian economy - a meteoric rise

India - 2020 - A Vision for the New Millennium
Authors: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan
Viking Penguin India, New Delhi

DEVELOPMENT: Former President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the Indian nuclear scientist, has a vision of a developed India based on the country's giant strides taken in the fields of science, technology, agriculture, nuclear energy and space.

In his work under review, he goes on to underline that all this development will be meaningful only when all sections of Indian society are taken care - of by means of education,medical facilities and the quality of life provided to them.

Dr. Kalam's views in his work indicate that a nation is made great by its people who in turn become important citizens of a great nation. Dr. Kalam answers the question: 'What makes a country developed?" He explains that the obvious indicators are the wealth of the nation, the prosperity of the people and its standing in the international fora.

Wealth of a nation

There are many indicators regarding the wealth of a nation; the Gross National Product (GNP), the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the Balance of Payments, foreign reserves, rate of economic growth, per capita income etc.

He says that the growth of the economy and its sustainability are dependent on the volume of trade, share in international trade both of imports and exports. Dr. Kalam stresses that the prescription laid out by Mahatma Gandhi is a simple criterion so that every action proposed and contemplated should wipe the tears of the poor. Evolution of war As regards the evolution of war weaponry, Dr. Kalam notes that India too is open to various kinds of warfare tactics. During the 20th century upto 1990, the warfare was weapon-driven.

The weaponry consisted of guns, tanks, aircraft, ships, submarines, nuclear weapons, and also reconnaissance spacecraft. Due to competitions between super powers there came about the proliferation of conventional nuclear and biological weapons. He further says, from 1990 onwards, the world has graduated into economic warfare.

Economic dogmas

The driving force is wealth generation with certain economic dogmas. Therefore the urgent issue that India needs to address collectively as a nation is how to handle the tactics of economic and military dominance in this form sneaking in through the back door.

Today, technology is the main force of economic development and India has to indigenous technologies to sharpen the Indian competitive edge and to generate national wealth in all segments of economy. Thus India has to be armed with technology.

The major transformation of the Indian national economy is to make it one of the largest economies in the world, where the Indians live above the poverty line, their education and health are of high standard, national security reasonably assured and the core competence in certain major areas significantly enhanced. This process will lead to increased production of quality goods, including exports, thus a dawn of prosperity to all Indians.

This is possible by pooling the Indian talented scientists and technologies and the abundant natural resources of India. Thus adequate attention needs to be directed to develop special human resource cadre in India.


Commenting on globalization, his views are that globalization means integration with the world economy in that bringing influence of external forces to India. The competition needs to be in both internal as well as with global players, that would be useful to make India efficient and strong.

Globalization targets certain areas to maintain their dominance over other nations and India has to be prepared to face such selective targeted action by more powerful economic players in its long march to realise its vision of becoming a developed nation status.

Thus India has to evolve its own economic policy and develop its business and marketing strategies, as India has to play a multilateral game to attract foreign investments, have joint ventures and be an active international player. He concludes with the prophetic words." At the same time we have to remember that those who aim high have to learn to walk alone when required".


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