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Government Gazette

LTTE should lay down arms before talks - Premier

COLOMBO: Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake yesterday reiterating the Government’s sincere commitment to resume peace talks said that if the LTTE was willing to resume negotiations with the Government it should first lay down its weapons.

The Prime Minister said: “ Some persons are making various irresponsible statements in foreign countries that peace negotiations are going to resume. They all should understand this is a sovereign state. Even though we are a developing country, the Government will not take any decision whatsoever which will have any adverse impact on the country’s sovereignty.”

The Prime Minister made these remarks at a ceremony held in Colombo to present awards and certificates to employees who completed 25 years service at the Land Reclamation and Development Corporation.

He said that if negotiations are entered into this should be done without endangering the country’s sea, land and air transport.

“The country is governed by a democratically elected Government. Even foreigners should understand this position. How can they fix dates for peace talks without any consultation with the Government,” the Premier questioned. How can a democratically elected Government and a terrorist outfit be placed on the same footing, he asked.

The Prime Minister said the three Armed Forces and Police have achieved many victories sacrificing their lives. Limited defensive operations are still going on. The LTTE has faced a serious setback. This is why the LTTE wants to resume talks with the Government. However it must be remembered that it was the LTTE that withdrew from talks.

“We have learnt many lessons from the past. On each occasion the LTTE was weakened it took some rest to rebuild its power. Are we going to swallow this dead rope again,” he queried.

The Premier said: “If the LTTE has an honest intention to lay down its weapons and resume talks, the Government has no problem. However, the LTTE cannot be allowed again to go for an interval. There should be an end to this. Otherwise the LTTE will again start raising funds and collect weapons as they did in the past.”

“The Government is not opposed to anybody. All who are born in this country should be protected. But the LTTE should not be allowed to have innocent Tamil speaking people in their grip. Therefore the intention of the Government is not only to safeguard the country but also rescue the innocent Tamil people from the LTTE’s clutches. An opportunity should be provided all communities to live independently.”

He said: “certain segments overestimated the LTTE, creating a big image of it. The recent setbacks suffered by the outfit broke the myth of invincibility of the Tigers.”

Any responsible Government in a sovereign country cannot allow a terrorist group to act according to its will. The Government has to take defensive measures against such terrorist activities, the Premier said.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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