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Tuesday, 25 December 2012






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Christmas Messages



Love, understanding will strengthen peace, tolerance - President

Christians in Sri Lanka will today join fellow believers the world over in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

They will share in the loving and giving that marks the spirit of Christmas, when families and communities come together to share in this great festival of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, who brought to the world the message of love to all that is the essence of the teaching of Christianity, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said in a Christmas message.

The message: "The teaching of love and understanding that brings the spirit of sharing, which marks the celebration of Christmas, can help in strengthening the bridges of peace, tolerance and reconciliation that are being built in our country.

"The birth of Jesus Christ in a stable in Bethlehem shows the world the importance of love extending to all, moving beyond all barriers, extending from the highest to the humblest in society, to all beings who share this earth with us, and to nature that sustains us all.

"The sound of Christmas bells ring out the message of peace, joy and goodwill to all today and in this festive season.

I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas."

Jesus' teachings reflect eternal peace - PM

During this festive occasion when Christmas is celebrated, marking the birth of Jesus Christ, I send this message of felicitation with pleasure and reverence, Prime Minister D M Jayaratne said in a Christmas message.

The message: "Jesus Christ treated all humans with equality, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. His teachings reflect eternal peace, co-existence and equality in an era where man was suffering due to their sins and selfishness and stepping towards their wane. Jesus Christ sent the message of peace to the people.

"Christmas, in my opinion, in which we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, should not be a showy festival.

According to St Lucas, the birth of Jesus Christ is sensational. Jesus Christ was born in a crib in isolation when the privileged were having fun, eating and drinking.

"The happy message of the birth of Jesus Christ was conveyed to the world by Angels.

"He blessed the needy with strength to stand on their own feet instead of bowing their heads.

Therefore, we should understand the real sense of Christmas we celebrate today, not taking it as an occasion to make merry."


Bishop of Kurunegala

We are celebrating the birth of our Lord at a time when the whole world is in conflict and in need of peace, serenity and reconciliation, Bishop of Kurunegala Rt Rev Shantha Francis said in a Christmas message.

The message: “Celebration includes repair. This means looking back and taking note of times and occasions where we have failed in positive contribution.

"Being negative in thoughts words and actions means that we harm relationships.

"This exercise demands unremitting love acceptance of him or her as he or she is and respect them and their views, values, principles, qualities and the way of life and give much respect to them who are so much different, to you. “It also urges us to offer and share meaning and values of life which has been given to us in the whole act of nativity.

“Celebration also includes renewal! The challenge of rebuilding persons and individuals by which we experience true fellowship and brotherhood.

“Also renewal of our attitudes and values: so that we would get glimpse of that ‘new order’ which is given to us at the nativity of our Lord. “In the life and character of Jesus of Nazareth we see him dealing with conflict situations, personalities and individuals.

“Christmas very much reminds us of conflict and uncertainty, initially with in the mind of Mother Mary thereafter between Mother Mary and Joseph and later between the Magi and King Herod.

“This situation triggered off a crisis where thousands of children were murdered.

“The new order was experienced by Mother Mary and Joseph by and through the grace of God. Later on all those who came across Jesus of Nazareth saw and experienced this new order through the glory of God Almighty! St. John tells us of this new order. “the light blazed our of darkness, the darkness could not put it out”.

“It is our challenge and calling to enter into the new order, this Christmas and walk in the light.”

Northern Province Governor

Christmas is a time when everybody wants their past forgotten and the present remembered. Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it.

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another, the warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other, said Northern Province Governor G.A. Chandrasiri issuing a Christmas message.

The message: “Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ. Christmas means peace dawns to the world. After three decades of war, the people celebrate Christmas in grand scale without fear. Their aspirations are being fulfilled. Especially, the people of the North feel satisfaction with the present situation and have placed their confidence and trust on the President and the government for a better future. “May peace be your gift at Christmas,

“May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, the warmth Christmas grant you love May your neighbours respect your, Trouble neglects you, The Angels protect you and Heaven accepts you”.

Social Service Minister

The fundamental teaching of Jesus is Love. “As I have loved you, You also should love your neighbour”, is his golden teaching, said Social Service Minister Felix Perera issuing a Christmas message.

The message: “We are celebrating Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ today. We read in the Bible that the three magi came in search of Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem with gifts. They were blessed and fortunate for they adored the Infant Jesus and placed their gifts at his feet.

“The trio Gaspar, Balthasar and Mekisadek followed the Star and reached Bethlehem and they found Jesus. Peace is the star for us today and shows us the way to Jesus Christ.

“If we are sincerely hoping to grasp the Message of Christmas, we should adhere to life of Christ and his teaching. Emulating Christ, we must love each one and show mercy to all.

“We desire and wish peace when we decorate our houses with the statue of baby Jesus in Cribs and and Christmas Trees.

“The meaning of lighting of every candle is Peace. We recall to mind the graceful birth of a infant and Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims join celebrating Christmas without any distinct difference. We join hands with all to celebrate the event today, thanks to the President who made it possible. We wish him well.

“We have entered the road to peace after three decades of internal fight. We have extended our hands of love and peace from South to North and from North to South and what we should have is readiness to give ourselves to others. Our generosity is the sublime honour we could give to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World”

Catholic Bishops’ Conference

Once again, we celebrate God's entry into human history in the Mystery of Incarnation, the birth of the Son of God in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We exult in praise and thanksgiving to God Our-Father joining with the heavenly hosts, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Sri Lanka said in a Christmas message.

The message: “Jesus has made it abundantly clear that by his coming into our midst he wants us to share in the life he alone can give. He wants us to live our lives as meaningfully as possible here below and later come to share in his divine life for all eternity.

“In the celebration of the Mystery of Incarnation, Jesus invites all of us to come to experience the life he offers.

“Hence, our celebration of Christmas cannot and must not be a mere recalling of his historical birth. For, he wishes to be ‘born’ in the personal lives of each of us.

“In 2012, we celebrate Christmas in the Year of Faith declared by His Holiness Benedict XVI.

He underlines: 'Ever since the start of my ministry as Successor of Peter, I have spoken of the need to rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ: (Porta Fidei, art 2).

“He invites all of us believers to rediscover the beauty of faith and joy that comes from believing in him and by doing so be filled with renewed eagerness and enthusiasm to proclaim his to other.

“He invites us to proclaim to the world of today that the act of faith is totally in keeping with human nature and that it is completely reasonable to say, ‘I believe'.

“The Universal Shepherd reminds us that in the year of faith we must go beyond a mere commemoration of the anniversaries pertaining to the promulgation of the year of faith.

“We need to understand that the true spiritual meaning of the Second Vatican Council was to communicate faith in Christ and encounter Him.

“Let us, therefore, make this Christmas a fitting occasion to grasp the beauty of Christian faith and experience the unique joy of being able to believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour of the world.

“Every Christmas invites us to take a very realistic look at the society in which we live.

“It invites us to pay careful attention to the poor in our midst and be sensitive to the various forms of human sufferings prevailing in our society.

“While we engage in various forms of charitable activities, Christmas invites us to go still further and be mindful of those things that keep the poor always poor.

“Let us commit ourselves to changing all that is not in keeping with God's holy will, in our midst becoming agents of peace and reconciliation.

“Let us be engaged in the task of making the Sri Lankan society a better place for all of us to live.

“As we give thanks to God for Jesus, let us pray that all of us be given a renewed joy and a rediscovery of the uniqueness of our faith in Jesus as the Risen Lord and Saviour.

“We wish all our faithful, our fellow citizens and all men and women of goodwill a Blessed Christmas”.

National Freedom Front

The National Freedom Front, issuing a Christmas message, requests the people to recognize evil forces against peace and build up a brotherhood to defeat them.

The message: “Another Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace has dawn. The meaning of the Christmas is awakening the world for peace, brotherhood, equality and interfaith. So it is important to understand the truth of Christmas.

“For Sri Lankans, peace was a hope which could not be fulfilled due to separatist terrorism, but War Heroes succeeded bringing peace to the country. Peace has become a reality to the motherland.

“Some foreign conspirators are trying to destroy peace in the country.

“The NFF requests all the people to join hands with patriotic people to defeat conspiracies”.



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