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Monday, 22 October 2012






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Government Gazette








Where have all our children gone?

It was October 1, the day dedicated to Children and Elders. I turned on the TV hoping to view a programme and what do I find? A group of children just in their teens attacking their school Principal. They looked so vicious and full of hatred. I just could not help asking myself, 'Where have all our children gone? Why have they lost the innocence of childhood? Who is to blame?'

Even if the Principal was not wanted, they need not have behaved as they did, incited by their parents who should have known better. Do the parents realize that they are preparing rods for their own backs by inciting their innocent children to violence? Can anyone or anything make up for a lost childhood? Children are no longer permitted to be children and today there are mostly caricatures of self-seeking adults greedy for fame - and cheap fame at that. Ask any child and they will give the answer, “My parents want me to be this and that” etc. When a girl-child is raped, we all react in horror. Why does this happen?

Parents are mostly to blame. They want their children to be first in everything, sometimes forgetting that the child's mind is easily perverted. There are adults who take advantage of this. The Bible says “It is better that a mill-stone be hung on the neck of those who hurt little children and they be drowned in the sea.” This goes for parents too who mislead their children. Children are the jewels of our land, so let us protect them not mislead them.

It is useless making a big “do” about 'Children's Day' if elders do not see the harm they are doing by not leading their children on the correct path. Anyway most of the elders in our country (that includes the 'Dons') are not giving the right motivation to the younger generation.

Time will tell if we do not realize our mistakes. In time we may end up with a land full of morons!

Telecast useful advertisements

Advertisements are telecast aplenty on every TV channel daily. For whatever nature of advertisements, young and pretty girls are being shown either moderately or indecently dressed. We see on news telecasts on the same TV channels, accidental deaths of both elders and children due to gross carelessness or ignorance.

Drunken drivers speeding their vehicles, motor cyclists together with pillion riders overtaking and often flying, mothers allowing children to play near unprotected wells, placing bottle lamps at reachable heights of children, storing bottles of poisonous liquids close to medicine bottles, allowing children to have river baths, sending small or big girls along lonely paths etc, are some of them.

When we see parents and family members finally crying over dead bodies, we as parents really feel sorry for them.

These unfortunate incidents could be reduced or rather avoided if people are made aware of the warnings shown on whatever advertisement. Will not saving a life, especially a small child, give us great merit and a pleasure too? TV stations could persuade advertisers who approach them, for advertisements by way of a lesson to the public, especially of fatal occurrences.

Last but not in least, commercial companies instead of wasting their money for carnivals and other public shows, should utilize such monies to provide basic medical equipment, medicine and other items to the needy hospitals.

Have we not seen how patients are suffering? Will not we one day fall sick and suffer despite whatever our physical status and our financial positions? Have not we amassed wealth for several generations of ours to enjoy and should we continue beyond that too? Donate to the needy and alleviate whatever the suffering that may unexpectedly come to you by way of such meritorious acts.

Ginger in the Unani medical system

The Unani medical system is one of the indigenous medical systems in Sri Lanka. It was introduced by the Arabs who arrived for trade purposes. It is based on herbo-mineral treatment and has been successful where western treatment has failed. For the benefit of readers of the Citizens’ Mail Column I give below the use of Ginger as explained in the Unani medical system.

Ancient physicians used Ginger know as Zanjabeel in Arab as a carmanative or anti-flatulent.

The Greek physician Gallen used ginger to treat paralysis caused by phlegmatic imbalance in the body. The Arab Physician Avicenna used it as an aphrodisiac centuries ago. Ginger was also used by Pomose the Physician in the treatment of gout.

For Digestive Disorders

Chewing a piece of fresh ginger regularly after meals prevent dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, vomiting and other painful affections of the stomach and the bowels, not accompanied by fever.

Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with one teaspoon each of fresh lime and mint juices and a tablespoon of bees honey taken thrice a day, is an effective medicine for indigestion caused by the intake of heavy non-vegetarian and fried fatty food, morning sickness, piles, jaundice and vomiting

Cough and Cold

One teaspoon mixture of juices of ginger, garlic and bees honey taken 2-3 times a day, cures cough and gives relief in asthma. 10 gms of ginger boiled in water, taken with milk with sugar 2-3 times a day cures cough and colds.

A teaspoon each of heated ginger juice with bees honey taken three times a day for a few days, cures cough and cold and gives relief in asthma.

Ear ache

One drop of ginger oil (ginger juice boiled in mustard oil) put into the ear relieves earaches.

Education - the bounden duty of teachers

Education is something which gives you a welter of information about the life that you live, the past, present and future. Everything is based on a set of knowledge that plays a vital role on each individual. Education gives you not only the desirables but far more beyond that.

Teaching is the way of educating the rising generation to become future leaders. Children should be taught the good and bad at a tender age by parents and teachers. Education must be given in a fitting manner.

The way of teaching paves the way for the young generation to be in line with the good and bad. Education for the benefit of each and every child would bring a meaning to life.

All teachers should analyze the way of teaching in a wider perspective, with the passage of time which education gains prominence. That is development in every aspect that could be seen. By and large, most students do not understand the value of education.

It is the bounden duty of teachers to make them realize the gravity of education. Teachers should discharge their duties keeping in mind that they are moulding a nation.

'Reading makes a full man

Conference a ready man

Writing an exact man

and the virtue is like a

rich stone best plane set'

The above noble thoughts by Sir Francis Bacon vividly show the value of education. Education does not mean the printed books to be studied. Beyond that, there are unlimited aspects to be gained and derived, such as honesty, wisdom, the spirit of religion etc. One's beauty is not seen physically but through the way he behaves, the response paid towards others, humanity and discipline. Some teachers work with the aim of earning income by simply teaching something.

They do not care how it would affect the child. Under these circumstance, children face a critical situation. Their very lives are at risk.

These should come to a standstill. In the process of education we should work with each and every one to build a balanced personality through education.

One should not forget that education is a process from the womb to the tomb. In other words, it is a life process. A good learner is an asset. Education dispels darkness in the world. Education is an invisible treasure which follows you throughout your life.

Compensation for ex-employees of bus companies

There are many employees of the former peoplised bus companies who subsequently became employees of the Sri Lanka Transport Board under the provisions of Section 33 (1) of the SLTB Act No. 27 of 2005 and who have since retired or ceased employment with the Board for other reasons. At the same time there are ex-employees of such companies who did not deem to be employees of the SLTB but are entitled to be compensated by virtue of the shares held by them.

These ex-employees have been persistently addressing the Transport Ministry with the copies of relevant share certificates held by them, that they be compensated in respect of each such share in accordance with Section 33 (3) of the said Act but with no response.

Some of the employees referred to above are in poor health and some are not among the living.

I therefore wish to request the Transport Minister to kindly intervene in this matter and ensure that the ex-employees/heirs concerned, are paid their due compensation without further delay, for which they will be ever grateful.

Renovated Pradeepa Hall

Recently, I got the opportunity of attending a wedding at night at the Pradeepa Hall in Maligawatte and was happy to see the vast improvements made to it.

I noticed that more taps have been fitted for guests to use and that the pantry and toilet areas are kept very clean.

The hall is well coloured and has been brightly lit. The lawns on either side of it have been well maintained with plants grown and illuminated with colourful bulbs. On one side skidding boards, swings and other items too have been provided for those children who come along with their parents. Parking facilities are available and the approach roads are well developed.

The Housing Minister is appreciated for having renovated this hall to the great satisfaction of those, especially the middle class people, who will reserve it for any of their functions.

However I heard that no improvements have been made to the other two Pradeepa Halls at Gunasinghapura and Mattakuliya. I hope the Minister would look into them too.


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