Daily News Online

Saturday, 21 July 2012






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Trinity Principal a great performer

Former Trinity College, Kandy and Sri Lanka Army sportsman, Brigadier Udaya Aryaratne RSP, USP, B. Tech, C. Eng, AMIE, now Principal Trinity College, gives of his best for all sports, and this year the school became the All Island schools cricket and rugby champions. He celebrated another very successful year as Principal.

When the writer spoke to him recently, to find out as to why he accepted this prestigious post of Principal, he said that the primary reason why he accepted the post was because he will be serving his old School. He says he left his post of Group HR Manager to join Trinity College, to serve his alma mater and to give back at least something he got from his school. He is able to deliver because of the strong foundation laid by Trinity and with his Army training.

How many old boys have got the opportunity to serve his alma mater as Principal? He said that the Lord has blessed him with that opportunity to shepherd Trinity based on Christian faith.

He said that he has to ensure that the school and its administration are used in the best ways possible, short term and long term. The academic and sports infrastructure has to be fostered and developed from grass root level. 'I decided to place competent persons in various positions inviting former students of the school who would have the urge and loyalty to serve their school to the best of their ability, undertake their tasks faithfully and work towards success.

I have rose high in the Sri Lanka Army and as a Group Human Resources Manager in a multi national company prior to taking this assignment which I have found to be the best for the future of the school to develop with a vision to succeed," says the Trinity Principal.

Brig: Udaya Ariyaratne said that at Trinity College sports has always played a major role in the life of the school where both academic qualification and sports have been recognized to go hand in hand with great success.

Sports at Trinity is not confined only to making newspaper headlines. The performances by the cricketers in the current season is considered the best in the last three years. The present form can be a record where they have won all games played, out of which four by innings.

Considering the immense success the cricketers have achieved, Brig. Udaya Ariyaratne as Principal says that it does not matter whether we won or lost. To play the game hard and to the rules is what we inculcate in our sportsmen. The prestige of the school hinges on the successful organization.

Rugby Football in particular at Trinity is the number one sport. Rugger has always been the most popular game at Trinity since it was introduced in 1906. In the last two years the Trinitians have done their best, playing very fine, quality and entertaining rugby to satisfy the largest spectator attendance in the country with very high spirits.

He further said that with the introduction of a professional structure put into place and by providing all facilities with the immense support from the OBA rugby will be at the top in the years to come.

As Trinity College Principal, Brig Udaya Ariyaratne enjoyed a very successful 2011/2012 in the field of sports and education and maintaining the institute at the highest levels of administration with dedication, commitment, discipline, cooperation by all concerned with the school and above all the guidance of the Board of Governors and will uphold the Trinity spirit to its motto "Respica Finem".

To win from being underdogs in Royal's home grounds in 2011 was a great achievement.

This year too the same pattern will be followed with the motivation from the staff, coaches, players, parents, well wishers and the OBA to be on top by performing at its best.

The 2012 the rugby team has performed well except that they lost to St. Peter's where the better team won.

His main aim is to see all Trinitians stepping out of the school after completion of their studies combined with sports to be fully fledged "Trinitians" who will be able to proudly stand up in any society against any challenges and overcome all difficulties in life with a smile. He further proclaims that there are a huge number of Old boys, senior citizens and organizations in Kandy who are aware of the progress of Trinity College particularly from the time of his tenure who will be glad to testify and certify that Trinity is progressing well. His dream is to keep the wonderful traditions and culture of Trinity going like in the era of Late C. J. Oorloff. His vision is to develop Trinity College to international standards capable of producing valued students of outstanding quality and character based on



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