Daily News Online

Monday, 4 June 2012






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

At the foot of Mihintale

The morning of another Poson Poya Day. Thousands were trekking up the steps of Mihintale. The historic Summit of Love, where the golden message of the Enlightened one was made known to a taking who was on a happy hunting spree.

A sagacious king listened to the words on righteousness and compassion preached by the son of a noble and repentant king of India. King Asoka after the battle of Kalinga. King Devanampiya Tissa, threw away the weapons of slaughter and embraced the teachings of Lord Buddha whose immortal words spread to nearly half the globe.

His teachings made a triumphant entry into our motherland on that day.

Abaya sat at the foot of the steps of Mihintale rock. He was no beggar nor physically handicapped. Neither was he feeble, and could have climbed to the summit with ease. He dared not. This was his fiftieth visit to Mihintale. He had been there every Poson Poya Day for the last fifty years. Abaya was resident of a home for elders. He was a familiar figure at the foot of rock.

The persons in the area liked him and respected him. He was at the foot from the morning of Poson Poya Day till the morning of the day after. This was his fiftieth visit. He looked very smart, clean shaven and in a national dress.

Sharp at 10.00 a.m. a person in his early forties walked up to him. “Abaya?” Mr Abaya perera?” Abaya smiled. “I am Kumar Silva, I received your letter and the call. I am here as requested by you”.

“Thank you, Sir”. He beckoned some of his friends, who had known him for years. A few shop owners and devotees joined them.

“My dear son Kumar, I have sat at the foot of this holy rock every Poson Poya day for fifty years. Now I am 74 years. A heart patient. I look up at the summit of the rock, and picture the historic happenign at he summit nearly 2300 years ago.

The day when a king who was desirous of eating animal flesh, changed his life and his followers by listening to Arahath Mahinda. People were listening. “Now for my story. Long years back two friends and I were on a hunting trip. Close to Nandikadal lagoon. It was dusk and we were clad in long black raincoats, as a camouflage. Visibility was poor.

Suddenly I saw a bear behind a tree on its hind legs. A beautiful shot in the heart. Abaya clasped Kumar's hands. 'A bleeding staggering human being showly came to me.

“Abaya, you shot me”, he said and fell dead. Kumar my Puththa, I had shot your dear father. My friend began to shout. Fisherman and chena cultivators came running. I was weeping with my darling friends head on my lap with blood all over me.

“My dear, dear son, it was I who prevented you from seeing your father, and him from seeing his son. Your gracious mother was seven months with child. My other friend committed suicide.

He paid the price. I am still paying. The law and your beloved mother exonerated me. It was an accident. But my conscience kept on tormenting me. “Abaya you shot me, Abaya you shot me” was ringing in my years. Society spats on me. I am in a Home.

Every year I come hear every Poson Poya Day and try to find peace of mind at the foot of this elevated place where a Blessed Prince had stopped a king from taking away the life of a four footed friend. This is my fiftieth visit and feel so happy”.

“Kumara my son, please say that you forgive me.” Kumara was weeping. He embraced Abaya.” My dear uncle my dear mother forgave you. So why can't her son. My father was not destined to see his son, and me, a father, we all know why.” Many were in tears. Abaya was gently laid on to his mat. A gentle and repentant heart had ceased to beat.


A document in his pocket giving details as to where he was to be laid to rest was found. Funds for the ceremony and almsgiving. All his assets had been gifted to Kumar and his house to the family of his other friend. Money for an animal infirmity. A sorrowful multitude were happy to have witnessed the passing away of a truly fervent follower of the Enlightened One.


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