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Monday, 4 June 2012






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The Greatest Treasure we received

It was 2320 years ago, Sri Lankan embraced Buddhism. This significant event took place at Missaka Pabbata, Mihintale, 13 km East of Anuradhapura, which later, became the Epic centre of Theravada Buddhism.

Distant view of Mihintala. Picture by Lakshan Maduranga.

In 247 B.C, King Devanampiyatissa, met Arahat Mahinda, son of Great Emperor Ashoka, while on a deer hunting expedition around Mihintale. He became the first official devotee of Buddhism, on the pleasant, serene Poson Full Moon Day. Today, to pay their humble respect to Arahat Mahinda, who is considered as the second Buddha - Anubudu - millions of devotees flock to Anuradhapura and Mihintale.

For Sri Lankans, every Purapasalosvaka Poya Day has a definite significance. The most important Poya is the Vesak Full Moon Poya Day. It is celebrated by nearly six billion Buddhist world over.

However, Poson Poya Day is very special to all Sri Lankan Buddhists. It marks the arrival of the second Buddha – Anbudu – Arahat Mahinda and his delegation.

Arahat Mahinda's following words from the top of Missaka Pabbata was the beginning of a new civilization.

Samana Mayan Maharaja

(O Great king, monks are we)

Dhammarajassa Savaka

(Disciples of the king of truth)

Taveva Anukampaya

(Out of compassion for you)

Jambudipa Idagatha

(Hither have we come from Jambudipa -

the Island of Rose Apple – India)

With the arrival of Arahat Mahinda, changed the entire course of Sri Lanka's history. With the advent of Buddhism officially.

It should be mentioned here that during the time of Buddha, two leading merchants from India Tapassu and Bhalluka, who visited Trincomalee district Nithupathpane with Buddhas Hair Relics, enshrined and built a Dagaba known as Girihaduseya in the mountain known as Girikanda.

Royal patronize was extended to this new Faith and Buddhism was recognised as the official religion of Sri Lanka.

On arrival Arahat Mahinda, delivered his first sermon discourse Cula Hattipadopama Sutta, which gave a vivid description of the Triple Gem – Buddha – Dhamma and Sangha. The offering of the Maha Megavana Park to Sangha by the King, took place on Poson Poya Day. It was an important event, as it become the centre of Mahavihara, the Great Seat of Buddhist Education.

Buddhist Philosophy is meant for wise. Therefore, before the conversion of King Mahinda and his retinue, Arahat Mahinda, tested the IQ of King Devanampiyatissa, to make sure whether the king and his public had the intelligence of grasping the doctrine. The following questions and answers recorded in the Mahavamsa can be considered as the First Intelligence Test recorded in the history of Sri Lanka.

For the benefit of our readers, I quote Mahavamsa chapter XIV line 16:-

Arahat Mahinda – What is the name of this tree ?

King Devanampiyatissa – This tree is a mango tree.

AM – Is there yet another mango tree, besides this?

Are there any mango trees?

KD – Sir, there is this Mango tree

AM – Are there besides the other mango trees, which are not mango trees, yet other trees?

KD – there is this mango tree.

AM – Thou, has shrewd not Ruler of men, has thou kingsfolk o' king?

KD – There are many sir,

AM – Are there also some who are not thy kinsfolk?

KD – There are more of those than my kinsmen,

AM – Is there anyone besides the kingsfolk and others?

KD – There is myself

AM – Good, thus has gained shrewd wit

After explaining the purpose of his visit, and the IQ test, Arahat Mahinda preached the Cula Hattipadopama Sutta to the king and his retinue.


Arabhanta Nekkamata – Yujjata Buddha Sasane

Dhunantha Maccuno Senannatagaravana Kunjjao

Yo Immasmin Dhamma Vinaye

Appamatto Vihessati

Pahaya Jati Sansaran

Dukkassanthan Karissati

(Majjima Nikaya)

Start, set forth; observe the doctrine of the blessed one; destroys the armies of Mara (Evil One); like an elephant crushing a house made of Bamboos. If one observes this Doctrine and Discipline with Diligence, he will overcome in Samsara, realize the end of suffering.

The greatest Treasure Sri Lanka received from India on Poson Poya Day was the message of the Buddha. It was not only and introduction of a Religion or Philosophy, but also a way of life. All activities – social, economic, cultural underwent a revolution based on kindness and compassion.

The foundation for a birth of a civilized civilization, began with the advent of Buddhism. From Anuradhapura, Buddhism spread its wings throughout the length and breadth of the country.

Today, millions celebrate the Poson, in memory of Arahat Maha Mahinda Thera,

Dipapasadika – Light of Lanka).

With the advent of Buddhism, construction of Dagabas

It was mentioned that during the reign of Devanampiyatissa, the first Dagaba Thuparama – Anuradhapura, majestic and beautiful Buddha statues, arts, Paintings, sculpture and Buddhist Architecture began.

Queen Anula, 'the consort of the sub king Mahanaga, with 500 of her attendants ladies, gained mental attainments and with the arrival of Emperior Ashoka's daughter, sister of Arahat Mahinda gracious Sanghamitta Taerani, Bhikkuni order – (order of Nuns) was established. The idea for an establishment of Bhikkuni Sasanaya began with the arrival of Buddhism to Sri Lanka. With the arrival of Sangamitta, daughter of Emperor Ashoka and Queen Devi, with the Jayasri Maha Bodhi sapling, there began a “special culture” known as Bodhi culture, coined with the Bo Tree.

We, Sri Lankan's can proudly boast of an outstanding Pali and Sinhala literture. Thanks to Buddhism, great Buddhist scholars like Buddhagosha (Visuddhimagge), then Gurulugomi,Dharmasena, Wettewe, Sri Rahula, Paracramabahu II, Vidagama Maitriya, enriched our proud Buddhist literture.

Buddhist literature flourished. Dharmapradipikawa, Amavatura, Butsarana, Dhamsarana, Saddarma Ratnavaliya, Pujavaliya, Kavayasekeraya, Guttilaya, Kausilumina, Budugunalankaraya, Jataka Potha etc. are undoubtedly some of the classics of Buddhist literature. Today, Emperor Asokha, King Devanampiyatissa Great, Arahat Mahinda, Sangamitta are no more but, they still speak to us through the work they did.

Their good, noble, names will remain ever green in our memory. Even today, thousands and thousands of pilgrims climb about 840 steps (which I counted as schoolboy in 1956) to reach the most venerated spot Mihintale, we humbly worship this Great Arahat Mahinda and Bhikkhuni Sangamitta.


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