Daily News Online

Monday, 4 June 2012






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Fiftieth anniversary of ANCL Aloka Pooja :

Radiance of a civilization

Most Ven. Sri Saddharmakeerthi Sri Dhammadassi Ratanapala Buddharakkhita Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter

Aloka Pooja offers mental solace

The Advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera is important for us not only because it provided a religious revival. It is also important because it gave us strong cultural endowments. This great Sinhala Buddhist culture built due to the influence of Buddhism has been endangered at present. The main cause for this is the tendency among Sri Lankans to go after money, power and position rather than cultural values.

Therefore, on this Poson Poya Day we should resolve to incline towards Amisa and Pratipatti Pooja while protecting and upholding Buddhist values. In the meantime I wish to commend and appreciate the Mihintale Aloka Pooja conducted continuously for 50 years by Lake House as a Pinkama which provides mental solace to Buddhist devotees.




Most Ven Tibbotuwawe
Sri Siddharta Sumangala
Mahanayake thera of
the Malwatte chapter

Let us engage in Pratipatti pooja

The historic visit of Arahat Mahinda Thera helped to spread the identity of the Sinhala nation throughout the world as a civilized and independent with a culture and civilization created by the influence of Buddhism.

Since the temples built through it became centres of the Sinhala culture the country subjected to ignorance was enlightened by the dhamma on this Poson Poya day which introduced Buddhism to us, I would request all laity and clergy to engage in amisa and pratipatti pooja including dana, seela, bhavana and contribute towards the perpetuation of the Buddhasasana.




Most Ven Dawuldena
Gnanissara Supreme
Mahanayaka Thera of the
Sri Lanka Amarapura Mahanikaya

Protect the Dhamma for the future generation

Emperor Dharmasoka during his great sasana service of spreading the Buddha dhamma in nine countries extended great affection towards it by including our country too into his programe and getting his own son to carry the message to Sri Lanka on this day it is pertinent to think as to what the fate of our society would have been if Arahat Mahinda Thera did not visit our country bringing the message of the dhamma. If such a thing happened we too would have been like animals.

Therefore I would request all with loving kindness to follow the dhamma and be its protectors for the benefit of the future generation. May all beings be happy.




- Most Ven Weweldeniye
Medhanlankara Mahanayaka
Thera of the Sri Lanka
Ramanna Maha Nikaya

A day etched in people’s hearts forever

Poson Poya day in which Sri Lankan people rally round to commemorate the advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera with gratitude is a day of great and unmatched significance. The soothing scent of the Dhamma is needed by the people today as never before because this is a period where we have realized the infertility of life. The manner in which valuable resources found in the world are getting fast depreciated has been expressed by intellectuals. This proves the three features mentioned in the Dhamma. It is refuge in the Dhamma which will help us to make life prosperous and end our journey in sansara. Act without delay. May everyone understand the value and meaning of this noble Poson Poya day.




Ven Walawahengunawewa
Dhammaratane Thera,
Viharadhipati Mihintale
Raja Maha Viharaya

Towards perpetuation of Buddhism

On this great Poya Day we engage in various types of Amisa and Pratipatti Pooja to commemorate the intrinsic values of Arahat Mahinda Thera who introduce the Buddha Dhamma to people of Sri Lanka. Historic Mihintale Raja Maha Viharaya too organize various types of pinkam to commemorate that event.

Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd has made all arrangements necessary to make the pinkamas this year a success. The Mihintale Aloka pooja programme launched in 1963 by Lake House Founder D R Wijewardene marks the 50th anniversary this year. May the blessings of the noble triple gem bestow everyone who contributed towards the success of this pinkama with good health and success in life.



Mahinda Rajapaksa

May this noble deed gain more strength

I have great pleasure in issuing this message to mark the Mihintale Aloka Pooja conducted under the sponsorship of Lake House to mark Poson Poya every year.

This Aloka Pooja was started in 1963 on a concept of Lake House Founder late D R Wijewardene. Lake House has the honour of conducting this Aloka Pooja ever since continuously for the last 50 years. Lake House has gained public praise for the social hospitality services conducted in addition to the Aloka Pooja centred on the Mihintale sacred area.

While offering my personal tribute to the entire Lake House staff involved in this noble deed I wish them courage and strength to continue services of this nature in future.

- D M Jayaratne Prime Minister and Minister
of Buddhasasana and
Religious Affairs

Work with dedication for progress of the Sasana

I have great pleasure in issuing this message of good wishes to the Mihintale Aloka Pooja conducted by Lake House to coincide with the Poson Poya.

It is 2319 years since Arahat Mahinda Thera brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka. That great day which helped to build Sri Lankan people as a civilized nation should live in our hearts and minds for ever.

The Mihintale Aloka pooja marks the 50th anniversary this year. This Aloka Pooja started on a concept of Lake House founder late D R Wijewardene has developed into a great pinkama of the Buddhists.

I wish Lake House all strength to conduct the Mihintale Aloka pooja on June 3, 4 and 5 in a successful manner.


Dr Keheliya Rambukwella
Minister of Mass Media and

May it enlighten lives

Arahat Mahinda Thera who arrived in Mihintale in the 3rd century BC laid the foundation for the Sri Lankan civilization. By establishing Buddhism Arahat Mahinda Thera made all sections of the people including the ruler virtuous by explaining the essence of Buddhism.

Apart from that he established the Bhikkhu sasana which was essential to propagate and perpetrate the Buddha Dhamma. To commemorate that great event Lake House has been conducting the Aloka Pooja continuously for half a century. The entire Lake House staff which had continuously followed the vision of the founder of this pinkama the late D R Wijewardene are shareholders of this pinkama. May the Mihintale Aloka Pooja enlighten lives by inculcating the values of loving kindness among society.



Karunaratne Divulgane,
Governor, North Central

People’s tribute to ANCL

This Poson Poya day marks the 50th anniversary of the historic Mihintale Aloka Pooja conducted annually by the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd and I consider this as a memorable and great pinkama. The congratulations and the tribute of all Sri Lankan Buddhists is due to Lake House for selecting the historic Mihintale sacred city which brought the light of knowledge to our nation as the venue for this Aloka Pooja pinkama. The blessings and thanks of all Sri Lankan Buddhists go out to the founders of Lake House, its successive managements and everyone else for their contribution towards starting and organizing this Pinkama which has great national religious and cultural significance.




Berty Premalal Dissanayake,
Chief Minister
North Central Province

Lake House religious service invaluable

The Dhamma which dawned from Mihintale in the third century BC spread and enlightened the whole of Sri Lanka. The gift of the Dhamma received from the advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera rekindled Sri Lankan Society in religious, cultural and social fields. The new culture nurtured by it was able to build an unique civilization in the world and endow a written history of over several thousand years to the country. Poson Poya day can be described as the day which commemorates the great culture bequeathes to Sri Lanka from the Mihintale rock. I wish to extend my sincere good wishes to the Lake House religious mission which has made Poson festivities more meaningful by illuminating the Mihintale sacred area continuously for 50 years.



Bandula Padmakumara
Chairman and Managing
Director Associated
Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd

Helping hand to build a civilized society

The cool and bright full moon on Poson Poya day reminds us about the great movement when Buddhism was established in Sri Lanka and brings the message of building a civilized society.

On a Poson Poya day in the 3rd century BC Arahat Mahinda Thera delivered the Chullahaththi Padopama Sutra Desana and converted the king and his retinue to Buddhism by explaining the path to develop the intellect systematically and attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana.

Sri Lankans so nurtured by Buddhism established a great civilization second to none in the whole world. Lake House has been involved in illuminating the path of building a civilized society by conducting illuminations to brighten the message of the dhamma throughout half a century. We have been continuing the Mihintale Aloka Pooja started in 1963 on a concept of Lake House Founder D R Wijewardene uninterrupted for 50 years by adding several new features every year. We have brightened the path of the Aloka Pooja pinkama by conducting Sil campaign concurrently donating a science laboratory to the Kammalakkulama Vidyalaya in Mihintale, a library to the Mihintale MV and a fully equipped ward to the Mihintale Hospital.

Lake House which endeavours to illuminate the hearts and minds of Sri Lankans with the light and serenity of the dhamma hopes to continue the Aloka Pooja pinkama without interruption for the cause and perpetration of the Sri Sambuddha Sasana.

Duminda Dissanayake,
Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs and Skills Development

Anuradhapura ready for Poson

When compared with other religious events the Poson festival period is very important for people in Rajarata. Programmes titled 'Vida Niwana Pahan Bima' and 'Gajaman Udanaya' have been organized this year too to cool the fatigue of the people visiting Anuradhapura for Poson. The Mihintale Aloka Pooja organized by Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd this year too is a good fortune for the people of Sri Lanka. I take this opportunity to extend my special thanks to the management and staff of ANCL for this noble deed. May the blessings of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi be with all.


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