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Tea for health

Cinnamon, Black and Green tea

Nobody knows exactly where or when, the first cup of tea was brewed. According to folklore, Emperor ‘Shen Nung’ who reigned over China in 273 BC discovered the stimulating effect of tea accidentally when wild tea leaves fell into his pot of boiling drinking water. Chinese have probably been drinking tea in some form or the other since the fourth century AD. And considering that wild tea grew in many parts of Assam, in India It is not unlikely that tea drinking in Sri Lanka and India is as old as in China.

The raw material for tea manufacture normally consists of two young leaves and an unopened leaf bud - the famous ‘Two leaves and a Bud’ formula. But, plucking of longer shoots containing 3 or even 4 leaves is not uncommon. The freshly harvested tea shoots can be processed into the various kinds of tea, namely, Black tea, Green tea, Oolong tea, and Instant tea. The usual Black tea we all drink...the material’ undergoes ‘Fermentation’ while in the production of Green tea delicate and subtle in flavor, fermentation is purposely omitted.

Instant tea like instant coffee is a dehydrated product containing only the soluble constituents of tea. Today, the manufacturer of tea has approached people with various products and people use them with or without nutritional values. Every blend of tea is not refreshing when it comes to different flavors, herbs and method of preparation.

But there is one specific blend of tea that gives a phenomenal nutritional and medicinal value to people of Sri Lanka - that blends all the above qualities - Introduced as ‘Cinnamon, Black and Green Tea’

When researching the Nutritional values of the ‘Cinnamon, Black and Green Tea’ there is hardly any drink that is not food. In terms of calories - tea provides some calories-no exception. A cup of tea containing two teaspoons full of sugar, 2 tablespoons full of milk, yields about 40 calories. Milk contains casein, which makes the Tannin in the tea insoluble thus removing some of its astringency (acidic effect). Apart from the milk and sugar generally added; the tea infusion contains marginal quantities of vitamins and minerals, but no significant quantities of extractable proteins, Carbohydrates, or Fats. But, when it comes to this special blend of ‘Cinnamon, Black and Green Tea,’ anyone can enjoy a fresh, refreshing, plain cup of tea without any milk, sugar or sweeteners.

More than any other product of tea in the market ‘Cinnamon, Black And Green Tea’ is fairly rich in most of the B Group vitamins, Apart from these, it is also a good source of Vitamin E and K and Beta Carotene (changes in to Vitamin A in our body). This special blend contains traces of Fluoride and Manganese too. Fluoride helps in avoiding Cavities in the teeth.

The accumulating scientific data on tea and its constituents- the vitamins, Caffeine, and Tannin-and on its anti-bacterial activity provides a new picture of this popular beverage. Over the past few decades the list of physiological disorders which Cinnamon is contributed has been steadily decreasing.

Cinnamon has shown amazing ability to stop medication resistant yeast infections, regulate blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Diabetes reduces the proliferation of Leukemia cancer cells.

Consuming a cup of Cinnamon tea every morning before Breakfast gives a significant relief in Arthritis pain. It inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage. This special Blend of Black and Green Tea combined with finest Cinnamon from Sri Lanka; and the very best Ceylon black tea as a spicy delight with an aromatic twist. If you want to taste the finest Cinnamon Tea in the world, you have chosen the right product.

Cinnamon, Black and green Tea contains the highest quality, because it has lot to do with the fact that we produce ‘True Cinnamon’ in Sri Lanka (Cinnamonaum zeylonicum) which is indigenous to our Island nation. Using Cinnamon as a tea, the manufacturer uses the Bark and it has therapeutic properties and reported benefits of using it internally in the form of a Herbal Tea. Cinnamon Black and Green tea gives the beverage a very healthy boost and it helps nausea, because of the Catechins in Cinnamon. Cathechins also occur in tea and some well known herbs and fruits such as Barley, Agrimony, Strawberries, Pears, Pecans, Sage, Olives, Hop, and White Willow. Cinnamon was used as a treatment for fever, diarrhea, nausea, digestion, weight loss, menopause, to warm the body, yeast infections, circulation, uterine hemorrhaging, bad breath, loss of taste, headache, cough, acne, improves complexion, improves memory and sleeplessness and fungal infections. This amazing Cinnamon was used as a medicine, long before it became a kitchen spice.

On the other hand, Caffeine is sometimes prescribed therapeutically for the treatment of hypertensive headaches and tea is a legitimate means of supplying this medication.

Tannin in Black and Green Tea destroys bacteria and virus, there by inhibiting the growth of dental plaque. But at the same time, Tannin inhibits the absorption of Iron, Calcium, and Zinc, from the food when tea is consumed along with food. Green tea blended with Black tea helps reduce blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, prevent Thrombosis and treat infection.

Two types of tea with Cinnamon have Anti - oxidant properties which lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. The bark of the stem and the oil obtained from Cinnamon are useful as antiseptic,

Astringent and carminative, the oil obtained from leaves is used as a flavoring agent and provides best medicinal value for rheumatic pains. Though Cinnamon is commonly used as a condiment, it cures gastric debility and flatulence and also has the property of destroying certain germs and fungi. The best way of this Cinnamon, Black and Green Tea is, you can enjoy the quality robust taste in a good cup of tea with lots of health benefits naturally.


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