Daily News Online

Monday, 19 March 2012






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Welcome moves against the lawless

Civic-conscious sections of the public are bound to have been somewhat encouraged on hearing the news that the SLFP central command has resolved to initiate disciplinary and punitive measures against its politicians who have been found to have violated the law. This amounts to leading from the front in crime-containment and we urge that the law be scrupulously observed in both letter and spirit by the SLFP leadership in this matter of ushering clean politics.

The public learns every now and then of the alleged involvement of SLFP politicians in the perpetration of crimes of numerous kinds and it is about time that the SLFP's command structures took some concrete measures to put things right among the party's errant members. We are quite aware that charges need to be proved in a court of law before the guilt and culpability of persons in the committing of crimes are established but there is no doubt that these initial moves against lawlessness would help greatly in sustaining the reputation and credibility of the ruling party. Accordingly, we urge that quick action be taken by the SLFP central command in the case of credible allegations, when IGP N.K. Illangakoon hands in the list of names of those SLFP politicians who have been accused of lawlessness.

It is our hope that on this occasion too the more cynical sections of the public would not be given reason to dismiss as a mere publicity gimmick, these reported efforts at cleansing politics of criminality. If the ruling party shows the way in guarding against the possibility of the organization's worthy aims in national politics being perverted by undisciplined and criminally-inclined persons within it, the likelihood is great that the measures concerned would have a salutary impact on local politics. Besides, other political parties would be compelled to follow suit and cleanse their own Augean Stables. The cumulative result of these measures could be an overall enhancement in the quality of national politics.

We believe that the leadership of all local political parties is duty and conscience-bound to cooperate with the law and order authorities in stemming criminality in this country. In other words, those accused of lawlessness should be brought to justice speedily. Besides, the criminally-inclined should not be encouraged to get into politics and remain in it. The country's worries and torments on this score could be contained a great deal by the timely act of preventing criminal elements and the criminally-prone from entering politics.

This takes us back to the unresolved, huge and complex question of decriminalizing politics. The problem is some decades old and has its roots mainly in effort in the mid-seventies on the part of the then central authorities to 'roll back the electoral map' or in the surreptitious moves of those times to divest Sri Lanka of some of its democratic attributes and credentials. In other words, the issue has its genesis essentially in efforts make power the central consideration in politics. When this takes place, democratic vibrancy or development usually becomes a secondary consideration.

However, the country cannot afford to adopt a fatalistic attitude on these questions. The moves made by the SLFP General Secretary in relation to those accused of lawlessness within the party raises the possibility of sections of our current political elite taking things in hand and reversing the political decay which had steadily set in over the years.

A great public yearning would be met when some of these law-breakers are truly brought to justice. The larger national interest would need to take precedence over short term or petty political gain.

The principal issue is the decriminalization of politics. The deleterious process has its roots, as seen, in the decision by political managers to induct into politics those persons with criminal records or criminal tendencies, mainly out of the consideration that only power matters. Quite a few of our political organizations are guilty of this offence. Accordingly, we need a strong consensus among our political entities and actors that none who could undermine democratic politics should be allowed to run for public office. This, they would need to do in consideration of the national good.

US resolution criticises, surges beyond LLRC

It is almost a crime to lie to the people and mislead them on a matter of vital national interest. When it is committed by politicians it is an act of unconscionable opportunism. When it is perpetrated by so-called intellectuals belonging to civil society, it is a counterfeiting of the currency of the intellect and the function of the educated, which is to educate the public. One of the rankest untruths in the public domain today is that the US resolution is innocuous and unobjectionable because it only seeks to commit the government of Sri Lanka to implement its own LLRC report within a reasonable time frame. This untruth is perpetrated by the dominant elements of the UNP, the TNA and the civil society commentariat.

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Astronomers discover potentially habitable super-Earth

This planet is the new best candidate to support liquid water and, perhaps, life as we know it. Co-discoverer Guillem Anglada-Escude Astronomers have discovered a potentially habitable super-Earth planet orbiting a nearby star, making it one of the best candidates to support life. The newly found planet, called GJ 667Cc, has a mass 4.5 times that of Earth and orbits its host star every 28 days.

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China and Sri Lanka firming mutual ties

It was the tail end of yet another harsh Beijing winter. On March 5, the Convention |Hall of the China World Hotel was being prepared for a gala evening to celebrate an event very significant to two close allies. The function, that was expected to witness a high profile gathering of top state officials, members of the diplomatic corps based in China's commercial capital, leaders representing the business community and social strata, was to celebrate 55 fruitful years of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and China. It was appropriately titled 'Refreshingly Sri Lanka'.

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President strengthening democracy - Rohitha Bogollagama

The rush in Geneva in terms of bringing Sri Lanka on the agenda is unnecessary. A section of the international community with the US are now trying to pressurise Sri Lanka to implement the LLRC recommendations. Sri Lanka has already clearly shown its competence, capacity and commitment to implement the LLRC recommendations in a comprehensive manner. Putting pressure on the Sri Lankan government to accelerate the implementation of the LLRC recommendations is beyond the mandate of any group or country.

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