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Wednesday, 11 January 2012






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Philip Gunawardena: pride of our nation

One-One-One, hundred and eleven, is a considerable period in the political history of a nation. Nevertheless the personality of a colossus that strode the political arena of this country for a better part of the 20th century still radiates. His voice still reverberates throughout the corridors of history during the period under review.

Philip Gunawardena

Don Philip Rupasinghe Gunawardena better known by the appellation of Lion of Boralugoda was born on January 11,1901 in Boralugoda, Avissawella.

The onset of the 20th century witnessed convulsions in the Indian sub continent and other countries under British rule where the British Raj was contriving to consolidate its hold despite discontent and resistance, Sri Lanka at that time Ceylon was no exception. It is quite appropriate at this juncture to make an objective assessment and evaluation in retrospect of the contribution made by this great patriot, freedom fighter and the father of scientific socialism, to mother Lanka. In this regard one has to take in to account the course of political history and the turn of events and the moves that were orchestrated during crucial moments in the history of this country by this unique son of the soil.

Post graduate studies

Philip Gunawardena was a man of the soil. He was not brought up on cotton wool but in the treasured traditions of the village where man and mammal moved harmoniously in nature. Philip Gunawardena’s primary education was in the village school. Thereafter he received his education at Prince of Wales’ College-Moratuwa, Ananda College-Colombo from where he joined the University College, Colombo. At the age of 21 he moved to USA where he studied Economics at the University of Illinosis and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and joined Colombia University for post graduate studies.

Glimpses of the determined man who later fired the imagination of the youth at the toiling masses wherever he went was easily discernible in full measure in Philip Gunawrdena’s childhood. The courage and daring characteristic of the Seethawaka heroic tradition manifested in Philip in his childhood. In the year 1915, Philip’s father known throughout as Hewagam Korale and the Colombo administrative head quarters of the British as Boralugoda Ralahami was arrested by the British on the false allegation that he was aiding the Sinhala people to rebel against the British during the riots. The courage and daring of his son Philip in his childhood was witnessed when he rushed into the Governor’s house to fight for his father’s release.

Rural peasantry

The British authorities in UK checkmated many a time Philip’s return to Sri Lanka listed in the British Secret Service files as a ‘Revolutionary’. Finally Philip Gunawardena arrived in Sri Lanka in 1932. In his own words “Ever since my return to this island in 1932 my colleagues and I worked with ceaseless endeavours to disseminate the ideas of scientific socialism amongst the petty bourgeois intelligentsia and the advance sections of the working class”.

While this Boralugoda Lion was shouldering the task of mobilizing the toiling masses particularly the working class almost contemporaneously in the South, the Lion of Ruhuna D M Rajapaksa, the paternal uncle of President Mahinda Rajapaksa was espousing and spearheading the course of the rural peasantry. This effort was suit to be followed by D A Rajapaksa, the father of our President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Incidentally D A Rajapaksa was a close associate of SWRD Bandaranaike who played a pivotal role in the People’s Victory of 1956.

The concept of political alliances was first mooted by Philip Gunawardena. He articulated this concept with a sense of purpose and objective to push forward the programme of social political and economic upliftment of the people. This was evident particularly after 1951. He forged many alliances with other left parties. In 1955-1956 he broad based his vision to embrace the Puncha Maha Balawegaya - Sanga-Weda-Guru-Govi-Kamkaru and alliance with SLFP-VLSSP. Together with SWRD Bandaranaike and other progressives and with the blessing of the leading dignitaries of the Vidyalankara Pirivena, Philip played a very prominent role in the formulation of the Dasa Panatha the political manifesto leading to the formation of Mahajana Eksath Peramuna (MEP). The result was the birth of the peoples’ government of 1956 under the leadership of SWRD Bandaranaike.

Party politics

The role played by Philip Gunawardena the key minister of the Cabinet holding the portfolio of Food, Agriculture and Cooperatives was significant, controversial and monumental. He worked hard to break down the colonial framework that gripped the life and thinking of our people. He initiated the Agricultural Plan with the assistance of his advisers and officials for the country. It was against the backdrop of this plan many reforms were brought about. The Paddy Lands Act, Multipurpose Cooperative Movements, the Cooperative Development Bank Bill which culminated in the People’s Bank were part of these moves. The spearheading, propelling of the nationalization of the port and the bus transport in the face of resistance by vested interest both within and outside the government are part of recorded history. He was ably assisted by P H William de Silva and Minister of Fisheries.

Philip’s brainchild, the People’s Bank was later established by Trade Minister TB Ilangaratne.

While a grateful section of community, downtrodden sections and intelligentsia of society, remembered the service rendered by Philip, the 50 years anniversary celebrations severely and conveniently forgot the brainchild and founder of the people's pulse. It was also Philip’s concept of alliances that brought about the formation of the United Left Front in 1963. The failure of this front was a lost opportunity which needs in-depth study.

As a patriot, Philip Gunawardena responded to the call of the nation in moments of National Crisis. It was in 1962 that the forces of reaction backed by foreign elements conspired to overthrow, later through a military coup, the legitimately elected government of Ms. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Philip Gunawardena who was in the Opposition at the time rose above party politics to render utmost assistance to Mrs. Bandaranaike to stall and overcome this crisis.

This aspect of his life is particularly important to remember as to whether striking parallels are emerging in the contemporary political scenario in the country. This has to be studied carefully in the interest of the country by all sections of the Sri Lankans who have faith in the future of our country.

Judicial tribunal

After the jail break of Bogambara, Philip, NM, Colvin, Edmund and others escaped to India and later was arrested in 1942 in Bombay while being involved in the freedom struggle of India, and they were sent back to Ceylon. Philip Gunawardena was the master of epigram satire and invective both in and out of Parliament. It will be very pertinent to wind up this short tribute to this great and departed leader by quoting his own words in court when he was charged with conspiring to overthrow ‘His Majesty’s Government’.

Sir, - I was arrested on the 18th of June, 1940. I was kept in detention till the 7th of April, 1942. No specific or precise charges were ever framed against me. I was not tried by a Court of Law. My colleagues and I refused to appear before the Advisory Committee that mockery of Judicial Tribunal. What right has the ruling class of Britain to rule over this Island except that of superior force? Britain has as much right to rule over the people of Ceylon as the Nazis have over the people of Denmark and Norway and the Japanese Imperialists over Formosa and Java. No more. The British ruling classes came to this island as pirates and they remained here as plunderers. The British Empire was built up by perjury by day and forgery by night.”

May the history of his struggles for the emancipation of the toiling masses be an inspiration to generations to come.


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