Daily News Online

Wednesday, 5 October 2011



Giving hearts

Naushad would normally reach home around six in the evening to break the fast. But on the last day of the fasting period, Naushad was late to come home due to some special work in the office. His wife, Naleema, daughter Naleera, were seated near the door expecting him.

Naushad reached home. Mother and daughter's face bloomed as they saw him. Naleema was quick to ask him "Did you break the fast?" Naushad said, "yes, at office". Then she asked with a disappointed face, "Don't you know what day is today. Why are you so careless?" Naushad could not understand for what she was upto. He asked her politely "What? Careless?".

Naleera wanted to reply him, but Naleema signalled her to be silent and said, "My father phoned me that tomorrow is the festival as the new moon has been sighted in our village." Naushad surprisingly asked, "Is it?" She then continued "Father said to remind you about the distribution of the fitra (charity) rice. I too was telling you from couple of days to bring the rice but you never took it seriously."

Having listened to the flowing words of his wife he asked her whether that was the problem, which appeared, too big for her. He said, "Naleema, the matter is simple. If we phone the grocer in the town, just in thirty minutes a rice bag will be at home." Naleema requested him to anyhow make the rice bag available at home.

The day was the 29th fasting day. Nobody expected the festival to be the following day, except a few. The sighting of the moon made the Muslims in the village move about here and there to make necessary arrangements for the festival. The following morning would be the festival. Fitra rice had to be arranged in shopping bags for distribution. Cooking arrangements had to be done. Preparing Buriyani and Watalappan would require more time. The items should be served methodically to a few neighbours. Something special had to be cooked to neighbour Nalaka's vegetarian family. So many works had to be attended both by the mother and daughter.

Naushad phoned the grocer in the area to request delivery of a rice bag. The ringing tone was going on without a response. Probably shop closed early. It is compulsory that Fitra rice should be distributed to the needy and deserving ones before the festival prayers are held to obtain merit.

The rice available at home was not sufficient. Such items should be given specially to those who silently suffer without being able to manage for the festival.

Naushad was heartbroken and was impatient too to get a rice bag. Never in his life he had been forced to face such a sad and helpless situation. The town was three kilometres away from his residence and the time was around eight in the night. So he decided to go there and purchase th rice.

As he was about to leave the house, Nalaka entered saying Eid Mubarak (Islamic way of wishing Ramazan Festival) to Naushad and asked him where he was about to go. Naushad told him the purpose and Nalaka asked him whether he did not know what has happened in the town. Naushad replied negatively. Nalaka then said,

"There was almost a riot there. Two groups of youngsters were involved in a big fight created by two small boys. The whole bazaar was closed, even the police found difficult to bring the situation under control. Therefore, don't go there. It is useless."

Naushad felt so much as the town shop was closed and the bazaar abandoned. Despite Naleema's request a few times to bring the rice bag well in advance he was negligent about it. His eyes got wet and was clearly regretting about it. Naushad, holding Nalanka's hands said, "Nalanka, I have to anyhow buy the rice. What am I to do? I am so said about it. I should grab the opportunity of getting this meritorious act".

There was also a doubt of shops opening in the morning due to the previous night gang war. Naushad almost weeping said, "I have faced a great loss. I have to be answerable to Allah for skipping this important religious matter."

Nalaka could not bear to see how Naushad was worried and hurt in missing this religious act. He assured Naushad with emotional words. "How can you face a great loss when we are here to help you? You are my sincere neighbour. Further, a holy month's religious requirement. I can and should help you." Naushad told Nalaka, "See Nalaka, though I have enough money I couldn't give those needy my fitra rice for them to celebrate the festival. I am so unfortunate and a sinner too."

Naushad, taking both the hands of Nalaka into his, said, "I greatly appreciate your kind words and offer of the rice bags. I have the means but I failed to arrange the fitra rice to those poor people.".

Naushad covered his face with his hands and a few tear drops seeped through them. Nalaka felt very said to see Naushad crying. He said, "Don't cry. You need rice for distribution. Is that so?"

Naushad nodded his head in affirmative.

"How can I keep quiet seeing your generous mind and the intention of giving rice to the poor because of a mistake and an unexpected incident?" Nalaka consoled Naushad.

Hearing such encouraging words Naushad embraced Nalaka.

Nalaka with a pat on Naushad's shoulder told him, Don't worry I have a bag of rice which I brought in the morning to our house. You can take it. But one thing...." with that he stopped half way.

Naushad, with a slight excitement, repeated Nalanka's words, "One thing?" What is it, Nalaka?".

Nalaka jokingly said, "You must give me the charges too which I spent for transport."

This made Naushad burst into a laugh and Nalaka too joined him. However, Naushad humbly requested him that he should take the transport cost also if not it will not fully serve his purpose of doing that charitable act. Having understood what Naushad meant Nalaka agreed to it.

It was a great relief to Naleema and Naleera too. Finally they were able to do that valuable charity.

That sincere laugh of Naushad and Nalaka showed something beyond religion of the two human beings of different communities and different religions.

The whole family thanked Nalaka for his generosity profusely and were in great joy as the tradition of giving the fitra rice materialized.



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