Daily News Online

Thursday, 21 July 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


As our malnutrition rate is 21 percent:

‘Govt to double fish consumption by year 2013’

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa presided when Parliament met at 1 pm yesterday. After the presentation of papers and oral questions, the House took up regulations under the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act for debate.

Fisheries Industries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Rajitha Senaratne: I present several regulations under the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act. The first out of the regulations to the safety of fishing boats. The second is related to the import and export of fish. The third to the cancellation of fishing charges while the last is related to fish stock unloading.

Our target is to double the fish consumption by 2013. According to statistics of the World Health Organization, our present malnutrition rate is about 21 percent. Our aim is to reduce this percentage to 12 percent by 2013. Very often, the main reason for malnutrition is the deficiency of protein. So by promoting fish consumption, we can solve this problem. It is also seen that chicken consumption in the country had gradually declined while fish consumption has increased.

The fish consumption of a single person at present amounts to 31 grams per day. We hope to increase this upto 60 grams per day by 2013.

The first regulation is concerning the deficits of the fishing boats. Many problems and even accidents have taken place due to low quality fishing boats. We wish to ensure the proper standards of the fishing boats for the safety of our fishermen.

Four regulations have been introduced in relation to the import and export of fishing. The income for the year 2009, from fish exportation had amounted to nearly Rs 21,000 million. It is seen that fish exportation to European countries had increased by 143 percent without the GSP.

We have also introduced regulations to minimize the damage to the marine environment and the use of ‘nylone’ nets and trawling.

With there regulations brought today, trawling will be made prohibited islandwide including the North and East. There are about 6,000 fishing boats in the Jaffna district today.

Thirdly, regulations have been introduced in relation to fishing charges. As proposed in the budget, the fishing community had been exempted from income tax.

We have also introduced a fishing loan system for the benefit of fishermen islandwide.

Fourthly, we have presented regulations over the fish stock unloading. These regulations will be operative within Sri Lankan sea boarders.

I am happy to say that for the first time in Sri Lanka, the FAO had agreed to hold an International conference here, which will be held on July 28-29.

This is good recognition of the fishing industry in Sri Lanka. About 50 countries would be represented at this conference.

As a former Minister of Fisheries Industries, President Mahinda Rajapaksa is giving his full support to all these initiatives.

We also hope to open a ‘marina’ in the Beruwala fishing port which consisting of all necessary sections to attract tourists. An Aquarium, a business centre and a hotel complex will also be included into the ‘marina’.

I request the support of all MPs to pass these regulations for the betterment of the Fishing Industry.

Ravi Karunanayake (UNP): We see that the present Fisheries Industries Minister is taking great pains to develop the fisheries sector in the country. I think we should also support his endeavour.

I must also bring into your notice that several houses in Havelock Road are to be demolished by the Road Development Authority. I would like to request the authorities concerned to provide them with alternative accommodation before demolishing them. Otherwise, it will be unfair.

A H M Azwer take the Chair

Palitha Range Bandara (UNP): We listened with patience and enthusiasm to the minister’s speech.

According to the minister, the fish exportation had increased by 67 percent. This is a great leap. The fish production has also increased. However, eventhough the prices of paddy had declined during harvest time and farmers complain of low prices for paddy, I see that no fisherman had even complained of low prices of fish, so far. Can this happen? If production had increased, fish prices should go down.

This had not happened. So even though the statistics presented by the minister were very colourful, but the fish prices in the local market is still high.

Arundika Fernando (UPFA): The member who spoke earlier, made an attempt to mis lead the House. The minister has studied his subject well and taken measures to develop the fisheries industry. We import a lot of fish. You have taken measures to regularize them.

There had been no government in history that had provided facilities as this government had done. President Mahinda Rajapaksa had also held the portfolio of Fisheries Minister earlier.

Accordingly he has a good understanding of the issues concerned in the fisheries industry.

There are many lagoons in the coastal areas where fish breed. We have to protect these areas. The ministry has taken measures to protect them. The Dutch canal should be cleaned up as the water in the canal pollutes the water in lagoons, affecting the fisheries industry immensely.

Jayalath Jayawardene (UNP): On an earlier occasion, I moved an adjournment motion suggesting to the protection of the Negombo Lagoon. You made an assurance that it would not happen. Today the most burning issue in the country is the National problem. Still there is a semi military administration in the North. Still a mechanism has not yet been initiated to win peace.

P H Piyasena (UPFA): Many development projects were taking place in the North. The President has allowed the fisher community in the North to engage in fishing freely. However, modern technology should be introduced to the fishing industry. Gradually this is being carried out by distributing new fishing equipment among the fishermen. Fishermen in the Ampara district were undergoing many difficulties. Their grievances should be understood and relief should be provided.

Sarath Weerasekera takes the Chair

Anura Kumara Dissanayake (DNA): The regulations presented today appear to be very positive to the fishing industry of our county. Obtaining of licences for fish importation, has been made compulsory.

Any country pursuing development should select an appropriate economic strategy. What is our economic strategy? The agriculture and fishing industry can play a significant role in our country’s strategy. We have a sea area which is 8 times larger than our country. However, this government has not paid required attention to this section.

Its economic strategy is based on tourism. The due respect and recognition of the occupation of fishermen should be ensured. Their economic stability should be created.

Fisheries Industries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Rajitha Senaratne: I would like to clarify certain points made by MP Anura. We have initiated an insurance scheme and a pensions scheme for the fishermen.

The pension would amount to about Rs 10,000. It will help to ensure their job security. I agree to certain points stated by him and will try my best to take those suggestions to the highest level.

The regular boat checking are being conducted to curb illegal drug trafficking. Many illegal transportation of drugs have been taking place through these means and this must be stopped. That is why the navy was checking the fishing boats.

A H M Azwer (UPFA): The independence and sovereignty of the country that we secured after many sacrifices, should be preserved. The victory over terrorism was a great achievement. This must be maintained.

We appreciate the minister’s attempts to develop the Beruwala fishing port. This is a significant step. There are about 18 fishing harbours in our country and 15 more were being constructed.

A number of them are in the Northern Province. The minister has an experienced team to help in carrying out his duties.

Our President is in Jaffna today. He has also met the Northern fishing community.

A H M Azwer takes the Chair

Social Services Senior Minister Milroy Fernando: I am thankful to the minister for presenting these important regulations today. I appreciate his decision to ban illegal fishing methods. Those cause a greater harm to the fishing industry as well to the environment.

The use of dynamite is also similar. I am grateful to the minster for taking action against the use of those methods.

Another request made by the fishing community is to provide fishing equipment such an nets at lower price since most of them cannot afford to purchase them. Palitha Range Bandara MP mentioned about fish prices. This was the off season of fishing. After September, we can expect a certain decrease in fish prices. The regulations were approved by the House.

The House was adjourned till 1 pm today.

[‘Over Rs 28.4m had been granted as cash rewards’]

Over 8.2 million rupees have been granted as cash rewards with the intention of encouraging honest and active police officers and civil citizens in 2011, an answer tabled by Chief Government Whip and Water Supply and Drainage Minister

Dinesh Gunawardena stated.

The Minister tabled the answer on behalf of Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne, in response to a question raised by UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekara in Parliament yesterday.

The reply had also stated that over Rs. 28.4 million had been granted as cash rewards in 2010. The answer had also stated that since 2005, a programme for the granting of cash rewards had been carried out without any interruption and this process had not been stopped by now. It also stated that arrangements have been made to grant cash rewards for 1,195 police officers and 65 civil citizens in the near future.

[Statement on hedging agreement only after being edited – Speaker]

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, yesterday stated in Parliament that he would allow Parliamentarian Anura Kumara Dissanayake to make his statement on the hedging agreement after the statement had been edited.

The Speaker made this observation delivering his decision on a Point of Order raised by the Leader of the House and Irrigation and Water Resources Management Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, when DNA MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake, stood up to make a special statement under Standing Order 23 (2).

The Speaker stated that after considering the submissions of both parties and guaranteeing the freedom of expression in Parliament, he would allow the MP to make the edited statement on Thursday.

The Speaker further stated that he had to balance both Sub Judice law and the Members’ rights to speak in Parliament concerning public money.

He also said that according to the Sub Judice law, the facts discussed in Parliament could affect the judgement of the case which is before Court. According to Standing Orders 31(6) and 84 (VI), a matter put before Court could not be discussed in Parliament.

The Speaker also stated that although the Opposition Leader said Sub Judice did not apply to civil cases, he could not agree. Earstkine May, M L Kaul and S L Shakdar have stated that this law applies even to court martials and inquests in Britain and in India.

The Speaker further stated that although Anura Kumara Dissanayake had stated that Sub Judice is not applicable to cases heard overseas, the Standing Orders did not have such limits. He added that with the use of internet facilities anything that happens could be read or viewed by persons in any country. He also said that one party to the case was Sri Lanka, so that this matter should be interpretted widely.

The Speaker further said that a suggestion had been forwarded to him to appoint a select committee in this connection.

[‘Tinned fish factory to be opened next month’]

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne, yesterday stated that the first tinned fish factory in Sri Lanka will be opened next month.

The Minister stated in Parliament that 10,000 tins of fish could be manufactured there.

He further stated that the factory had been jointly initiated with a private company.

He made this observation when he presented four Orders under the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act.

[Programme to educate children on Parliament]

A new programme to educate schoolchildren about Parliament by using videos will commence today.

The programme had been planned for schoolchildren above Grade 5 who visit Parliament.

This programme is open to schoolchildren on all working days from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm. During Parliament sittings, the programme will last until 5 pm.



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