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Wednesday, 20 July 2011



Stage drama review:

Mama Venama Malak showcases childhood aspirations

Priyanthi MENIKE NAVARATNE- Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine Peradeniya

The Ediriweera Sarathchandra open air theatre situated at the University of Peradeniya, also known as the wala, is not a strange place for drama enthusiasts. Attending the annual drama festival has been a longstanding habit of mine.

A scene from Mama Venama Malak

However, on a rare occasion I decided to venture out to the Maradana Tower Hall to see Nalaka Swarnatilaka's Mama Venama Malak. As a new theatre production it is expected at the University, but I was very eager to see it as earlier as I could. The reason was that I had never personally seen a children's drama at Wala and my curiosity was to see a different concept as well as the message of this drama.

This drama portrayed the loss of childhood that children nowadays experience due to the extreme academic competition. Unlike traditional fairytale or folktale thematic lines, this story portrays realistic social norms that are not only for children. This story could be enjoyed by teachers, parents and children alike. It is not a fictional tale, neither is it a true story - instead it is a story of a technologically driven society.

The main character Gimhani represents a child entrapped by the dreams of a parent and desperately trying to seek a way out.

Her mother is reflective of a typical mother enslaved by societal expectations and responsibilities. Kusum Renu does justice to this character, using skilled enunciation and vocal projections as well as expressive emotions and physical gestures and body language. Her skills that were mastered throughout many years of her career proved to be a combination of great artistic performance. Sanjeeva Upendra however was unable to correctly portray the persona of a sports teacher due to his reserved nature. Thisuri Lavanya (Gimhani) as well as other child actors portrayed an active scene with a basketball on stage which was highly commendable. The live performance as well as the refreshing quality of the drama was retained from the beginning till the end by the younger members of the cast. They were able to keep the audience captive with facial expressions and showcased emotions.

Gimhani is a young schoolgirl who is a talented basketball player and loves the game very much. Her mother however is against her wishes and she is forced to play truant at school tuition classes and pursue her true passion. This secret is discovered by her mother before long and the conflict that ensues is not an uncommon dilemma. Her mother's main focus is on raising her daughter according to the same value system as herself.

Different perspectives

The response of her offspring is very different to what she expects and the generation gap is a major factor for this. As ideas change from one generation to the next constantly anywhere in the world, it is something that we as parents do not pay much heed to. The director manages to take the parents through to the other side and see the different perspectives of the child through these every day experiences. Therefore Mama Venama Malak is a story applicable to us all.

Thisuri, Kusum and Akila

The fast moving competitive lifestyle embedded in the play is based on a very mechanical theme. However the script does not emulate such a crude nature, instead it is intellectually stimulating and enjoyable. The director manages to portray the mechanical nature of a capitalist society through Gimahani's mother. At the end of a hard day's work, she enters the house inquiring about her children's schoolwork; this highlights the mechanical inclinations faced by her both at work and at home. It is not that love and affection is totally absent as there are many sensitive moments throughout the play between the children and mother.

Touching moment

"I go through many hardships to raise you and your brother," is a good example of how the mother laments about her responsibilities, love and commitment to her children.

The daughter also reflects this same sentiment when she decides to stop basketball due to her conflicts with her mother. The reality however is that they are both unhappy about the choices they make on a subconscious level. As a single parent, her mother especially is trapped in the dual role of mother and father. To suffice this role perfectly, she can not allow her child to do as she pleases. Her fear is that her love for sports will distract and negatively affect her school performance. This is a common fear. It is therefore not just her reluctance to give in to her child. Her daughter also sacrifices her own happiness for her mother as she has no other option. She places her love for her mother above all else like any other child and this is a touching moment.

With respect to conflicts in the sports group, Gimhani's mother as well as Tania play significant roles. The suspense created by these characters is used by the director to expose another plot point of how even Tania is a victim of this pressure, in her case by her father.

Navindu's character also portrays the isolation faced by many young people in contemporary society. Throughout the drama, Navindu is engaged in video games - this shows the sad plight of modern day children not having playmates, free time or right environment. A few decades ago children would play with children in the neighborhood after school. However present day children are no longer at home, they are at tuition classes instead. Through the varied characters of Tania, Navindu and Gimhani the director forces an analytical approach in the audience towards childhood.

Nalaka provides a passage way into viewing this sad state of our society through Mama Venama Malak.Since the competitive education system launched in our society, this has been the plight of our children. Renowned artiste Somalatha Subasinghe's Vikurthi also shows the same tragic circumstances that children face.

Peer relations

It forces the audience to put themselves in the child's shoes. Therefore in order to truly understand the psyche of the child, the mass importance of understanding them in order to work with them is emphasized.

Children and parents though they cohabit in the same environment are very different personalities. The world is enriched by the beauty of the differences that exist within - this is the true message that the director expresses.

This is also what parents struggle with to understand the most. Parents find it difficult to understand this or explain. Behaviors of Gimhani and Tania reflect this. The tendency to choose subjects they don't like just to make parents happy is fairly common, students like that are present in universities all over the country.

Parents are happy about this, but they are unaware of the dreams of the children that are crushed in order to do so and this is what Nalaka communicates through Mama Venema Malak.



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