Daily News Online

Wednesday, 20 July 2011



Nuwan Nalaka:

sailing to fame

As a tradition, Sri Lankan art pivots between two positions, insular and perpetuating but in its endeavour not to embrace foreign influence, plays an important part in the mind of the Sri Lankan painter. One sees less foreign ideas where tradition detracts the conflicting influences that preclude the essential vibrancy of the Lankan artist. Having said thus; the art of Nuwan Nalaka is essentially the modern thought from which has sprung the eternal quest for perfection.

A stunning boat ready to sail

Nalaka reduces the components of the sea and sky to focus his pet subject, the boat ... The various graded permutations ranging from the sea and river and equated to different composites such as light, shade and colour. In this theme, Nalaka is bold and captivating and thrust his brush in broken strokes with last vigour. As his boats come alive, one could feel the noise of the flapping sails bellowing in the wind.

And Nalaka creates poetry in art.

The use of broken brush strokes and multiple colour he splashes on his canvas is remarkable. Highlighted by the distant skies and the misty blues and purples, led by fiery reds, his brush is unlimited on the palate. They are all filled with unparalleled heights of brilliance. In his chosen subject; boats. Nalaka is simply spectacular as he stamps his signature on them.

Very individualistic for a modern artist who sees dreams on a voyage of searching for more, his solo exhibition titled 'A Voyage on Boats which he boarded at the Lionel Wendt few days back, speaks volume for his courage to remain within the frame of boats in their quest to sail along to the distances. Boats is a fascinating subject to all nature artists who at some point in their painting, have come up at least with one painting on boats.

Confining himself to the medium of watercolour which no doubt produces better and exquisite results than oil on canvas or acrylic but is extremely difficult to handle and on many instances a painter after completing a gorgeous piece of art, gets frustrated in the event any water-soluble paint lets him down on the canvas. Watercolouring is a tricky medium and unless the artist is well adapt to its formula, it will end in disaster since it is not easy to cover up a mistake unlike in oil. Nalaka is fully aware of this factor when he takes on a painting and careful enough not to mess it up.

I know of another painter who is very accurate in which she does with water colours and she paints on a damp canvas and come up with excellent results. Nalaka who is blessed with a load of creativity, his stunning boats are the witness to his amorous red. This colour he places in the forefront with pale blues and grey whites of the sky. In one painting, I saw a hint of a storm breaking over a stationed lonely boat on the beach.

Red sail fluttering in the wind

The tones of composition that was the foundation to his art has changed the rough exercise of imagination for Nalaka for short brush strokes and broken sweeps in the washes of water colour techniques.

There is a narrative character in his boats, a purpose he would have had in his mind as he finished one boat after the other. His prime concern may have been to surface the play and fall of light on his subject.

The revival of classical ideals around the world has had very little impact on our painters but they have sensed the essence of it and subtly translated the embodiment of beauty and the unified nature of its elegance encompassing both the canvas and the fame as a unit. I would classify Nalaka as such an artist.

In the future Nalaka will be gaining strides in his chosen art because as young as he is, he has almost captured our imagination.



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