Rites back on track
The rolling stock supplied by Rites India under the Indian line of
credit, is now operating smoothly, not only on the southern line, but
also on many other lines to the entire satisfaction of the Sri Lanka
Railway engineers.
Sri Lanka is now negotiating with Rites for a further 400 million
dollar requirement for the Northern rail line development project that
will also include new workshops and maintenance facilities in
Anuradhapura, Vavuniya and Medawachchiya, in addition to the rolling
This requirement will be financed under the Indian line of credit and
will compliment the track development project presently been carried out
by Ircon Ltd, also under the Indian line of credit, confirming the
Indian government's commitment to support the development of the
infrastructure in the North and East after the end of the 30 year long
civil war in the island. |