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Monday, 25 April 2011






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Attracting buyers with Buyer Focused Sales Velocity System:

Up your bottom line in weeks

Is your sales cycle lacking velocity and are you missing these ingredients?

Buyers have a system that gives them control over sales people. To prove it, who is qualifying and rejecting who? Who should be doing the qualifying and rejecting? Do you have a system to increase the velocity of your sales and put you in control of your profession? If not you are out of control!

Consider the Buyer Focused Velocity Selling System to be put you in control and to Up your Bottom line in weeks, not months. A sales process that is as simple as ABC, with a shot of double D.

A. You cannot build anything without a solid foundation and the same applies to the sales process. The A in the Velocity Selling System is for Attitude the foundation of all successful sales people. Without a positive attitude and belief in you, there is no foundation upon which to build a successful organization, or winning products and services or benefit from market growth.

Sales professionals need a sales process to reflect, confirm and take hold of their attitude. A sales process is realizing you have the ability to turn your proletarian attitude into a millionaire's attitude. A sales process assists in overcoming fear and dealing with rejection. As part of the essential sales process, a millionaire's attitude will help increase productivity and save time and money.

Sales professionals need a sales process that will reflect an owner's mentality and will uphold the organization's mission statement, endorse the products and services and provide clear direction for team members.

Sale professionals need a sales process to reflect, confirm and take hold of their attitude toward the market. A well thought out sales process will reveal how they are perceived while profiling the ideal prospect. A sales process allows a complete understanding of the competition and a compassionate attitude.

B. Sales professionals should have a sales process based upon an optimistic, positive attitude; however, such an attitude is not enough to guarantee long-term sales success. You need goals and an action plan to get you where you want to go.

The B in the Velocity Selling System is for Behaviour the daily actions required to accomplish goals.

A sales process which includes personal and organizational goals also requires attuned behaviours. A sales process involves market targeting. There is no motivation, no ownership mentality and no drive to go the extra mile if a sales process disregards goals and behaviours.

Sales professionals need a sales process to study the relationship between consistent, positive behaviours and success.

The first step is learning this on a personal level. Sales professionals call for a sales process to identify and develop personal goals.

They need a sales process to develop an action plan based on the reason they come to work everyday.

Sales professionals also require a sales process to track equivalent procedures, to increase goals, to expand action plans and to acquire behaviours for organizational objectives. A progressive sales process will consistently improve upon time management skills.

Sales professionals could do with a sales process to be familiar with how to target their sales efforts through the 80/20 rule. A sales process will implement the ABC target model while obtaining pertinent industry, organizational and client information. You now have the right attitude towards yourself, your organization and your buyer. You have person go a Is and are self-motivated, knowing why you are going to work. You have work goals, an owner's mentality and manage your paytime and no paytime activities.

You have created a personal marketing plan and you know how to get the best return on time invested in your prospecting and have your gain, retain and regain strategies in place.

Now you are ready to go face your prospects

C. Traditional sales training has placed all its efforts on sales techniques. In this Buyer Focused sales approach the C in the Velocity Selling System is for Competency the capability of following a sales results process utilizing appropriate sales competencies to build and maintain long-term relationships.

There are no meaningful sales results and valuable time is wasted without the implementation of a sales results process and without sales competencies.

The Velocity Selling System is simple. In order to build a long-term relationship, one must first establish a strong rapport. Sales professionals need to learn about the relationship selling model, the components of the rapport pie and how to build rapport in the first 30 seconds of meeting.

Following the Velocity Selling System you will know that once rapport has been established, relevant questions can then be asked. Sales professionals must discover why questions are so important, the type of questions that should be asked and how to respond to questions from the prospect or client without giving free consulting.

Sales professionals who follow the Velocity Selling System know the right questions to ask and the importance of listening carefully to the answers, and how to question those answers to help the prospect discover their real emotional needs.

The sales process incorporates learning how to qualify opportunities by setting parameters, uncovering buying motivators, financial capabilities, decision-making processes and summarizing prior to making a proposal or presentation. This step in the sales process is referred to here as a prescription.

Sales professionals utilize the Velocity Selling System to prescribe solutions specific to the customer's requirements.

This sales process engages and empowers the buyer to buy while allowing you to retain the buyer, to keep competitors out and to build up the account to its maximum potential.

Once the prospect has purchased the solution, the sales professionals who abide by the Velocity Selling System will know how to maintain the relationship, develop the account for more business and obtain new prospect introductions and referrals.

We have discussed the Disciplines of Attracting, Engaging and Empowering Buyers with the Buyer Focused Sales Velocity System, but to Up Your Bottom Line in Weeks, not Months, you need the final component the Double D. Your Daily Disciplines.

DD. It is taking those long range goals, dreams and desires and breaking them down to years, years to quarters, quarters to months, months to weeks and weeks to simple little daily disciplines and then doing what you have to do even when you don't want to do it.

Daily Discipline is the key. It is respecting a commitment to the most important person in the world. Doing what you have to do, even when you do not want to do it.

Then it is to recognize and reward that discipline, so that it gets repeated, as any behaviour that gets rewarded gets repeated. However in this case the behaviours, your daily disciplines, are timely, effective, appropriate, productive, proactive, focused and action-oriented towards your bottom line.

Take action today and Learn How to Execute the Disciplines of Attracting, Engaging and Empowering the Buyer Focused Sales Velocity System.

Bob Urichuck



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