Daily News Online

Wednesday, 23 March 2011




Stopping by a smoke behind a library

I floated in the morning rays
Along the bank of a famous river
All of a sudden I smelt
The foulest air I have ever breathed.

The smoke came from the eves of a build
Near a place that tiny tots urinate
Nearing the place I found
A bunch of white-clad pupils.

At close quarters I did see
Numbering seven in grown up shape
Smoking with full breath
Wearing caps to cover the undressed minds.

Invisibly I went with my divine power
Found to my dismay some book shelves in the build
"The Library" I read on the front
Behind was the scene, grieved me.

When I regained my shape and asked
The curator of that sacred place
The match - box for the religions rites
Had been stolen to light the fag.

Butts of the fags and the wrappers of drug
Visible to the tiny tots of the nation!
"Who are the parents and originals" of this dreaded scene?
I would complain to the mighty God.

Piyadasa Rillagoda

Checks and balances

It was a day
That the surroundings
Were completely devoid of golden alchemy
Of the sun!
Morn till evening
The time marched
Without seeing the solar rays
Which was puzzling
To many a mind.

Scientists and astronomists
Soon peeped through their high-powered
Scientific instruments,
"To understand"
Why this unexpected gloom and cold,
Pervaded over all the kings and beggars
Irrespective of their position.

The nature had its grip
On the whole world
Pessimistically in one moment
And optimistically in the next!

S T Pushpananda

I have a dream

A random scribbling

A world without countries,
Nor religions.
But a world,
Where only humans live.

A world without boundaries,
Nor margins.
But a world,
Where infinity is the limit.

A world where people work,
For a better tomorrow,
Not just dream of.
A world where people admire,
The blooming roses,
In their own yard,
Not just dream of a,
Magical garden,
Beyond the horizon.

A world where people stand,
Up on their own.
A paradise filled with,

Ah Freedom.
So near, yet so far.

Jayaruwan Gunathilake

I'm not yours

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.
You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.
Oh plunge me deep in love, put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

- Sara Teasdale


The loss of colour
In the green leaves
Which have fallen
On the ground
Reminds me of life
That is fading with time.
Reminisces of yesteryear
Of my childhood
Young days and
Life spent with you linger
Without ever fading.
The memories of our babies
Now grown and so independent
Are never fading.
But if only some remembrances
Wrapped up in tears of sorrow
Would fade and disappear
With time -
I would be so glad of
The fading and diminishing
Of such remembrances.

Prasadini Nugawela

Lay puzzle

Hearty wink to a blind
Sweet music to a deaf
Fine lyrics to a dumb
Relay race to a cripple.
Classic books to an illiterate
Tasty menu to a sick.

Alas what use.
But, that's what it is.
Unto death to begin again.
Pass the infant young adult, old.
Stages, like cattle to a slaughter house.
Brain washed, like machines
Knowing not what's doing.
Doing, what's others want.
Life's a puzzle.
Unscramble only a few.
Others lay slave to puzzle.

D M P B Dissanayake


Inevitable situations-unable to avoid, certain to happen.
Have to be accepted with resignation in normal fashion.
They cannot be otherwise-we have our choice,
To accept and adjust or rebel in a nervous hoist.

Be willing to have it so-avoid consequences of misfortune,
As first step on the road to recoup in a way that is opportune.
Accept fate but certainly not be fatalistic,
As taking the road to recovery is fantastic.

Accepting the inevitable-cooperating with the bottom line,
The level from which you cannot fall further-and accept what is thine.
The only movement then is upwards-to improve on the worst,
Until you reach the goal that you now set with an enthusiastic burst.

Neither should you cry for the moon nor over spilt milk,
That has gone down the drain collecting filth
Circumstances do not decide your happiness
But your reaction to circumstances makes all the difference.

Kingdom of heaven is within you and so is the kingdom of hell.
Either is determined by the free will used well.
Two men looked out from prison bars-one saw mud the other stars.
You have the choice to accept the inevitable and look above for stars.

Say you lose your sight-Is that the end of it in life?
If you lose all five senses yet you could live in the mind in style
For it is in the mind we see-in the mind we live,
Whether you like it or not, till the last the breadth we release.

Nothing in life is beyond endurance for in any case you will endure,
Now or shortly after and that is the meaning of life for sure
Not to mean that you give up and be a recluse
But to look around for opportunities to overcome the inevitable deluge
If we rail and kick against the inevitable and grow bitter

We won't change inevitable-would change-but not for the better
Refuse to accept the inevitable-you turn nights into hells of insomnia
After needless self torture you accept what you had to-now with no mania

When the angel announced the virgin birth to Mary
She immediately said-Be it done according to thy word-she was not vary,
Though she knew what a virgin birth would mean in the world
She treasured and pondered in her heart inevitability of God's Perfect Word

Mother Goose rhyme says:
For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy or there is none
If there is one try to find it
If there is none never mind it!

Prayer by Dr Reinhold Niebuhr:
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Oscar Fernando



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