Daily News Online

Wednesday, 23 March 2011




Paul a millionaire, passed away leaving his wife Celie a legacy. The young widow at forty years became the sole proprietress of a chain of wine stores and estates. She employed Eric as her Accountant, a young man in his early twenties. Eric was a spendthrift and spent his pastime in the company of the fair sex.

He lost no time in falling in the good books of his employer. She placed all her confidential matters in the hands of the young Accountant having complete trust in him. Eric lost no time in ensnaring the widow too, and after a brief encounter, to everyone’s amazement they got married.

By and by, Celine handed over most of her business to be managed by her young husband. He took the opportunity of getting the wealthy widow to fulfill his whims and fancies, especially in monetary dealings. They spent extravagant holidays at home and abroad and their pet past time was swimming.

After a few months of marriage, Eric was getting bored of wedded bliss when he heard the remarks made by his friends about his wife being too old and flabby; that he became disgusted of the affair and he pondered a plan to get rid of her. The thought of a separation would mean returning to his penniless days. Now that he enjoyed life in the lap of luxury being poor again made him shudder. Celine was unaware of the evil Eric had in mind since he pretended to be his usual self and showered his love on her.

A week-end at Unawatuna a very quiet place which did not attract many holiday-makers could fulfil his plan was his thought. One week-end, he suggested that they spend their holidays at Unawatuna away from Galle where there was a beautiful hotel set in a quiet environment. So they set off to enjoy the holiday. While checking into the hotel, Celine was confronted with Prof Shanker an old friend of her deceased husband. The Professor was a reputed skin specialist who had decided to spend his holiday at the same venue.

He told the couple that he chose this idyllic place to concentrate in writing his thesis. Early next morning, they set out to the lagoon.

Bathers have been repeatedly warned that the exterior spot where the lagoon was situated was infested with crocodiles. Eric was aware of this danger and hid it from Celine. For about two to three hours they enjoyed the swim when Eric spotted a crocodile entering the pool. His vicious plan was taking root and he swam ashore as expeditiously as possible telling Celie to enjoy her swim; complaining of a severe headache he raced back to the hotel. Innocent Celine waved back at her retreating husband unaware of her predicament.

Meanwhile, the crocodile was stealthily approaching and was now a stone’s throw from her. Having sensed something afoot, Celine thought she knocked her foot on a piece of wood when she tried to shove it, but the beast had already caught her right leg. With her fists she did her best to ward off the beast which was now trying to bite her hand. She was now grapping between life and death. Her loud cries could not be heard since the hotel was three kilometers away from the lagoon.

Prof. Shanker to decided to take a dip in the lagoon and on his way he met a speeding vehicle with Eric at the wheel. He smelt something amiss and to his dismay, heard eerie shrills of a woman; unable to fathom from where it came he paced his steps as swiftly as possible to the cries from the lagoon and the macabre scene which confronted him sent shivers down his spine.

Losing no time, breaking a strong twig from a tree and being a good swimmer he dived into the lagoon and hit the beast with all his might until it slithered away. The Professor brought the unconscious Celine ashore. The beast had torn the flesh of the right side of her face upto the neck.

The damage caused was severe and her face was disfigured. The learned Professor sensed the plot laid for Celine by her husband’s absence. She recovered very slowly and the Professor being a reputed skin specialist undertook the responsibility to restore her disfigured face. Meanwhile, Eric was lounging in the high spirits thinking with glee that Celine was dead by now and he could live in luxury, his plan was asunder. On interrogation his plot was revealed. He was charged with conspiracy to kill his wife and was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for twenty years.



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