Daily News Online

Wednesday, 9 February 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Tamil diaspora attempting to tarnish country’s image - PM

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, presided when Parliament met at 1 pm yesterday.

After the presentation of papers and oral questions, the House took up the debate on the vote that extended the State of Emergency on January 21, 2011 by another one month.

The vote that was taken in Parliament on January 21, was passed with a majority.

The motion in respect of the vote held on January 21, was moved in Parliament by Prime Minister D M Jayaratne.

Prime Minister D M Jayaratne: Certain Diplomatic sources have revealed that the Tamil Diaspora in Europe was attempting to move a war crimes motion against the Sri Lankan Government at the International Human Rights Council which was to be held in Geneva in March. They were attempting to get the support of eminent Ministers in Europe.

In addition, certain groups and organizations supporting the LTTE were attempting to get a distorted report by the Advisory Committee appointed by UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon in an unfavourable manner against the Sri Lankan Government.

By now, around 6,000 out of 11,600 persons who were in rehabilitation camps in Vavunia, have been sent back to their villages. However, it is reported that some of them have resumed their illegal activities.

It is also reported that among them were several hard core LTTErs.

Meanwhile police operations across the country have seized weapons that had been used in various criminal activities. It was a clear indication that certain people were having weapons and firearms in their possession illegally.

In addition, although the communication technology had made its contribution to make the lives of people better, it was obvious that certain groups and persons were making attempts to create a conflict between the media and the Government, with a move to create a wrong image before international communities.

However, the Government has initiated discussions to impose new laws to provide a political solution to the people in the North and East.

Somehow, the Switzerland Government had arrested top level LTTE agents on January 11, 2011, who had financed money to buy weapons for the LTTE.

By this move, the LTTE network in Switzerland has been shocked. Still, the Swiss Government was conducting further investigations. The Canadian Government too, has confiscated a large sum of money owned by the LTTE.

Under these circumstances, the Government’s view was to extend the State of Emergency further.

In addition, the country was faced by a serious situation due to the unfavourable weather. But this was a common scenario to the entire world.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe

The UNP members who conducted a peaceful demonstration at Punchi Borella on Independence Day, were assaulted by Government thugs. Our members were attacked while the Police looked on.

But there was no proper Police investigation being carried out on these incidents so far. Recently, Lanka eNews website was attacked. No suspect was arrested so far. The freedom of expression which was one of our fundamental rights was violated today.

So what is the use of extending the state of emergency further, if the Government was unable to control thuggery? Today the Government uses the state of emergency to harass and imprison innocent civilians. The sovereignty of this country is at stake.

This is totally against our privileges. General Sarath Fonseka who gave leadership to eliminate terrorism, was imprisoned.

A H M Azwer (UPFA): The Government is ruling the country according to the Constitution. The Opposition Leader cannot talk about the Court Marshal. The Court Marshal has been set up legally.

Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena: More than two-thirds of the country had been destroyed due to natural disasters. The North, North Central, a part of Uva, a part of Central Province experienced floods and landslides which was caused by heavy rains. The people have faced greater hardships. The Government is currently fulfilling its responsibility with the assistance of the Police and Armed Forces, despite the many obstacles.

We have provided dry rations and water to the displaced with the help of Air Force planes.

There were certain areas which were not possible to be reached. To facilitate the victims, the Air Force, Police, Government Agents, District Secretaries and Doctors played a vital role facing many hardships.

The Government has decided to repair all damaged houses. The Special Presidential Task Force provided facilities to the flood-hit people and help rebuild the flood-affected areas.

Many paddy lands have been destroyed. We have already prepared plans to supply sufficient food stocks without any shortages to the people. No single UNP member had visited Polonnaruwa and given ear to the grievances of the people. They have also forgotten their responsibilities of assisting the destitute people affected by the floods.

We know how the UNP destroyed and violated the rights of the people during their regime. A number of people were killed, women were raped and many public servants were sacked when Ranil Wickremesinghe became Prime Minister in 2001.

A Vinayagamoorthy (TNA): It was under the Emergency Regulations that violent killings and robberies took place. Lasantha Wickrematunga was killed when the Emergency was in force and journalist Ekneligoda who was abducted about an year ago. He is still missing and his whereabouts are not known.

Within the last two years, 27 media personnel including Lasantha Wickrematunga had been killed and the Government should take responsibility for it.

The Government tells the whole world that they have wiped out terrorism and that they have won the war. If that was so, what was the necessity for the continuance of Emergency Regulations?

Anura Kumara Dissanayake (DNA): The Government has failed to control the country under normal laws. That is why the state of emergency was being extended. Though two years have passed after the elimination of terrorism, the Government still seeks extra judicial laws to control the country.

The Government has already shown its inability through various acts. It needs to hide its crimes and anti-social activities. That is the reason the Government attempts to curb media freedom and harass journalists.

Power and Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka: Today the LTTE is being strengthened internationally. We must not allow the LTTE to raise its ugly head again. It is necessary to strengthen national security further. That is why emergency regulations were extended.

The global warming has increased. Floods were one of the reasons for global warming.

It is called climatic terrorism. We are unable to find solutions for this type of problem by shouting slogans. We should take immediate measures to protect the environment.

The ‘Green Lanka’ campaign should be given priority and implemented islandwide.

Karu Jayasuriya (UNP): Around 1.6 million people have been affected by floods and landslides. It is completely misleading that Government’s allegations against UNP members had not visited the flood hit areas. Though we do not have helicopters, many UNP members have already visited the flood hit areas. We have helped the displaced people in a big way.

Today, the Government uses the state of emergency to curb media freedom. Eleven journalists have already been killed.

Thilanga Sumathipala (UPFA): Politicians in Colombo were unable to join the celebrations on Independence Day in Kataragama. They had decided to make religious observations in Colombo. But we were informed that UNP Members were attempting to disrupt the celebration by way of a protest.

I advised Sujeewa no to do so and I also informed Dayasiri as well. I told them that Independence belonged to the common people of this country.

The Opposition had not informed the Police about their intended protest. The Police should take actions against those UNPers who disrupted the peace on Independence Day.

I categorically state that none of the SLFP members or our supporters participate in the attack alleged by Dayasiri Jayasekera.

Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody takes the Chair

Ranil or Sajith did not participate in this protest. I am an owner of a media institution. I don’t like mediamen being assaulted. The Opposition attempts to damage the image of the Government.

I think a Member should find a better way to build up the image within the political party.

N Sritharan (TNA): The people in Jaffna are living under the rule of the military forces. For 14 years, they have been living under the rule of the military forces. If there was no LTTEers in the country and if the LTTE was eliminated, why were those people undergoing all these difficulties? The Palali Teachers’ Training College is about to be closed.

Traditional Industries Minister Douglas Devananda: Defence means the defence of each and every person living in this land. You know there were many incidents which took place in Jaffna. I clearly stated my stance one day in Parliament. But a TNA Member totally distorted reality and made baseless allegations against me and my party. I was really shocked to hear it. But the reality was that they made these false allegations because of their political jealousy since they were not welcomed by the people. It is their practice to make false allegations. They cannot cheat the people forever.

These very people behaviour caused the death of a large number of our youth. The TNA today say that the use of weapons was useless just as the fox said that grapes were sour. They were the people who held weapons. The TNA sheds crocodile tears for the Tamil people. The TNA were the people who cornered the Tamil people to Wellamulla Vaikkkal, causing their destruction.

Our Government has taken legal action in connection with the crimes committed in the North. Most of the suspects have been arrested and the rest would also be brought to justice.

Rosy Senanayake (UNP): Our peaceful protest was attacked on Independence Day. Our campaign was held far from the Pahan Puja organized by Thilanga Sumathipala.

My driver was injured in the assault on my vehicle. Today the people were enslaved. Today our fundamental rights have not been guaranteed and basic needs not fulfilled.

Ports and Highways Deputy Minister Rohitha Abeygunawardena: Now Rosy Senanayake says that they (Rosy, Dayasiri) organized a peace walk at night on Independence Day.

A H M Azwer takes the Chair.

Earlier, walks were done secretly. Those are family matters. Ranil, Sajith and UNP General Secretary did not participate at this walk. Dayasiri organized this campaign to be a mega star in his party.

This group of UNPers attempted to draw back the operation against the LTTE. Even today they try to find ways and means to give a new lease of life to those terrorists. The UNP is going to set a world record on March 17.

That would be the defeat of the UNP for the 19th time.

Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage: Even I condemn the incident which occurred in Borella. Legal action should be taken in that connection.

On Independence Day, the Government organized a celebration in Kataragama. The UNP organized a protest on the same day. This is the first time in the history of the world that an Opposition held a protest on Independence Day. The UNP has held 17 protests in support of Fonseka, prior to this protest. The Government had provided them with the fullest security.

Would such a Government attack a small protest held with the participation of nearly 200 people? Opposition Leader Ranil, Sajith and many others did not participate in this protest.

The Police have commenced investigations on the attack on the UNP demonstration which took place in Punchi Borella. They have already found the vehicle numbers which belonged to the suspects of the attack and forwarded them to the Motor Traffic Department.

The Government has no intention of attacking demonstration carried out by the UNP, an already collapsed party. Today, the UNP wants to show the international community the Government’s involvement in this attack. The UNP has failed in solving its own problems within their party. You must take measures to solve your internal problems without making baseless allegations against the Government.

Construction Minister Wimal Weerawansa: It is a question as to why the UNP organized this demonstration during the night. Now it has been revealed that the UNP supporters had attacked their own rally. The UNP has asked its own thugs to attack the demonstration and show the world that the attack was done by the Government.

Your thugs followed your instructions and damaged only the vehicles. None of the demonstrators were beaten.

The Police had arrested one suspect related to this attack. Now he has revealed the information.

The Police is investigating further based on his information.

A H M Azwar (UPFA): The UNP had wanted to sabotage the Independence celebrations. That is why it organized a rally on Independence Day.

The UNP leadership does not know how to enjoy freedom. They also disrupted the celebrations of the ordinary people as well.

The Deyata Kirula exhibition was successfully conducted in Buttala. The Opposition looks on it with malaise.

Thousands of rural students had participated in it. They had been provided with important information, necessary for their education. President Mahinda Rajapaksa brought peace to this country.

It was the Mahinda Chintana that brought this country success. The UNP has no future. It has failed even in solving their internal problems. The UNP Leader today addressed the International Community. He wants to create clashes between the Government and the International Community.

Justice Minister Rauf Hakeem: Due to these natural disasters, the farmers have lost their harvest this season.

The Government would have to pay compensation to these farmers. Seed paddy should be provided to them. Millions of rupees would have to be spent on the reconstruction of tanks and anicuts. The Government also has to pay compensation for the damages to houses.

Deputy Chairman of Committees Chandrakumar Murugesu: More than 1.3 million people had been affected by this natural disasters. The Eastern Province has been severely affected. Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts in the Northern Province had also been affected. The Government has to pay compensation to these victims.

Deputy Chairman of Committees Chandrakumar Murugesu takes the Chair.

P. Harrison (UNP): At this crucial occasion due to natural disasters, the UNP extends its fullest support to overcome the many difficulties.

This is the first time that Anuradhapura was affected by floods since 1956. Now all sources of income of the people in that area has been affected.

I suggest that dry rations be provided to them until they reap their harvest during the next season.

Food and Nutrition Senior Minister P Dayaratne: More than 85 percent of the Ampara district’s population lives on agriculture. But now, almost all the cultivations have been devastated.

The result is that the people in Ampara district had lost their living for a period of 6 months. A large number of tanks and anicuts had been completely or partially damaged. The tsunami and the recent flood have caused massive damage to Ampara district. The Government is providing relief to the victims.

Provincial Councils and Local Government Minister A L M Athaullah: We have no control over these natural disasters. This scenario is common throughout the world.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has directed all Kachcheries to provide cooked food to the victims.

The President has also instructed the authorities concerned to assess the damage and submit a report.

Sunil Handunnetti (DNA): The Disaster Management Ministry alone cannot face this situation.

The Government did not have a national program to find a solution to this situation. Now floods are gradually receding. Donations received should be provided properly.

Agrarian Services and Wildlife Minister S M Chandrasena: More than 0.6 million acres of paddy cultivation has been inundated by flood waters and 0.2 million acres had been completely destroyed. The Government has now initiated the reconstruction of tanks, channels and anicuts. But the Opposition is trying to sling mud at the Government and attempts to bankrupt the Government’s programs.

Chandrani Bandara (UNP): This natural disaster is a punishment meted out by nature. More than 180 tanks have been damaged and nearly 12 annicuts damaged.

But the Government had no proper mechanism to provide relief to those people.

Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera: The Government has issued a new circular today to increase the present compensation of Rs 100 to Rs 200 by Wednesday (9). Other compensations have been increased as well.

Chandrani Bandara (UNP): That is a good move. The Government should provide seed paddy to the farmers free of charge.

V S Radhakrishnan (UPFA): The people in Nuwara Eliya were also affected by these natural disasters. The Government has taken measures to solve their problems, specially the people affected by landslides in mountainous areas.

Roshan Ranasinghe (UPFA): The Ministers and Parliamentarians under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa are making a great effort to solve the problems of the affected people. The public servant’s effort to provide relief to the victims is commendable.

Agriculture Minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena: The Government will not allow any food shortage to occur in the country due to natural disasters.

I am speaking with responsibility that the Government has stored sufficient stocks of food which would be released gradually in the future to the market. Therefore, there is no room for any shortage of food in the country. The Government would also provide every possible support to assist the farmers whose cultivations had been destroyed by the floods.

A H M Azwar (UPFA): This is a natural disaster. We must appreciate the decisions taken by the President to set up a Presidential Task Force to assist the flood victims and also rebuild flood-hit areas. This is the time for each and every one of us to get-together and help the affected people.

Lakshman Kiriella (UNP): Around 5,000 houses have been damaged by the recent floods. The Government should assist the people to repair their houses.

Many people in several areas have still not received sufficient food and are facing great difficulties.

The Government should provide them the necessary relief.

Parliament adjourned until 1pm today.


Emergency extended

Parliament Corrs

The State of Emergency was extended in Parliament yesterday by a majority of 109 votes.

A motion moved by Prime Minister D M Jayaratne seeking the approval of the House to extend the State of Emergency received 121 votes in favour and 12 votes against it. The UNP, TNA and DNA voted against.

[At Adjournment]

President allocates Rs 1,000 m for flood relief

Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera stated that President Mahinda Rajapaksa has instructed for the allocation of Rs 1,000 million to provide relief to the flood affected people.

He was responding to an adjournment motion moved by TNA MP M A Sumanthiran.

The Minister said that the Ministry had received a sum of Rs 500 million today and that the money would be utilised to provide the necessary facilities to flood hit people with immediate effect.

The Government was acting in a responsible manner in facing this situation. The Batticaloa District had experienced the highest rainfall after 13 years. This situation was not normal. Nearly 1.2 million people had been displaced. Around 10,000 houses had been totally damaged, while 40,000 houses had been partially destroyed.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa, MP and many Parliamentarians had visited the flood hit areas to take measures to provide relief for the affected people.

According to the new circular issued today, the relief provided to the people would be doubled. We have increased the financial assistance provided to the people, while sufficient dry rations too were being provided.

M A Sumanthiran (TNA): Millions of people have been displaced by floods. They have faced great hardships. Many parts of the country were still inaccessible. There are several areas which cannot be reached even by air. This flood situation in Sri Lanka was second to the crisis in Egypt.

Almost one-thirds of the crops have been destroyed by the floods. Cattle had been washed away. Floods have played havoc in Kilinochchi, Mannar, Vavuniya, Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa. The displaced in many areas have not been provided with sufficient food.

Mavai Senadhiraja (TNA): People in the North and East have been displaced due to floods. The livelihood of the people have been destroyed.

The Government should provide them with relief immediately. They should pay more attention to climatic changes and natural disasters. A proper mechanism should be introduced to mitigate these natural disasters.


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