Daily News Online

Wednesday, 9 February 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Helping flood victims

With more rains predicted in the coming days there is bound to be a rise in the current figure of the 1.2 million flood affected. So far the damage caused by the deluge has been estimated at over Rs 50 billion and further rains can only add to this astronomical figure.

All in all, what we have before us is a bleak picture where human suffering is at the core. But those living in the cities are already complaining about the rise in the price of the rice and vegetables not sparing a thought for the tens of thousands who have lost their homes and rendered destitute (recently there was a newspaper article highlighting the drop in the items of vegetables, contained in a buth packet apparently to demonstrate the high price of vegetables). This is just a sample of the callous attitude of our people who care a tuppence for the larger suffering of the people not to mention the extensive damage caused to the country's economy as a whole in this latest natural disaster.

Most newspapers carried a front page picture yesterday showing crowds of cricket fans lined up to purchase tickets for the world cup matches. Some tickets it is said, are priced at Rs 3,000 per head and already there is a mad scramble to get in. Prominent cricketers are also these days visiting the Mahanayakas to seek their blessings. None have so far visited the flood victims. We have no grouse with those clamouring to witness cricket matches. But it would be ideal if they also spare a thought for those suffering without proper food and shelter as a result of the latest calamity before they purchase their exorbitantly priced tickets.

It is reported that some 2,273 houses have been fully damaged while another 13,148 partially destroyed. It would take a long time before such houses are restored providing the floods relent. Until such time their occupants will have to languish in makeshift shelters dependent on the handouts of the Government and well-meaning philanthropists. It is not just their resettlement that counts. These people will have to be healed of the mental trauma and properly rehabilitated before restored into their normal lives. They also have lost their valuable possessions in the floods. Given the magnitude of the calamity the Government on its own cannot be expected to undertake the monumental task of tiding over the disaster.

This is where all citizens will have to take cognizance of their responsibility and contribute towards the alleviation of the suffering of their unfortunate brethren. However by the looks of things it is evident that the magnitude of the problem has not yet sunk into the heads of most. We still see a carnival atmosphere in the city where people are gripped by the World Cup and drawn by other amusements. TV channels are still pursuing with their Mega Star shows holding the public in thrall while society columns of newspapers are full of pictures of cocktail parties and high tea events hosted by the city elite - all displaying a callous detachment from the tragic events that have overtaken the country during the past several weeks.

But the worse offenders appear to be the corporate sector who have so far not disported their munificence that was evident during the tsunami catastrophe. Even temples and churches are lukewarm in their response. Where are those long lines of vehicle convoys that we saw during tsunami aftermath heading for the affected areas? Where are those loud calls from places of religious worship pleading with the faithful for relief items? According to Government spokesmen this flood disaster has caused larger devastation in terms of scale than even the tsunami disaster. There are no Muralitharans and the like so far who came on television on that occasion with appeals for help.

Perhaps that Government has failed to impress on the public the nature of the disaster it is confronted with. Hence the apathy of the public to the latest calamity. The Government instead should galvanize all State arms into action to appeal to the public for assistance. It should also enjoin the public on the need for austerity at a time of national tragedy. All State tamashas should be banned and the proceeds sent to a flood relief fund. The corporate sector should be roped in - to help in the mammoth task of rebuilding the devastated areas given the many tax relief and other concessions granted by the Government in the recent budget. Entertainment such a musical shows should be halted or toned down to reflect the sombre mood. Special campaigns should be organised to collect funds for the flood victims involving Government and private sector institutions and even schools. In short the nation should be placed on an emergency footing to drive in the serious nature of the situation.

Russia celebrates Day of Diplomats

The date of the holiday, the February 10, is associated with the history of Russia’s first foreign affairs agency - the ‘Posolsky Prikaz’. On this day of 1549 falls its mention and clerk Ivan Viskovaty became its first head by being “entrusted with the ambassadorial business”.

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The Morning Inspection

Reflections on Kula Sutra a year and 2,500 years later

The beauty of Buddhism is that even the simplest pronouncement of the Enlightened One, our Budun Wahansa, Siddhartha Gauthama, has multiple applications, valid for multiple situations and of immense value in unraveling the numerous knots that confront us in our day-to-day existences,

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Commemorating Panini Ilangakoon:

Patriot from Ruhuna

We have often heard about politicians being bloated with power. But in our country we have also had political leaders who having achieved power through the vote of the people, in turn serving the people.

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