Daily News Online

Wednesday, 26 January 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

President, leader of one nation

Endorsement for President’s leadership:

A leader close to people’s hearts:

An year has passed since the last Presidential election. A lot of scenarios appeared during these 365 days, especially in the political arena. The majority in the island endorsed Mahinda Rajapaksa’s leadership for the second time in a landslide victory over his main opponent Democratic United Alliance (DUA) candidate Sarath Fonseka, recording the biggest ever margin of victory in the Presidential election history in Sri Lanka.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa

It was not an unexpected victory. Most realized the value of his Presidency when he eradicated LTTE terrorism. Bringing peace to the island not only brought stability to the country. It helped the development process in every sphere. Another reason for President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s re - election was that there was hardly any Opposition that could challenge his supremacy and the vast political experience and knowledge he has.

The common man saw him as one of them, sincere and kind but strict where necessary and he had already proved that he was a trustworthy person.

Baseless allegation

When President Mahinda Rajapaksa won the election with a massive majority over the Opposition, the combination of United National Party (UNP) and (People’s Liberation Front) JVP made a baseless allegation saying that the election results were a ‘computer jilmat’ (false statistics made with the help of computer technology).

The UNP and JVP got together to defeat President Mahinda Rajapaksa but broke into pieces when unable to achieve their selfish political and personal goals. They had no option other than to sling mud at the President and his family. The joint Opposition tried hard to give a wrong impression of the great victory President Mahinda Rajapaksa gained. Only option they had was to create chaos and support local and international elements to bring into ridicule the victory to hinder the development of the country. However the UNP and JVP couldn’t hold on for so long as they realized that President Mahinda Rajapaksa was not so easy to tackle and defeat.

Pro-Western leaders

As a leader no other SLFPer has succeeded in uniting other parties and organizations with their different manifestoes, whether it is for political or administrative purposes.

This was truly witnessed at the 2009 budget in Parliament. Most critics thought that the Rajapaksa Government would collapse by losing vote on the budget but his proposals were approved by a great majority to prove that he is a reliable and trustworthy figure. Some doubted what would happen until the last minute other than the President himself.

That was because he knew that he had achieved what he was asked to do. To end the 30 year war and bring peace. Apart from that besides all the problems he continued with a large number of projects successfully while engaging in a costly war.

There is another fact that signifies President Mahinda Rajapaksa as a ruler. For most of the time the Presidency was occupied by city based, pro-Western leaders but Mahinda Rajapaksa with a village background changed that by becoming the President for the second consecutive time.

This made it more difficult for those who were in favour of upper class businessmen and Western oriented intellectuals who sought only personal benefits.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is well aware of the needs of the poor villager and the ordinary Sri Lankan lifestyle. No other ruler in the recent past could get closer to the hearts of the people than President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Many political figures crossed swords with the media while President Rajapaksa is well known for his media friendly attitude. Government and privately owned media respect him as a leader of one nation. At times when there were controversial issues the President calmly handled the situation.

Diplomatic coordination

President Mahinda Rajapaksa was willing to negotiate at times of disputes. He invited the state owned and private media and requested their support for the development process, to highlight what has been done and what is to be done.He is renowned for his humanity, kindness and frugality being an exemplary character to every citizen.

No doubt he is the only leader to win the hearts of the masses including those supporting other parties.

His bilateral relations and diplomatic ties with other countries are considered vital elements in most crucial issues affecting the country.

Although one of the smallest countries in the world President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s Statesmenship is welcome by neighbouring countries like India, Pakistan, Iran, Chinaand Bangladesh.

Former rulers

During the effort to wipe out terrorism his intelligent handling of sensitive issues was an asset. Another reason that makes Mahinda Rajapaksa a noble character is that he is good at making friends, winning the hearts of Opposition politicians in times of need.

Development process

That capability is always useful in the development process especially for a leader within the democratic framework.

Despite all the vicious and furious allegations hurled against him, he continuous as a brave leader and considers it his duty to avoid vice and practise virtue.



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