Daily News Online

Saturday, 9 October 2010






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Kite-spangled sky over the Green

The Galle Face Green will offer a Kite-spangled sky this evening when creative kite-makers will vie with each other to capture the plum of the contest.

The contest is organized by the Lions Club of Moratuwa in collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism. This year's National Festival of Kites main sponsor is Sirasa TV and Sirasa FM the print media will be the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. Cash prizes and trophies are offered as prizes for the following competitions.

The organizers say that this year's entries are encouraging and there are keen contests in all sections. The veteran kite makers from most parts of the island have already entered the fray.

All competitors are expected to be at the Green at 1.00 pm for registration and the competition will begin at 1.30 pm.

Kite flying is here again with the September/October sun and gentle breeze making it an ideal pastime. Kite flying is a leisure time activity that cost almost nothing.

It is not the prerogative of the rich and the affluent lot. Every little boy knows its joys-the timeless thrill that comes when he tosses kite to the wind and sees it soar against the sky and the line spins thorough his fingers. For one long minute they are soaring high in the sky, and then they came down to earth, crashing, cracking bamboo and ripping. In Asia kiting is almost a way of life.

The kite is like a shadow that vanishes in the noon to return longer and longer with the sinking sun.

Both in China, Malaysia and Japan some of the best made kites are displayed in the sitting room as an objects d'art. In Korea, kites flying at night over a house were believed to keep evil spirits away. In Malaysia they welcome distinguished visitors by displaying arrays of exquisitely designed kites carried by locals. An abstract of a kite is the logo of Malaysian Airlines.

We too have a deep rooted kiting tradition. Our creative kites are second to none. In the Ice North, one hears of musical kites, which emanate whistling sound as it soars in the air.


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