Daily News Online

Saturday, 9 October 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Question of governance

Whatever the might of the State or its law enforcement agencies there are still some elements in society that defy the law in public with impunity. Despite the rhetoric of political bigwigs and higher officials this state of affairs continues exposing the impotence of both.

To take an example, both the central government and the provincial administrations have been trying without success to get private omnibus operators to issue tickets to passengers. Despite public notices even to punish the passengers for ticket-less travel (How on earth they are to produce tickets when they do not get any is a question!) no legal action has been taken against offending operators.

It is a mystery why the law is not applied to these offenders.

Could it be the fear of strong arm tactics of wild cat strikes or any other influence from powers that be? The passengers are the hapless victims as always. They would not be able even to claim compensation in case of accident.

Similarly, the overwhelming majority of bakery owners has been selling and is still selling underweight bread. A normal loaf of bread is usually found to weigh much less than the stipulated 450 gm. Very often it weighs around 375 gm. Like the offending private bus operators they also flout the law openly and with impunity.

The public suffering the rise in cost of living in silence deserve a better deal. The low income earners depend more on bread and wheat flour as alternatives are more expensive. In the estate sector the workers who toil in the estates feed mainly on bread and wheat flour preparations such as rotti. Thus bakery owners cheat mostly the poorest of the poor. Since they are numerically more the profits of the bakery owners come mainly by squeezing the poor and the middle classes.

The government must intervene to stop this theft from the pockets of the poor. It is not enough to extol the virtues of giving up the consumption of wheat flour products and appeal to the patriotic feelings by calling for a boycott of 'American flour.'

It is also seen that very often the price increases and fare increases are disproportionate. Besides these entrepreneurs rarely supply a satisfactory service. Private omnibus operators, for example, are a law unto themselves. They at times convert the roads to racing tracks, flout every traffic rule in the book, overload excessively and are the most discourteous to the passengers.

The list of offenders could be extended further and perhaps ad infinitum. It is a case of might is right. It is time that law enforcement officials as well as the administration begin to govern in earnest, for surely this is a case of bad governance. It has the potential to cause public disenchantment with law and order and the result would be anarchy.

Needed a strategy

Commonwealth Games Silver medalist Chintana Vidanage has made a fervent appeal for sponsors to develop the game of weightlifting.

The appeal underscores the fact that much attention has not been given to this sport which has a bright prospect in the international arena. Chintana's case is not a solitary one.

Many budding sportsmen and sportswomen would have achieved greater heights if given proper attention, care, training and other facilities. Much more than presenting monetary rewards and luxury vehicles to successful sportsmen and sportswomen are necessary.

This also underscores the fact that there is no strategy for the development of sports. While developing all sports it is necessary to give special encouragement and facilities to sports and sporting stars that have a bright future in selected fields.

Unfortunately the attention and resources that are given to cricket are denied to other sports such as cycling, weightlifting, boxing and athletics which could be developed with comparatively less expenditure.

Even volleyball, netball and football fall to the same category. The fact that it is in athletics that Sri Lanka could scale Olympian heights so far should not be forgotten.

Story of a not so public encounter

Sarath Fonseka said that America and other international powers are looking into the war, to entangle the President and the Defence Secretary. He said he has evidence required by them and has kept all these records while he was in the Army,

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The Morning Inspection

World’s being painted afresh

There are times I feel I’ve lived through these times before. I have heard others say the same things. Life is replay, it seems at times

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