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Saturday, 25 September 2010






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Great Buddhist revivalist

Anagarika Dharmapala - 146th birth anniversary fell on September 17:

Text of the speech by Deputy Higher Education Minister Nandimitra Ekanayake at the 146th birth anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala at Mulaganda Kuti Viharaya Varanasi on September 17, 2010

Sri Lanka a very tiny island with a small Sinhala population in comparison with other countries was subjected to waves of invasions throughout history, not only the Westerners but also several Indian communities, Arabian and the King of Jawa invaded but none of them could capture this country until our own leaders betrayed the freedom of the nation.

It is because of nothing other than the blessings of the Blessed One, Gautama Buddha, the blessings of the Tooth relics at Dalada Maligawa, Kandy and Somawathi Pagoda and the blessings of the Sri Maha Bodhi towards this Nation, whenever the country was in trouble or unstable, there emerged a leader to save the nation. Great kings like Walagamba, Gajaba, Dhutugamunu, Wejayabahu and Parakkramabahu the great were such leaders. Ven Asarana Sarana Saranakkara Sanagaraja was born for the revival of Buddhism which was on the verge of the extinction during the latter part of Kandyan period.

Similarly when the country was about to be captured by the LTTE, President Mahinda Rajapaksa took over the reigns of the country and saved the Nation. It was really a miracle at a time when the powerful nations of the West forced us to come to a settlement with the terrorists, ignoring that our Armed Forces under the leadership of the President completely eradicated the LTTE menace.

Colonial rulers

Anagarika Dharmapala is a distinguished son of Sri Lanka with many similarities to Mahatma Ghandhi in India. He too fought in a peaceful manner against the suppression of the colonial rulers, against the plight of the Sinhala Nation has fallen into and against the harassments towards the religion of the Sinhalese, the discrimination against the Sinhalese and the Buddhists. He was also in the forefront of the struggle against imperialism and was dedicated to improve the economy of the Sinhala people.

Anagarika Dharmapala

Since his childhood he was forced to say prayers to the Holy Mary for some hours each day and study The Bible. But his ideas were fashioned in conformity to the Buddhist way of life. He later came under the influence of Mahanayakes like Ven Hikkaduwe Sumangala Thera and Ven Migettuwatte Gunananda Thera.

After meeting with Colonel Henry Steel Olcott and Madam Blavatski, he started to serve his race and religion. There were a very limited number of schools in the Sinhala areas of the country at that time. Along with Colonel Olcott and CW Lebdeter, Angarika Dharmapala commenced establishing Buddhist schools around the country. When his father expired, Madam Blavatski sent some money to him make use for funeral expenses. He utilized instead this money to establish Rajagiriya Buddhist School.

Leading role

Anagarika Dharmapala’s services towards Buddhism were tremendous at a time when even worshipping the Gautama Buddha was prohibited. He played a leading role to resuscitate Buddhism not only in the Motherland but also extended his services for the revival of Buddhism in India as well. In 1891, when Anagarika Dharmapala was on a pilgrimage to the Maha Bodhi Temple where Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained ‘Buddhahood’, experienced a shock to find the temple was under the ownership of ‘Mahantha’, a Shiva priest.

The Buddhist image was transformed into a Hindu icon. Buddhists were not allowed even to worship. He started a massive campaign with the assistance of Buddhists around the world to get the ownership of Buddha Gaya, the most precious holy site to Buddhists, inspired by the thoughts of Sri Edwin Arnold the author of Light of Asia. Dharmapala after a difficult struggle for a couple of years, initiated a lawsuit against Mahantha. After a protracted struggle the court appointed the Maha Bodhi Society as the caretaker of Buddha Gaya. This Maha Bodhi Society founded in 1891 was the brainchild of Anagarika Dharmapala. The main objective was the restoration of Buddhist control over Buddha Gaya, the main site of the four ancient Buddhist holy places.

In addition, Kushi Nagar the sight of the Enlightened One Gatuama Buddha’s Parinibbana, has once again became a major attraction for Buddhists due to the efforts of Dharmapala. This great leader started building temples in India with the financial assistant of Marie Foster.

He founded the London Buddhist Vihara in 1926 outside the Asian continent.

He established a trust in 1930 and started publishing a Buddhist journal titled Maha Bodhi to continue his mission for the future generation. He toured as a Buddhist missionary to Japan. Maha Bodhi Society later became the centre for propagating Buddhism world over.

His patriotic ideas inspired future leaders to flight for the freedom of the Motherland from imperialists. This great Buddhist leader was ordained a Bhikku in 1933 at this Holy land and passed away in December of the same year at the age of 68.

His last words at the time of his death was that “I would like to be born again 25 times to spread the Dhamma of the Enlightened One, Gautama Buddha”.


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