Daily News Online

Friday, 24 September 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Divisive forces still active- Prime Minister

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa presided when Parliament met at 1.00 p.m. yesterday. After the presentation of papers and oral questions Prime Minister D M Jayaratne moved the motion to extend the Emergency regulations by another one month.

Prime Minister D M Jayaratne: Our country is being appreciated by other countries after it defeated terrorism. This fact is evident in the sudden development in the tourism industry. It also proves that the country’s security is guaranteed. The Central Bank stated the economic growth rate has reached 8.5 percent. The intelligence unit reveal that still there are certain elements in international level that haven’t given up the idea of establishing an Eelam. When we study their actions it is evident they are trying to recommence their activities in the country. They have already appointed representatives for Europe and certain western countries to establish an Eelam outside Sri Lanka.

Still the Security Forces find weapons and explosives hauls hidden by the LTTE. Under these grounds we cannot remain in silence thinking the war and LTTE are over. We have to work hard to create an environment in the country that never a war would arise.

We have to restructure the Navy to strengthen the security in Sri Lanka. Although there is not a war the Navy is the main defender of the country as we are an island nation.

According to the intelligence sources by strengthening the Navy we can prevent human smuggling, drug trafficking and illegally breaching our maritime boundaries.

On the other hand it will be benefited in developing the tourism industry and harvesting other marine resources. To achieve these objectives the Defence Ministry has taken steps to establish a network of Navy cantonments covering the maritime area of the country. It is an appreciable measure taken for the future security of the country.

After the Urban Development Authority was taken under the purview of the Defence Ministry, a program was initiated to eliminate dengue. The hotels in Colombo and Suburbs are also being checked under this. These are essential measures taken for the betterment of the people.

Thousands of LTTE suspects are being rehabilitated while many others are resettled.

Under these grounds we have to extend the state of emergency to support the Security Forces to continue their activities.

So, that I request the Members of this House to vote for this motion.

Ranil Wickremesinghe (UNP): When we hear the Prime Minister’s speech we see no need of emergency. According to his the economy is developing and country is stable. So what is the need to extend the emergency?

The financial management of the Government is done by the Parliament. Therefore, allocation of money to Government institutions and monitoring them are responsibilities of the Parliament.

The Cabinet has the responsibility to look into tender calling, and if there have been any irregularities in tenders, they can be cancelled. I see that Hicorp issue come under Parliament and a Military Court cannot punish in this regard. This is a deprivation of Parliament responsibilities.

Sarath Fonseka MP is imprisoned not because he violated the law. This is a violation of human rights.

By the military court judgment the rights and privileges of the Parliament are violated.

Technology and Research Deputy Minister Lalith Dissanayake: I raise a point of order. According to the standing orders, nobody can comment on the issue that are being looked into by the court.

Ranil Wickremesinghe continues: I am referring to the judgment given by the first Court Martial. The decision is already given.

I hope the Speaker will come forward to protect the rights and privileges of the MPs in this House.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake (DNA): Raising a point of order said today Sarath Fonseka, MP was prevented from participating in the Parliament sessions. Twice the High Court has given orders to provide all facilities to make him participate in the sessions. This problem continues to occur over and over again.

Chandra Kumara Murugesu (UPFA): The war in the country was concluded victoriously. But the Government has been unable to terminate the emergency in the country yet. There are various reasons such as external forces and national security. All the people in the country have a duty to support to remove the emergency. Specially the media have a high responsibility regarding this matter.

The lives of the people should be brought back to normal after the war.

The rainy reason in the North is approaching, and necessity to provide them with shelter is strongly felt. This is an urgent requirement. The war affected people should be given priority in providing employment and other help.Resettled people must be given necessary facilities. Resettlement Minister is taking an enormous effort in this regard.

Deputy Chairman of Committees Chandrakumar Murugesu takes the Chair:

Mavi Senathirajah (TNA): We need to raise the question why the Government is constantly extending the emergency by one month. There is no need to do so and some have pointed out that this act is harmful to minorities.

There can emerge a majority dictatorship by relating power to police by extending the emergency.

In most civil activities in the North and East we see that Army personnel constantly appear and give their orders. This is not a good sign. We do not completely agree to the fact that mines are still there in those areas. When the people in our areas are resettled, sometimes we are not invited to participate with them. Sometimes we are also not invited to important meetings.

There is an uncontrolled limestone mining in Jaffna. We do not know, to where these are transported. The environment of this area should be protected.

The people in these areas should be resettled very soon before the rains.

Social Services Minister Felix Perera: Now we are taking the contribution of Army for development activities. When I recently visited Jaffna, I saw about five lakhs of Sinhala people have visited Jaffna.

The sales in the area have increased and the people in these areas earn good income. A new life based on unity is emerging.

Through the 18th Amendment, the appointment of officers in departments is given to the Cabinet. This strengthens the Parliament privileges. When we take VAT fraud, it was not done by politicians, but by the officers. But usually people do not criticize the officers, but politicians often subject to such criticisms. Therefore, I see this Amendment as a plus point.

Sunil Handunnetti (DNA): General Sarath Fonseka who obtained over 100,000 of people’s votes at the previous election has been barred from coming to the Parliament today. The rights of MP Fonseka has been restricted by the Government. Are we passing the state of emergency or the law of the jungle in Parliament today.

We know that members in the Government are living in fear. They cannot raise their voices against the President. But all of you are scared of General Fonseka. That is why you are not allowing him to come to Parliament. You are obstructing the power of the people. No one can destroy the power and opinion of the people.

The truth will prevail in the near future. Sarath Fonseka has been barred by various unwarranted verdicts given by Court Marshal. But these decisions have not been passed by the Supreme Court or High Courts.

So, how can we accept them as justifiable verdicts. Today, the Police has been politicized. The Police attack demonstrations, but they cannot even catch cattle thieves.

M K D S Gunawardena (UPFA): Today people are living freely and go wherever they want to after the elimination of terrorism. The Security Forces made biggest sacrifices to liberate the country from the LTTE clutches. The Police too played a vital role in the ending the war. Without any party politics, the Police should be facilitated and strengthened. Today the Police Department need the people who have proper physical fitness. The Police Department should give priority for this physical fitness when they recruit youth to the Police. There was a loan scheme to provide motor bicycles for the minor police officers. This loan scheme has been abolished. You must restart the scheme since it is essential for a police constable to possess a motorbike to perform their duty properly.

Gamini Jayawickrama Perera (UNP): The state of Emergency has been abused by the Government. You cannot suppress the people. People belonging to different religions, race and communities should be treated equally. All of them have a right to live freely and peacefully.

The Government does not have any democratic right to harass the people. The people know exactly who is the real war hero. The people are always with General Fonseka.

Wijith Wijithamuni Zoysa, Rehabilitation and Prison Reform Deputy Minister: It is sad that seats belonged to the UNP has been reducing in Parliament. Though the UNP was possessed with 70 seats earlier, it has been gone down to 40 seats today. It is the people’s wish. Today we have a strong leader, strong Government and strong Parliament. Everything was taken place according to the people’s wish.

As we have already defeated terrorism, we have to win the economic war. There were nearly over 7,000 LTTE ex-combatants to be rehabilitated.

My Ministry undertook the responsibility of rehabilitating them. We have already integrated 3,000 out of the 7,000 into the society after completing their rehabilitation and training programs.

Ranjith de Zoysa (UPFA): The country has returned to normalcy after the elimination of terrorism. The Opposition is bankrupt today. They have lost the confidence of the people. They are helpless today. Various allegations are levelled against the Government on various matters. They said that the Government is misusing the people’s powers.

We can remember how the UNP misused people’s power during their regime. We gained this war victory after sacrificing nearly 25,000 soldiers.

We should not allow terrorism to raise its head again. That is why the emergency regulations should be extended.

Jayalath Jayawardene (UNP): I request the Prime Minister to release the Tamil prisoners if there are no charges against them or take legal measures if there are charges against them.

There are 15 main prisons in Sri Lanka. In those prisons there should be 80 dispensers at medical centres. But there are only 19 of them.

V S Radhakrishnan (UPFA): We have to create an environment in Sri Lanka that both Sinhala and Tamil people can live peacefully without fear.

Kamala Ranathunga (UPFA): Still the Security Forces are unearthing haul of weapons hidden by the LTTE in Vanni. Who knows how much weapons are still hidden in those areas. So it is not wise to remove the Emergency Regulations. Still there are pro-LTTE organizations overseas. Specially in Canada, Switzerland, Australia etc there are organizations attempting to create conflicts between Sinhalese and Tamils.

S. Adeikalanathan (TNA): I went to Periyathampanei yesterday. The people who are resettled there, don’t get good food as rations. They don’t have schools and religious places. The farmers have many problems.

Noordeen Masoor takes the Chair.

Dr Mervyn Silva (Highways Deputy Minister): The UNP speaks of democracy. I like to question why they imprisoned me, Felix Perera and Vijaya Kumarathunga. Why did they remove the civic rights of Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike?

I ask Mavai Senadirajah, did not you see the roads are being constructed in the North. Are not the people given electricity, are not the tanks renovated?

Those innocent people in the North were misled by the LTTE leader. If you can join us, to support innocent Tamil people in the North. Is it wrong to allow them to move freely.

Who killed Lasantha Wickramatunga? I have evidence. He criticized the President, Defence Secretary and me. Later he became a friend of the President.

Lasantha also criticized Sarath Fonseka and within two, three weeks Lasantha was murdered. Sarath Fonseka called over the phone to a senior CID officer who took over this investigation and said give up investigation as he committed it.

Sarath Fonseka’s second attempt was Upali Tennakoon. Upali Tennakoon was assaulted by Fonseka. Thirdly he attacked Keith Noyar. Do you ask to protect Sarath Fonseka who committed such crimes?

Kabir Hashim (UNP): The farmers are not given a proper price for their paddy harvest. Today this Government cannot maintain the ordinary law. That is why they are imposing Emergency Law additionally.

Lakshman Wasantha Perera (UPFA): Yesterday former US President Clinton stated that Sri Lanka has ended the war against terrorism and commenced the development war. They are giving as certificates today. It is a matter to be pleased.

Today the intelligent Tamil people have realized that the Government is looking after them. Don’t forget no Tamil person in welfare camps died of starvation. Our people and the Government are looking after them well.

Lakshman Wasantha Perera (UPFA) continues: The President has a vision to make this country a miracle of the Asia within the next six years. The country is heading towards development. We saw the importance of Executive Presidency than creating a post of executive Prime Minister. It is through this Executive Presidency that the President would win the war by guiding the forces bravely.

Dayasiri Jayasekera (UNP): Today we witness a country free of terrorism. But the person who guided the Army to achieve this victory, is deprived of attending the Parliament. The Speaker could have ordered him to be brought to the Parliament. This is a Government that deprived him of his pension. We request you to inform the President not to contribute to the crime of imprisoning a person who defeated the terrorism.

There are 160 in the Government, I request at least one of them to ask not to impose this punishment. Sarath Fonseka MP was to address the Parliament today, but he could not do so.

The Bill recently presented in Parliament was the funeral of the democracy. Now the MPs say that this system is there in Poland. After depriving the democracy of the country, they try to find means to justify it.

Yogarajan takes the Chair

Ven Athuraliye Rathana Thera (JHU): When we were in youth we lived with the emergency. During that time we were put to jail without any reason. They feared that we may become a danger to the State. That was the way emergency was used in the past.

But today we are in an intermediate status, and that is why we support the emergency. Today, the water in Jaffna is polluted due to the use of agro-chemicals. This is a critical issue.

The Tamil parties should also come forward to defeat the desires of MNCs and to save our farmers and people.

If we can awake the farmers in the country we can go ahead successfully.

While addressing the UN, the President speaks about our culture. There was a time in the past that our leaders were afraid to speak about our ancient culture.

We see this change as a good sign. Our country has a rich civilization.

Today, the world is facing critical climate changes. The glaciers are melting and the sea level is rising. At a time like this our leadership is possible to guide the country in the correct path with our traditional values.

Resettlement Deputy Minister Vinayagamoorthi Muralitharan: It was said that other Tamil parties are not invited when the resettlement is taking place. Our aim is to take the contribution of all in this process. Therefore, we inevitably want their participation as well.

The President has ordered to accelerate the development activities in the North. China is helping in this task. It is at this stage that an unfortunate incident happened in Batticaloa. The road system in this area should be improved.

Even the Prime Minister visited the place of this blast it was a good example and not a sight that could be always seen. But some are misinterpreting this incident.

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa takes the Chair

Iran Wickramaratne (UNP): Now we have got a tradition that important Bills in this country are presented to the Parliament as urgent Bills. Emergency laws are now becoming normal laws in the country, because of the long history of it in the country.

It was constantly extended.

Trade Union activities are subjected to restriction.

We have defeated the terrorism about 16 months ago.

Therefore, we need a shift from security to liberty. During the post 9/11 attack, the world shifted to security from liberty.

Since we have no terrorism in the country we should not shift the liberty from security. The emergency laws should give way to normal laws.

Rajiva Wijesinha (UPFA): We see that the Opposition talked about various matters than the emergency. The whole country should be given attention at this time when the restoration is taking place.

It is true that the proper attention to war-affected people should be extended. Without opposing all the things done by the Government, the Opposition should think of supporting the efforts the Government is taking in moving the country forward.

Water Supply and Drainage Minister Dinesh Gunawardena: The Opposition walked out when the 18th Amendment Bill was presented to the Parliament on September 7. They would have participated the debate by making constructive criticism.

No one accept terrorism. It was the President who has a backbone to eliminate terrorism though many other countries failed in defeating terrorism.

We do not want to raise ugly memories of the brutal terrorism which dragged the country for the past 30 years.

That is why we need to extend Emergency Regulations further. Sarath Fonseka’s case was not big enough to be an issue to be raised in the UN. It is argued and debated only within this country.



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