Daily News Online

Wednesday, 1 September 2010



The heartstrings of a kite

It was a Sunday afternoon and Anushka sat in her little study reading a book. The afternoon was not so warm thanks to the breeze that was blowing from morning. Anushaka’s little dog Bingo was also busy in the back yard with occasional barks. He could not bear to see a kite that was flying high in the sky. It attracted his attention, and so he would give an occasional bark.

This is the time that the children get busy with their kites, especially with the school holidays. Driving down her lane these days, Anushka almost daily sees the two little boys front house with a friend of the same age busy with a kite. Either they are repairing it or getting ready to fly it. That Sunday afternoon she saw the kite outside just flying past her window. “The little ones are trying to get it off the ground,” Anushka thought.

Soon she forgot about them and got engrossed with her reading. After sometime she was jolted with the noise of a pelted stone which first fell on the side of their roof and then finally rolled down to land near their car which was parked under the porch. She rushed out to see what was happening.

There was silence outside her gate where the little ones were trying to fly their kite. She opened the gate. Two little boys stood outside looking guilty. “Who pelted the stone?” Anushka asked angrily. There was silence. She asked the same question again. One boy pointed the finger at his friend and said, “he pelted the stones to break the string of the entangled kite in that electrical wire”.

Anushka craned her head out of the gate and looked at the pointed direction. She could see a kite hanging on the wire not that high up! However, Anushka was quite angry over the incident. The stone could have hit the windscreen of their car or broken a glass of a window. So she reprimanded the child and said, “don’t behave so foolishly. You go to school don’t you? You should know to use your head before doing something stupid like this. You could have easily smashed up the windscreen of the car!!” Anushka’s voice was stern.

The boy owed up, yet did not say anything but looked down sheepishly. Just having said this she closed the gate and walked into the house and sat down and tried to continue to read the book. She was still angry with the child.

Anushka later thought about the whole incident. She discussed the incident with her husband who was also present at the time. He understood the situation better than Anushka did. May be because he would have done the same thing when he was a child, she thought. His sympathy was with the child more than anything else.

Although it was a matter that could have been easily forgotten, Anushka that evening felt sorry for having shouted at the child. “The child and kite episode is a very serious thing”, she discussed with her husband. Her mind became clear in understanding what the kite meant to a child. A little child’s whole world at that moment is the kite! in other words, there is a kind of love and bond growing between the child and the kite. What happens, when it breaks away from the child and gets stuck on a tree, electrical wire or gets blown off in the distant sky? It must be causing so much of heartache to the child” Anushka told her husband.

“Imagine the effort that goes to make a kite, especially when a child gets involved in it” Anushka further elaborated. “Once it is made, the child takes it happily and proudly and starts flying it somewhere in the neighbourhood. As it takes off, it swings to the left and right as if in a gesture of goodbye to the child. For a while both the child and the kite are united in a happy kind of togetherness. And then when it gets entangled and breaks off, oh how it must be breaking the little one’s heart to see it happening to his kite! The urge in the child is somehow to save the kite and that may be the reason why so many tragic accidents happen! At that moment the child forgets the whole world and he will think only of his kite which has become a part of him. His love for the kite is unexplainable.

Anushka having understood this, she invited the two boys to her house the next day. The little boy who pelted stone was scared to come in, expecting a further bashing! His friend Dilan took the fear out of his friend and walked in.

She sat with them and explained to them the serious consequences that can happen in the neighbourhood when stones are pelted and also the consequences of touching electrical wires trying to save a kite. She explained about how one could get electrocuted due to lack of knowledge.

They listened to her intently. Anushka’s heart was full of love and sympathy towards these two little ones and so she promised to buy material needed to make another kite. Anushka knew that their parents cannot always afford to buy these for the boys. And then finally she opened the fridge and gave them a chocolate to share and be happy!

Before they parted, the two children bowed down and touched Anushka’s and her husband’s feet in a gesture of thanks and love. “The world needs more and more kites, doesn’t it?” Anushka said heartily.


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